Showing posts with label apologetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apologetics. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2022

What modern tracts must sound like

 I am sorry that you're reading this! I am sorry that I am telling you what I believe! I am sorry that it is you who are reading it! I don't want to control you! I don't want to control your feelings! You are you! I am me! Why should we have to interact? I am sorry for having beliefs! I am sorry for telling you what I believe! Please 🙏 don't hate me! Please throw this in the trash! Forget me forever! Okay?

Friday, February 11, 2022

What propaganda sounds like to rationalists

 I am good, because I am me, and because I am me, you should just trust everything I say! Those are them out there! O no! Not them! Gross people, no, bugs! Squish the bugs! They want to kiss your daughter! This is bad, because... Of course, it is! I am the guy writing this. That makes me truth defined! It's them! They exist! That's bad, because .... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! They are here! No! No! Nooooooooooo! Stop them from doing whatever the heck it is that they do! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Nooooooooooooo! 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 Bind the sick man to heaven, for from the earth he is being torn away! Of the brave man, who was so strong, his strength has departed. The righteous servant's strength does not return. In his bodily frame he lies dangerously ill. But ISHTAR, who in her dwelling is grieved concerning him Descends from her mountain, unvisited of men. To the door of the sick man she comes. The sick man listens ! Who is there? Who comes? It is ISHTAR. daughter of the Moon-god SIN : It is the god (....) son of BEL ; It is MARDUK, son of the god ( ). They approach the sick man. (The next line. 14, is nearly destroyed.) They bring a khisibta from the heavenly treasury. They bring a sisbu from their lofty storehouse. Into the righteous khisibta they pour bright liquor. That righteous man, may he now rise on high ! May he shine like that khisibta! May he be bright as that sisbu! Like pure silver may his garment be shining white ! Like brass may he be radiant ! To the SUN, the greatest of the gods, may he ascend ! And may the SUN, greatest of the gods, receive his soul into his holy hands !"

Saturday, February 8, 2020 copied

  1. וַיְהִי יְהוָה אֶתּ־יְהוּדָה
    And the LORD was with Judah
  2. וַיֹרֶשׁ אֶת־הָהָר
    and he took possession of the hill [country]
  3. ...כִּ֣י לֹא לְהוֹרִישׁ אֶת־יֹשְׁבֵי הָעֵמֶק
    but he could not drive out those living in the valley...
The pronoun "he" in the final line is of interest. In fact, the Hebrew has no pronoun, nor does it have a form of "could". Technically, there is neither subject nor finite verb in the clause at all. The MT would be more formally translated using a dummy subject: "it was not possible to drive out...", as both Gesenius (§ 114l) and Jouon-Muraoka (§ 160, n. 14) have it.1
The question remains: not possible for whom? There are at least two helpful comments that can be made from the Hebrew text that are not evident in English:
  • Line 3 is a dependent clause, subordinated to line 2 and constituting a concession ("...although it was not possible to drive out"); and
  • the English "took possession" and "drive out" are actually the same word: hôrish (~"dispossess").
For both reasons, the one who dispossesses in line 2 must be the same one who dispossesses in line 3.
The identity of the subject of line 2 is best derived from the context:
v. 17: And Judah...defeated the Canaanites
v. 18: Judah also captured Gaza
v. 19: And the LORD was with Judah... and ? took possession but ? could not drive out...
v. 20: And [Caleb] drove out from [Hebron] the three sons of Anak...
v. 21: But the people of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites...
v. 22: The house of Joseph also went up against Bethel, and the LORD was with them.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

tobit 13

1* Then Tobit spoke and composed a song of joyful praise; he said:
Blessed be God who lives forever,
because his kingship lasts for all ages.a
2For he afflicts and shows mercy,
casts down to the depths of Hades,
brings up from the great abyss.
What is there that can snatch from his hand?b

3Give thanks to him, you Israelites, in the presence of the nations,
for though he has scattered you among them,
4even there recount his greatness.
Exalt him before every living being,
because he is your Lord, and he is your God,
our Father and God forever and ever!
5He will afflict you for your iniquities,
but will have mercy on all of you.
He will gather you from all the nations
among whom you have been scattered.c
6When you turn back to him with all your heart,
and with all your soul do what is right before him,
Then he will turn to you,
and will hide his face from you no longer.d
Now consider what he has done for you,
and give thanks with full voice.
Bless the Lord of righteousness,
and exalt the King of the ages.
In the land of my captivity I give thanks,
and declare his power and majesty to a sinful nation.
According to your heart do what is right before him:
perhaps there will be pardon for you.
7As for me, I exalt my God,
my soul exalts the King of heaven,
and rejoices all the days of my life.
Let all sing praise to his greatness,
8let all speak and give thanks in Jerusalem.
9Jerusalem, holy city,
he will afflict you for the works of your hands,*
but will again pity the children of the righteous.e
10Give thanks to the Lord with righteousness,
and bless the King of the ages,
so that your tabernacle may be rebuilt in you with joy.
May he gladden within you all who are captives;
may he cherish within you all who are distressed
for all generations to come.f
11A bright light will shine to the limits of the earth.
Many nations will come to you from afar,
And inhabitants of all the ends of the earth
to your holy name,
Bearing in their hands gifts for the King of heaven.
Generation after generation will offer joyful worship in you;
your name will be great forever and ever.g
12Cursed be all who despise you and revile you;
cursed be all who hate you and speak a harsh word against you;
cursed be all who destroy you
and pull down your walls,
And all who overthrow your towers
and set fire to your homes.
But blessed forever be all those who respect you.h
13Go, then, rejoice and exult over the children of the righteous,
for they will all be gathered together
and will bless the Lord of the ages.
14Happy are those who love you,
and happy are those who rejoice in your peace.
Happy too are all who grieve
over all your afflictions,
For they will rejoice over you
and behold all your joy forever.i
15My soul, bless the Lord, the great King;
16for Jerusalem will be rebuilt as his house forever.
Happy too will I be if a remnant of my offspring survives
to see your glory and to give thanks to the King of heaven!
The gates of Jerusalem will be built with sapphire and emerald,
and all your walls with precious stones.
The towers of Jerusalem will be built with gold,
and their battlements with purest gold.j
17The streets of Jerusalem will be paved
with rubies and stones of Ophir;
18The gates of Jerusalem will sing hymns of gladness,
and all its houses will cry out, Hallelujah!
Blessed be the God of Israel for all ages!
For in you the blessed will bless the holy name forever and ever.

