Showing posts with label Unexpected Discoveries and New Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unexpected Discoveries and New Questions. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

20 Questions a Man Should Never Ask a Woman (and the Reasons Why) from


20 Questions a Man Should Never Ask a Woman (and the Reasons Why)

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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt Abraham Lincoln

If there’s one thing that most men eventually learn in life, it’s that sometimes it’s better to say nothing at all.

And this lesson is arguably best applied when it comes to asking women certain questions. You may have already realized this the last time you asked a girl how old she was—or worse, how much she weighed.

We’ve all been there. You’ve dropped the first question that (for whatever reason) came to your mind and, were met with daggers / a drink to the face / a kick to the shin (pick your poison).

To be clear, we’re not telling you to ramp up the awkward silences. When it comes to questions you should ask women, you’ll find 120 of them right here.

Rather, every man should be aware of the questions which will not add any real value to your interactions.

As usual, gentlemen, we’ve taken care of the legwork for you. Here are 20 questions you should never ask a woman, in no particular order.

1. Can I kiss you?

It’s generally not a good idea to ask her before going in for the kiss. 

Assuming you’re on a date and that the circumstances are right, it’s ‘less square’ to just go for it.


First off, there are plenty of ways to test the water without vocalizing the request (raise a hand to her cheek and brush her hair out of her face. If she pulls back a bit from your touch, you know the kiss is a no-go). 

Secondly, asking for a kiss isn’t necessarily wrong by itself. But it puts you at risk for sacrificing masculine frame

For best results, make sure to test the water with some innocuous touching/flirting first, then go in for the smooth-move when her body language has given you the ‘green light.’ 

2. Why won’t you talk to me?

Post-commitment, this isn’t such a bad question (when posed within the context of you holding masculine frame and checking on her out of a sense of care, responsibility, and boundaries within the relationship—and not out of insecurity). 

But pre-commitment? Asking this question puts you at serious risk of sounding desperate and clingy—neither of which are attractive masculine traits. 

Concentrate on pursuing your own purpose in life, and not caring as much if a woman does or doesn’t want to talk to you. 

A better question to ask would be “You seem quiet today. Is everything ok?”

3. You look different today, why’s that?

If this is meant as a compliment to acknowledge something ‘new’ she’s done (like getting a haircut), then you may be able to pull it off in a teasing, mischievous fashion. 

But if it’s meant as a neg or a put-down, it likely isn’t a good idea. 

Whether she does or doesn’t look different, this question lacks tact and doesn’t really go anywhere meaningful. 

A better question to ask would be something like “I like that dress! Is it new?”

4. You’re looking tired today, did you not get a good night’s sleep?

Calling out a lady’s tired looks (even if she truly does look tired) may hurt her feelings and make her feel like you think she’s unattractive. 

Instead, consider an alternative question. “I’ve been looking forward to catching up with you. Tell me how your last few days have been.”

5. I know you’ve got a boyfriend, but can we be friends?

If you truly just want to be friends, then there’s nothing wrong with this question. Yes, it will make you seem less attractive—but if all you want is friendship, then that shouldn’t matter to you anyway. 

But if you have ulterior motives (i.e. you actually want to sleep with her), then just skip it. 

Here’s the thing. A high value man doesn’t ask for people to be his friends. He naturally attracts friends by being awesome, likeable, and a winner. 

6. How old are you?

This actually isn’t a bad question to ask a woman who looks to be under 25-27, but not one who is 18-, as long as she’s younger than you. 

But if you ask a 30-40+ year old this question, you may run the risk of making her feel a bit self-concious. It may be better to let this one sit until you know each other better. 

7. I don’t know, what do you want to do?

Every girl wants a guy who’ll be the man and lead with a decision.

As the man, the ball is in your court to make a plan. 

You can ask her if she has a preference. 

“Do you prefer movies or concerts?”

But never ultimately put the decision of ‘what to do’ onto her. It’ll make you look weak, disorganized, and apathetic—none of which are attractive traits. 

8. Is that what you’re going to wear tonight?

Implication: “That looks terrible, what were you thinking?” 

Unless your girl is completely off the mark on dress code, this is a risky line to take, boys.

If you feel like you need to correct her fashion choices, you should probably just cut her loose and court a woman who’s more in-line with your style. 

9. Are you pregnant?

This is a risky one, because if she’s not pregnant, you pretty much just called her ‘fat’ or a non-virgen. 

Best way to handle this one? Just ride it out and don’t mention anything. If she doesn’t bring it up, you can casually bring up a conversation about your thoughts on having children in the future. 

