Showing posts with label Bad things done to others. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bad things done to others. Show all posts

Sunday, August 9, 2020

We should be bothered

We should be bothered when bad things happen! It should matter to us, not because we delight in other people being hurt, not because we like to gripe, not because we want our own way! We do not want our own way! We do not want to control anyone! We are not God! We are not even close! But when bad things happen, it should mean something to us! It doesn't matter if we can do anything about the bad things that are done to others!

Bad apples

There are bad apples in every bunch, but that doesn't mean that we should just throw away the whole group, just because of the few that serve no purpose! Yes, we ought to stand up for goodness and morality, but that doesn't mean that we should just throw away the whole group! We are no better than anybody else! We are nobody to judge! But that doesn't mean that the evils should be ignored, but that doesn't mean that we should just hate any one who ticks us off! We must never blindly hate! We only need to remove the spoiled! It is not the fault of the whole that it's parts are bad!

For king