Thursday, June 23, 2022

+50 Free Mystery and Thriller Books [PDF] from this

 Detective fiction is a subgenre of crime fiction and mystery and suspense fiction, in which an investigator (most often a detective, professional or amateur) investigates a certain crime, usually a murder.

It has a very well defined structure, even when the narrative does not respond to the chronological presentation of the events. It is made up of three parts:

Introduction: The crime, murder or criminal enigma is presented.

Nudo: Multiple questions are raised, different possible suspects and the investigation is delved into.

Outcome: The murderer is discovered or the enigma is solved (the outcome is not open).

In this type of novels the detective never fails, therefore, we will always obtain the answers to the questions planted in its pages at the end. They never talk about perfect crimes. The reader usually identifies with the investigator and experiences firsthand the investigations that reconstruct the crime until they find the murderer.

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