Showing posts with label dune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dune. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How "Game of Thrones" changes everything

the series Game of Thrones changes everything, as far as fantasy goes. For one, it goes back to the world-building tropes, that were present in Dune. Plus, we are now entering into the 5 families fiction, a trope, where we follow at least 5 great families, as seen in War and Peace. Also, this series is weird, as it does not revolve around the lives of children or teenagers, but rather adults. Fantasy comes from fairy tales, which tend to be about little children or teens who try to make one's way in the world. One need only think of Grimm's Fairy Tales here. Disney even once centered fairy tales around babies. Water Babies is also around the baby fantasy trope. Harry Potter, Red Queen, Divergent, We, Narnia, and Ender's Game all go around teens having adventures. But now, it is all about grown ups. We'll have to see how well the public likes having everything change.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Free your Mind!

free your mind. You do not need to do what you are told to, just because you are told to. you do not need to believe everything that people tell you. you need to learn to free your mind. Just close your eyes and say, "I am myself, and myself is alone!" Repeat that over and over. You can also try the "fear is the little death" statement from Dune.

For king