when i see the blood, i will Passover you

Sunday, February 2, 2020

War on science? Pardon me, while I laugh!

War on science? A war on science? Science requires questions! Science requires questions about questioning everything! What matters is reality! You think that you can understand reality. You think that you can understand truth. Get real! You can not understand reality. Reality involves questions! Do you ever question your beliefs? Do you ever question what society supports? Not all cultures acknowledge science! They are into tribal council things! How dare you judge them! You and your western vapor worship! Worship of reason is worship of vapor! Reason is vapor! You go after it, and it leaves! Question every thought! Question every idea! What matters is truth!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

My opinions are not important!

What is important is reality! My opinions are not important! What matters is morality! What matters most to the world is that I learn to care about truth! I must care about what is true! I must give up what I want for the sake of others. What I think about anything doesn't matter! Believe what you want! Do you think that you can understand reality? Grow up! Learn to see how small you are! My opinions are not important!

Dada poem

Do you want me alone?
You think that you can understand reality!
I don't know what reality is.
You can see the mind of a question about it!
The new one is not needed to be vaccinated against him!

I was raised on the western side of the flies!
God bless your mind and body works for me to be vaccinated!
Don't listen and girls club of dialectical materialism!
The activation code for me is true love!
I was saying that you can use it to be allowed within your enemies!

It was supposed to have lifted up with nonsense and Chanukah!
You accept it to get all that you can understand the importance of having fun!
We don't ponder the whole thing!
The Japanese used in life and imaginary lovers!
You can not have dates for the craziness of dialectical materialism!
God bless you and your mind?

Just war theory

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

It shouldn't matter who wins

It shouldn't matter who wins! What is victory? It makes no difference at all! Wars are all infinitely evil! They can never be justified! They can never be forgiven! Who ever wins a war? There is no such thing as a winner to a war! Everyone who fights in a war is a loser! What are the casualties of war? The first casualty is truth! The second is morality! The third is dignity! Does it matter who wins? Just because one side loses does not matter! What matters is human rights! What matters is human dignity! What matters is the rights of every individual! Who cares about winning and losing? Who should ever care about that? Is war like some kind of game, like the Superbowl? This is not a basketball game! This is not the Superbowl! Can we be patriotic? No, stop rooting for your team! Give up on the idea of teams here! What matters is morality! There is no good at all in any form of conflict that involves morality! Morals matter! We don't! Is there any good in war? Give up on your stupid ideas that there is anything good about war! There cannot be any thing moral about such at all! Killing is evil! Killing children is infinitely evil! This is what war requires! It requires children to die! Stop praying to Mars the abomination! Stop saying words like Victor and loser! Wars can never have winners! Everyone who fights destroys themselves! What matters is morality! What matters is that you give up your images of your privileges! Winning is accursed when morals are involved! So stop the hate! Care about something other than your own greed! It shouldn't matter who wins!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Label me what you will, but I don't get evolution

I know that you are all "why do they let this idiot online?" , when I say this, but I do totally don't get evolution! Animals turn into other animals, and you tell me that it is all sciencey and because sciencey, therefore put up with nonsense. This is not a matter of where the world came from! This is not a matter of ethics! This is simply a matter of realizing that if an idea only makes sense when you are reading books about it, then that makes it nonsense! This theory of evolution is not even well written nonsense! I don't get the theory as a matter of where anything came from, but rather as a matter of strange beliefs that make no sense at all! Some people believe in flat earth. Some in true love. Some in evolution! It is a belief! That is all! We ought to just label it as that! I don't know where the world came from, but I am willing to say that! I don't pretend to know more than I do! I am not saying that God(dess) made the world! I am also not saying that (S)He didn't! I am willing to say that I don't know everything! Perhaps evolution did happen! Perhaps it didn't! What I important is that we don't pretend that we can understand reality. Reality is what matters, and not theories, equations, and books!

For king