I hope this doesn’t offend anyone, it’s truly not my intention. It’s hard to find a good way to phrase what I’m getting at. Sex of an individual is determined by every cell in the body, and whether that cell has the male (XY) or female (XX) genes (barring mutations that cause extra chromosomes or hermaphroditism). In that sense, I don’t really believe in “sex changes” because changing the genitals and adjusting hormone levels don’t change the fact that every cell in the body is still carrying sex chromosomes that "give away" the true sex of the person. I believe those with gender dysphoria have problems with gender roles, not their own sex. Ironically, it seems to me that those with gender dysphoria are some of the same people enforcing gender roles the most strongly. When a man goes through a sex change, it rarely consists of just surgery and hormone therapy. Typically a transgender man starts growing out his hair, wearing makeup, dressing more fashionably, etc… all stereotypical “female” traits. Likewise, when a female transitions she often cuts her hair short, stops wearing makeup, and dresses more “butch”. These changes are addressing gender roles, not sex. I guess I just wonder if these people should be encouraged to cope with the source of their dysphoria rather than attempt to transition sexes. I can’t imagine that anyone would arrive at feelings of gender dysphoria without some initial abuse or trauma. I certainly don’t have any issues with people presenting however they want, I’m generally curious to see what other people think here. I’ve always been confused when I hear people say “I never felt like a male/female” because despite being a female, I’ve never “felt” like a female anymore than I “feel” like I’m a human. I just am human, and female, whether I’m baking cookies or working with power tools. Thoughts