Showing posts with label reason. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reason. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2022

Not your or mine, but THE ONE

 There is no such thing as your truth or my truth! There is either THE truth or NO truth! There is no such thing as your reality or my reality! There is THE reality or NO reality! There is no such thing as your God or my God! There is THE God or NO God! We are not all that important! We are bugs that get squished! Our opinions do not matter! We can not change reality!

Sunday, March 6, 2022

The tyranny of the masculine

 It is ok to be male! It is ok to be masculine! It is what you are! Nothing can be done about that! But it is not ok to use that masculinity to crush females, to make them into something else! Beauty is good, but it can be bent towards male expectations, and that is not good! Beauty pageants might be ok (sort of) if they were run for females by females and not at all influenced by male expectations, but the way things are is not good!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Dada poem 7

 For the sea of the people,

I don't think about Biden or two of this stuff.

It's not from the dark side of the greatest show ever!

You mean that Satan is scary?

You mean that you solve a lot of problems with the baby in your life?

It wouldn't have been a child in your mind.

It takes me a week or two sometimes to get around to be in your mind.

Edit the baby on Poe and Miss Prime Minister?

Darth Biden is scary to be honest about Biden!

This book is not really good for when you're looking forward to the game to vote.

I'm missing something that Satan has to endure for when you're going to vote for the baby on your face?

Even though the sea of water was a child at my age.

If you're a child in your house and Miss Prime Minister,

You mean that Satan was so sickening?

Santa was a child at the time of the day when you're not from a lot of problems with your life!

X-Ray vision was a good idea and it was so much easier for me to vote on your dad because I don't think about Biden!

What voters' thoughts sound like to outsiders

 I want to ... I want to vote, no I don't! There is no one even close to moral! They are all so sickening! But I can't say that! I can't say that, ... Because ... Reasons! Because ... Reasons! I don't know! I don't know what I think! I don't know what I mean! I can't say that! I don't want people to laugh at me. No, that wouldn't be good. It wouldn't, because ... Because ... Because I don't know! Why do you hate me? I don't know what I mean! I don't get a self! I have to vote for someone, even though there are no good people running, because I don't want to be called names! I don't want to have my feelings hurt! What does this matter? Just vote, weirdo!

Monday, February 21, 2022

My nonthoughts on the president

 I don't know what I think about Biden! At least we have a leader! This is better than anarchy! Anarchy is horrible, because of course it is!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

America Needs Fatima

 Dear Mr. You,

Every day, I receive letters from wonderful supporters like you, who share our devotion to Our Lady. Here’s what one of our special friends, Joan, from Crosby, MN wrote to me: 

“… I wanted to tell you a story about the rosary and what Our Lady can do through it. 

A friend of mine was losing her battle with cancer and wanted to see a priest. I tried everyone I knew who might have a priest’s phone number. It took me over 45 minutes without success, then I called one lady I knew and told her she was my last hope. 

I started the rosary and by the time I said the last “Amen”, I got a phone call. The priest was at my friend’s house! I could not believe my ears! But he was there; he gave her the Last Rites and she died the very next day. 

I have been praying my rosary for many years, ever since my mother heard about Fatima. I am almost 85 and still pray at least 2x daily – what a great help Our Lady has been to me. Thank you, ANF!”

Like Joan, I believe you know the tremendous power of Our Lady and the Rosary.  And I hope you also believe how important it is to keep spreading the Rosary and Our Lady’s message to others for many years to come.  

You have demonstrated how much you care for the Fatima mission. That is why I am inviting you to consider leaving a long and enduring memory of your love for Our Lady. 

You can do this through the simple act of leaving a portion of your estate to America Needs Fatima.  I’m very much aware of how personal this is to you, and the only reason I am taking the liberty of requesting this of you is because I know how much you’d like to ensure that our mission can continue for generations to come! 

Including a charity like America Needs Fatima in your will is simple to do and it will not cost you anything. Here you will find everything you or your advisor need to get started. 

When you include America Needs Fatima in your will, you’ll join The Immaculate Heart Guild, and you will be remembered in the Mass intentions of a priest - also a member of The Immaculate Heart Guild - and in the prayers of all America Needs Fatima volunteers. 