If she still doesn’t mention it, and if you’re not fond of the way she looks, it’s probably best to move on and date someone else. 

10. How many guys have you been with?

I’m not a huge fan of this question because asking it out of a very specific context can put you at risk of looking jealous and insecure—which is a massive turn-off and a low-value marker. 

There’s one caveat, however. If she asks you the question first, it’s fair game to reverse it. 

11. Is your sister attractive?

This is a risky question. For women, competing for the attention of a dating partner with a sibling feels far worse than competing with a stranger. 

It just hits closer to home, in every way imaginable. 

Whether you’re pre-commitment or post-commitment, stay out of this territory unless you’re willing to risk complete and total disaster. 

12. Are you on your period?

This is a dangerous question to ask because, in her mind, it implies that you’re asking her if she’s ‘available for sex,’ which puts you at risk of sounding desperate and low value (trying to secure the ‘prize’ through agreement ahead of time instead of just making your move). 

It’s also crass and insensitive. 

What should you do instead?

Carry on and make your move as usual. If she informs you that she can’t because she’s on her period, tell her you don’t mind (if you don’t), but be understanding if she’s not down with it—especially if you’ve never slept together before. 

That’s a big step for some women, and being understanding is the right move on your part. 

13. Can I borrow some money?

How to turn a girl off in 5 words. Women seek providers, not parasites.

14. Do you think I’m attractive?

Asking this question makes it sound like you aren’t confident, so it’s a risky one. 

If she’s spending time with you and engaging with you, assume she’s into you. Don’t worry—she’ll bolt soon enough if she’s not. 

15. How much do you weigh?

Chapter two of the gentleman’s handbook. Never ask her how much she weighs.

Either you like how she looks, or you don’t. There’s really no reason that a man would need to ask this one. 

16. Why do you like wearing [insert piece of clothing]?

I’m not a big fan of this question because even if it’s meant well, you run the risk of sounding judgemental. 

Instead, ask something like this: 

“I like that dress. Do you feel like the style matches your personality?” 

17. Are you in love with me?

This question puts you in dangerous territory. You run a serious risk of sounding low-value and desperate. 

Always leave the L-word (and/or bringing up the commitment talk) to her to bring up first. Once she brings it up to you, you can decide if you’re ready for it. 

18. Why are you friends with [insert guy’s name]?

This question definitely puts you at risk of sounding jealous or insecure—both of which are serious low-value markers. 

As a strong, masculine man, you shouldn’t be threatened by other men in her life. This woman is either into you, or she isn’t. You can either trust her, or you can’t. 

If you don’t like her friends, feel like you can’t trust her, or just don’t like how she interacts with other men in-general, bail and find a different woman to date. 

Don’t ever try to come between a woman and her friends or control how she interacts with them. 

On the same token, if you don’t like her friends, you have every right to hit the road and not feel guilty about it. 

19. Why are you single?

This is an interesting question because it’s almost ok, but not quite. 

It can make the conversation sound more like an interrogation than a conversation. 

Instead, phrase it like this (and by the way, this is a question that you SHOULD always ask when you meet someone new):

“So tell me about your relationship history. What kinds of dating and relationship experiences have you had?” 

high-value woman won’t mind talking about her relationship history in the slightest, as long as you’re willing to return the favor. 

Red Flag Warning: If everything she has to say about her exes is negative (they were toxic, they were abusive, they were all pieces of crap, etc.), then head for the hills. 

Odds are very good that those men were not all bad. The common denominator is likely her.

20. Are you really going to eat that?

Unless this is said in a playful way, hold off on the food judgment.

Instead, ask a question like this: 

“Wow, that dish looks exotic/rugged/spicy. Have you ever had it before, or is this a new experiment?”


When it comes to many of the above questions, context is key. If you’re maintaining a strong masculine frame, have a great rapport with the girl, or are in a relationship already, you may be able to get away with a few of them.

If you’re not the best at maintaining a conversation, you might want to learn about the best topics to talk about with women.

The goal isn’t to stop being playful or teasing. Teasing is a great way to build attraction with a woman and show that you have a sense of humor.

We merely want you to avoid the questions that put you at risk of coming off as low-value, insecure, desperate, etc. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Deuteronomy 33-34


Moses Blesses the Tribes

33 This is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced on the Israelites before his death. He said:

“The Lord came from Sinai
    and dawned over them from Seir;
    he shone forth from Mount Paran.
He came with[a] myriads of holy ones
    from the south, from his mountain slopes.[b]
Surely it is you who love the people;
    all the holy ones are in your hand.
At your feet they all bow down,
    and from you receive instruction,
the law that Moses gave us,
    the possession of the assembly of Jacob.
He was king over Jeshurun[c]
    when the leaders of the people assembled,
    along with the tribes of Israel.

