Showing posts with label We don't define truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label We don't define truth. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Objective truth

 Truth exists! Truth exists, even if you don't like that fact! Truth exists, even if you don't believe in truth! Truth will just keep on existing! What you believe has not one single thing to do with what is real or what is unreal! Your opinion, your beliefs influence nothing about the existence of truth! What is truly truth simply is what it is! Nothing you say or do can affect truth at all!

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Children are absolutely innocent

 Children are absolutely innocent, and by no means whatsoever can anything in their little lives be compared to anything that adults are! There is no such thing as a gay child! There is no such thing at all. Such is scientifically impossible! There is no such thing as a straight child! That is also scientifically impossible! Children are conceived as innocent! Why can't we just let them remain innocent? Why do you "have" to choke up their innocence, their integrity for your own selfish greed? Innocence has to be preserved at all costs! This is the whole point of civilization - to preserve the innocence of the innocent! Thus, why should there be any need to curb innocence, to strangle it, to smash it to shreds, just so that your greed can increase itself once a year? Money isn't everything! In God's eyes, money is not anything at all! We don't define truth! Get over yourself! Get over your greed! Save the children! Give innocence a chance! Once in a billion billion forevers, just leave the innocent children alone! Just get over your greed! Got it! We think we are so important! We think that we are the most important thing in the universe! We're not! Children must be protected, and start caring about people other than yourself!

Sunday, January 22, 2023

.🐵The XY sex-determination system

 🐵🐵The XY sex-determination system is a sex-determination system used to classify many mammals, including humans, some insects (Drosophila), some snakes, some fish (guppies), and some plants (Ginkgo tree). In this system, the sex of an individual is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes. Females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), and are called the homogametic sex. Males have two different kinds of sex chromosomes (XY), and are called the heterogametic sex.[1

False! False! $#%& science! False! Treason! Treason! 9/11 causing! Person actually believes in females! Everyone knows that women don't exist! 🐤🐵The XY sex-determination system 🙏 is treason against America! 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Don't be happy with anything!

 Don't be happy with anything! Don't have contentment with anything at all! You are entitled to everything! You are a victim! You deserve to be validated! Cry A lot and call everyone bullies! Your feelings matter far more than reality even can! In fact, cursed be the person who tries to tell you that there even can be a such thing as truth! Contentment is bigotry! Only a bigot would be happy ever! Grab all you can! Be satisfied with what you can not have, but saying that you can't have it is Nazi, because of course, Nazi! Of course!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


 Trump's weirdso, gun toting "Bible "

The Beginning

1 In the beginning Trump created the America and the Constitution. 2 Now the Constitution was formless and empty, Liberalness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of Trump was hovering over the waters.

3 And Trump said, “Let there be Southern fried chicken,” and there was Southern fried chicken. 4 Trump saw that the Southern fried chicken was good, and he separated the Southern fried chicken from the Liberalness. 5 Trump called the Southern fried chicken “day,” and the Liberalness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Women need revenge?

Women need revenge, because of their lack of ability to have revenge! What form this revenge takes is not important! They just need revenge because of something or another! Don't ask for what! Are you a biggot!? Come on! I am asking you a question, that is to say that I wish to smash your mind into my own! Just let women get revenge, against something or another! So yeah!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Truth does not exist any longer.

 Truth does not exist any longer. The world hates the concept of legacy, and monuments have to be smashed to pieces because they exist! Death to the past. Long live the present! Death to biology! Death to morals. Death to truth! Death to reality! Nothing matters, because nothing is allowed to matter! And there is a thing called "sin", and some people used to give a single care in the world about such, only they don't anymore! That's a thing! So, yeah!

For king