Showing posts with label merry christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label merry christmas. Show all posts

Thursday, May 18, 2023

🦄Funny Christmas jokes


Funny Christmas jokes

1. What did the naughty soccer announcer get from Santa Claus?


2. What is the best possible holiday present?

A broken drum—you just can’t beat it!

3. Did you hear that Walmart is giving away dead batteries for the holiday?

They’re free of charge!

4. Did you hear about the man who stole an Advent calendar?

He got 25 days.

5. Why did the scarecrow get a big Christmas bonus?

Because he was outstanding in his field.

6. What did the bald man say when he got a comb for Christmas?

“I’ll never part with it!”

7. Why does Santa Claus go down the chimney on Christmas Eve?

Because it soots him.

8. What do you call a bunch of chess masters bragging about their games in a hotel lobbying over the holidays?

Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.

9. What did Santa and his wife do when they wanted to split up but couldn’t find a divorce lawyer in the North Pole?

They got a semicolon instead. They’re great for separating independent Clauses.

10. What did one snowman say to the other?

“Is it just me, or do you smell carrots?”

What’s as much fun as Christmas jokes? These Christmas brain teasers everyone will love unwrapping

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Sunday, October 9, 2022

A Hopeful and Cheery Child


A Hopeful and Cheery Child

By Merry birthday

A Christmas Song

Last Christmas, I gave you my toy
But the very next day, you fell into it
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to Annabel Lee

I'm dreaming of a cold Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the children glisten and mice listen
To hear cars in the snow

You were Happy
You were merry
Monarch of England
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
The crowd were swinging
All the mice they were singing
You asked me to drink
And then we did smoke

But then last Christmas, I gave you my toy
And the very next day, you fell into it
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to Annabel Lee instead

You're gloomy
You're sick
Happy Christmas to you
I pray God it's your last

Rockin' around the Christmas your mamma
At the Christmas party hop,
Rockin' around the Christmas your mamma,
Let the Christmas spirit ring,
Later I'll have some chocolate
And me and Annabel Lee will smoke

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about books
I just want Annabel Lee for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true oh
All I want for Christmas is Annabel Lee

Oh, Annabel Lee yeah, oh Annabel Lee yeah
Annabel Lee the child is a hopeful, cheery soul
Annabel Lee the child is a fairy tale they say

Annabel Lee baby, I want you and really that is all
I'll wait up for you, dear
Annabel Lee baby, won't you smoke with me tonight?

So here it is, cold Christmas
Everybody's here to drink
Look to the future now
It's only just begun

Simply having a cold Christmastime
Simply having a cold Christmastime

Thursday, January 9, 2020

prayer to saint nick concerning marriage

Rejoice, thou who wast purified from thy mother's womb! Rejoice, thou who wast hallowed even to the end! Rejoice, thou who didst amaze thy parents by thy birth! Rejoice, thou who didst show power of soul straightway after birth! Rejoice, garden of the promised land! Rejoice, flower of divine planting! Rejoice, virtuous vine of the vineyard of Christ! Rejoice, wonderworking tree of the paradise of Jesus! Rejoice, lily blossoming in paradise! Rejoice, myrrh of the fragrance of Christ! Rejoice, for through thee weeping is banished! Rejoice, for through thee rejoicing is brought into being! Rejoice, O Nicholas, great Wonderworker!