“Let Reuben live and not die,
    nor[d] his people be few.”

And this he said about Judah:

“Hear, Lord, the cry of Judah;
    bring him to his people.
With his own hands he defends his cause.
    Oh, be his help against his foes!”

About Levi he said:

“Your Thummim and Urim belong
    to your faithful servant.
You tested him at Massah;
    you contended with him at the waters of Meribah.
He said of his father and mother,
    ‘I have no regard for them.’
He did not recognize his brothers
    or acknowledge his own children,
but he watched over your word
    and guarded your covenant.
10 He teaches your precepts to Jacob
    and your law to Israel.
He offers incense before you
    and whole burnt offerings on your altar.
11 Bless all his skills, Lord,
    and be pleased with the work of his hands.
Strike down those who rise against him,
    his foes till they rise no more.”

12 About Benjamin he said:

“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him,
    for he shields him all day long,
    and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.”

13 About Joseph he said:

“May the Lord bless his land
    with the precious dew from heaven above
    and with the deep waters that lie below;
14 with the best the sun brings forth
    and the finest the moon can yield;
15 with the choicest gifts of the ancient mountains
    and the fruitfulness of the everlasting hills;
16 with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness
    and the favor of him who dwelt in the burning bush.
Let all these rest on the head of Joseph,
    on the brow of the prince among[e] his brothers.
17 In majesty he is like a firstborn bull;
    his horns are the horns of a wild ox.
With them he will gore the nations,
    even those at the ends of the earth.
Such are the ten thousands of Ephraim;
    such are the thousands of Manasseh.”

18 About Zebulun he said:

“Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out,
    and you, Issachar, in your tents.
19 They will summon peoples to the mountain
    and there offer the sacrifices of the righteous;
they will feast on the abundance of the seas,
    on the treasures hidden in the sand.”

20 About Gad he said:

“Blessed is he who enlarges Gad’s domain!
    Gad lives there like a lion,
    tearing at arm or head.
21 He chose the best land for himself;
    the leader’s portion was kept for him.
When the heads of the people assembled,
    he carried out the Lord’s righteous will,
    and his judgments concerning Israel.”

22 About Dan he said:

“Dan is a lion’s cub,
    springing out of Bashan.”

23 About Naphtali he said:

“Naphtali is abounding with the favor of the Lord
    and is full of his blessing;
    he will inherit southward to the lake.”

24 About Asher he said:

“Most blessed of sons is Asher;
    let him be favored by his brothers,
    and let him bathe his feet in oil.
25 The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze,
    and your strength will equal your days.

26 “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun,
    who rides across the heavens to help you
    and on the clouds in his majesty.
27 The eternal God is your refuge,
    and underneath are the everlasting arms.
He will drive out your enemies before you,
    saying, ‘Destroy them!’
28 So Israel will live in safety;
    Jacob will dwell[f] secure
in a land of grain and new wine,
    where the heavens drop dew.
29 Blessed are you, Israel!
    Who is like you,
    a people saved by the Lord?
He is your shield and helper
    and your glorious sword.
Your enemies will cower before you,
    and you will tread on their heights.”

The Death of Moses

34 Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed him the whole land—from Gilead to Dan, all of Naphtali, the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the Mediterranean Sea, the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar. Then the Lord said to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.”

And Moses the servant of the Lord died there in Moab, as the Lord had said. He buried him[g] in Moab, in the valley opposite Beth Peor, but to this day no one knows where his grave is. Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone. The Israelites grieved for Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days, until the time of weeping and mourning was over.

Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit[h] of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the Lord had commanded Moses.

10 Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, 11 who did all those signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt—to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. 12 For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.


  1. Deuteronomy 33:2 Or from
  2. Deuteronomy 33:2 The meaning of the Hebrew for this phrase is uncertain.
  3. Deuteronomy 33:5 Jeshurun means the upright one, that is, Israel; also in verse 26.
  4. Deuteronomy 33:6 Or but let
  5. Deuteronomy 33:16 Or of the one separated from
  6. Deuteronomy 33:28 Septuagint; Hebrew Jacob’s spring is
  7. Deuteronomy 34:6 Or He was buried
  8. Deuteronomy 34:9 Or Spirit

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