For the love of Mary, will you please let us know that you’re planning to leave a gift from your will to America Needs Fatima

Just send us an email to or call my colleague Rose at (866) 661-0272. She’ll happily answer any questions you might have. 

Under Our Lady’s maternal gaze, you can ensure the long-term success of America Needs Fatima and guarantee your legacy to future generations in devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and Her Immaculate Heart.  

Thank you again for your generous support and love for Our Lady. By the grace and help of Mary Most Holy, the good you’ve done in the past years will pale in comparison to your future deeds. 

I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022

A big load of harmful tripe from

 .How does the sex offender registry protect society and children?

In a nutshell, it doesn't.

The sex offender registry protects no one, and takes rights away from tax paying citizens who have paid their debt to society as defined by the courts. People can say what they want about the registry not being punitive, but in reality it is punitive. A person on the registry cannot work, cannot live in most areas, cannot use the internet, cannot travel without notifying the police in person and in writing, cannot have an email address unless they register it with the police in person and in writing, have to register anywhere they are located for more than 3 days consecutively, or visits more than 6 times in a 6 month period, is not allowed into any public parks or pools, cannot attend schools, cannot obtain a visa for travel, must register phone numbers in person and writing to the police, and must register any changes of any of the above in person and in writing, and the list goes on, along with ignorant and angry citizens taking vigilante violence against these ex-offenders who have paid for their crimes. What happens if the registered EX-sex offenders fail to abide by any of the above? 15 years to life in prison.

Okay, okay, okay.... What are the benefits of having the registry? None. When a person is charged with a sex offense the police take DNA samples, photographs and fingerprints and put them in a nice little file. Now, it is proven that less than 6% of the registered EX-offenders will commit a new sex crime; in fact, people who commit a sex offense have the second lowest recidivism rate. The lowest being murder. This is the same now with the registry as it was 25 years ago before the registry. More than 80% of all sex offenses are committed by people who are not on the registry. Not one sex offense was averted by the registry.

I heard one reporter make a statement that a sex offender is like an alcoholic... once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. Once a sex offender, always a sex offender. That is the most absurd statement I have ever heard. Unless your definition of an alcoholic includes a person who takes one drink and never touches alcohol again.

Two examples of how a person who had previously committed a sex offense gets arrested for a new sex crime. First we will take an ex-offender from 25 years ago, before the registry. He knows that the police has that little file with all his goodies in it, so to avoid being an automatic suspect, he drives an hour away, roughly 60 miles from where he lives, and then commits the crime. The victim then calls the police. The police will perform the obvious tests, first by asking if the victim knew the suspect or if the victim got a good look at the suspect or saw any identifying marks. If yes, the police look through their little files and show them to the victim. When the victim sees the suspect, the police go and arrest the suspect. If the victim didn't see anything, they continue to a rape kit and get DNA samples. If a DNA sample is found, the police look back into their little files until they find a match, and then go and arrest the suspect. If no DNA sample is found, the suspect gets away with it.

Now the same scenario from today with the ex-offender who is on the registry. He knows that the police have that little file with all his goodies in it, and he knows he is on the registry, so to avoid being an automatic suspect; he drives an hour away, roughly 60 miles from where he lives, and then commits the crime. The victim then calls the police. The police will perform the obvious tests, first by asking if the victim knew the suspect or if the victim got a good look at the suspect or saw any identifying marks. If yes, the police look through their little files and show them to the victim. When the victim sees the suspect, the police go and arrest the suspect. If the victim didn't see anything, they continue to a rape kit and get DNA samples. If a DNA sample is found, the police look back into their little files until they find a match, and then go and arrest the suspect. If no DNA sample is found, the suspect gets away with it.

Did the registry save this victim from having the crime committed against them? No. Did the registry help this victim identify the suspect? No, the little file did.

The registry doesn't work. Never has, and never will. If all these ex-offenders are so dangerous, why didn't the judge or court sentence the ex-offender to more time? They give excuses like they don't have room, or cost too much money to keep them locked up. But the truth of it is, it is much, much cheaper to keep the less than 6% of the ex-offenders who are actually dangerous locked up, than it is to put all 100% on a registry that is so blatantly unconstitutional and ineffective.

Here are some facts. ALL people who commint a sex offense have their DNA on file. If a person decides to re-offend, the registry is not going to change that. The registry protects no one. An example would be that the very few people on the sex offender registry that did re-offend was not stopped from offending. They were not caught because they were recognized on the public shaming system. They were caught because of DNA or mugshots of offenders on file.

Regardless of it's intent, the registry offers real punishment for the sole purpose that someone may commit a crime, and that IS unconstitutional... No matter how you try to justify it. Government is praying on the fear and hate of the people to fuel their goals. Something that happened not all that long ago in Germany to thier Jewish citizens. And I'm not saying being Jewish is a crime, just showing how another government used these tactics.

Another straight out lie is that the registry is to help protect our children... And like I stated above, the registry protects no one. If the registry truly is civil and not punitive, then it can be applied retroactivily to anyone. And if the goal is to protect our citizens and children, then there should be a national DWI/DUI registry.

Sex offenses vs alcohol traffic Deaths in 2009

Forcible rapes for 2009 = 88,097(Charged not convicted)

DEATHs from alcohol related traffic offenses = 10,839 (This is excluding those maimed and injured) - 181 of those DEATHS were children 0 to 14 years of age, and of those 181, about 92 of those children were in the car of the drunk driver. Another 1.4 million drivers were arrested for drunk driving, which each could have resulted in injury and Death. And another 147 million people admitted to drinking and driving.

recidivism for related crime: Sex offenses roughly 5%(The majority of this 5% had multiple charges and were strangers to the victim 
DUI/DWI nearly 60% 
Then you would hear the people who drink say things like: 
You only drove while under the influence one time? You don't consider yourself an alcoholic?

Sounds the same as 95% of the 'Sex Offenders' on the registry. If they have paid their debt to society, then society should stop punishing them more and more. They are no longer Sex offenders. They are citizens of the United States, who should have their rights protected. But unfortunately society as a whole is hateful and ignorant. Only when you talk to these people who have committed the sex offense can you get the feel of who they are. Not to judge by a label. Not to neglect them work. Not to make them and their families endure hell on earth. The courts know who the dangerous people are, but they choose to ignore that. If a Judge gives a person probabtion for a sex offense, how dangerous does that judge believe that person to be? If the judge really thought that person was a threat to society, he would have sentenced him or her to prison, in some cases life without parole.

I could list tons of sites that have studies and court cases proving my point, but I don't see a reason, anyone can see how wrong these laws are... anyone with common sense. So I request, as a citizen, a taxpayer, a voter, and someone who served his country, that the sex offender registry come to an end for those who have paid their debt to society.

Friday, February 11, 2022

What propaganda sounds like to rationalists

 I am good, because I am me, and because I am me, you should just trust everything I say! Those are them out there! O no! Not them! Gross people, no, bugs! Squish the bugs! They want to kiss your daughter! This is bad, because... Of course, it is! I am the guy writing this. That makes me truth defined! It's them! They exist! That's bad, because .... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! They are here! No! No! Nooooooooooo! Stop them from doing whatever the heck it is that they do! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Nooooooooooooo! 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Dada poem 5

 Commons is a young man with Darth Vader and pearl harbor!

The idea of being in love with your mice is repulsive to speak of.

Quick question of how much do you have to struggle with?

You child in love with your own body.

Read a book about the same thing as Dart and pearl jam!

If pastors had a civil war on it,

This year and pearl harbor would love to be separated from society.

It has been very difficult for Jane or Freud.

Zordico is repulsive.

X-Ray vision is the result of that thing in love with your own skin.

Korea is a young kid who is in love with your mice?

The expansion of the game is repulsive to the doctor who has been able to be in a position to be in his Gnostic journey.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Ooey gooey! Romantic love is stupid

Celebrate reason, not crushes! Nobody sane that is an adult believes in love! We have come to see attraction and crushes as stupid, random, and pointless! True love is unscientific! Attractions are totally random! They only exist because society says that they should! And the type of person that you are attracted to is also totally random and unscientific! This Valentine's day, celebrate reason!

Saturday, February 8, 2020


o fortune

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, from MacBeth

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
