Showing posts with label quantum physics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quantum physics. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2022



We are pleased to announce the
featured on the EMC+SIPI 2022 Technical Program:
3D Printed Multilayer Microwave Absorber
Wei Zhang, Rui Mi, Victor Khilkevich
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA

Estimating the Local Mean Voltage of a Radio Signal in a Mobile Channel
Robert Johnk, John J. Lemmon
Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, USA

Simulation of EMP Coupling Using Electromagnetic Transient Solvers
Joshua Butterfield, Randy Horton
Electric Power Research Institute, USA

Stochastic Modeling of Power Electronic Converters Under Uncertainties
Erjon Ballukja, Karol Niewiadomski, Angel Pena-Quintal, David W.P. Thomas, Sharmila Sumsurooah, Mark Sumner
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Coupling of E1 High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse to Signal and
Control Wires in an Electric Power Substation Yard Trench
Robert G. Olsen1, Joshua M. Butterfield2, Johnny J. Moore3, Timothy M. Minteer3
1Washington State University, USA; 2Electric Power Research Institute, USA; 3Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc., USA

Practical Evaluation of Electromagnetic Time Reversal to Locate Partial Discharges on Power Networks in the Presence of Noise
A. Ragusa, H. Sasse, A. Duffy
De Montfort University, United Kingdom

Predicting Radiated Emissions from a Complex Transportation
System Wiring Harness
Fuwei Ma1, Ruijie He1, Sameer Walunj1, Tamar Makharashvili1, Chulsoon Hwang1,
Daryl Beetner1, Brian Booth2, Kerry Martin2
1Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA; 2Deere & Company, USA

Radiated-Emission Analysis of Electrical Interconnection Structures
Based on a Modal Network Model
Hannes Schreiber, Marco Leone
Otto von Guericke Universitat Magdeburg, Germany

Identifying Sources of Conducted Emissions by
Measuring the Coherence Function
Xin Yan1, Fuwei Ma1, Wei Zhang1, Kaustav Ghosh2, Sameer Walunj2,
Philippe Sochoux2, Victor Khilkevich1
1Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA; 2Juniper Networks, USA

On the Vectorial Property of Stochastic Dyadic Green’s
Function in Complex Electronic Enclosures
Shen Lin, Yang Shao, Zhen Peng
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

The Application of NEC-4 to E1 High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse
Coupling to Electric Power Substation Yard Cables
Johnny J. Moore, Timothy M. Minteer
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc., USA

Clock Duty Cycle Tuning for Desense Mitigation
in Modulation – Involved Cases
Shengxuan Xia, Jun Fan, Chulsoon Hwang
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA

A Deep Neural Network Modeling Methodology for Extraction of RLGC
Parameters in µ-Wave and mm-Wave Transmission Lines
Stephen Newberry, Ata Zadehgol
University of Idaho, USA

Dielectric Loss Tangent Extraction Using Two Single-Ended
Striplines of Different Width
Jiangshuai Li1, Yuanzhuo Liu1, Liang Liu1, Shengxuan Xia1, Scott Hinaga2, Victor Khilkevich1
1Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA; 2Cisco Systems, Inc., USA

Analysis of Noise Coupling from Switching Voltage Regulator and
Power Distribution Network to Differential Stripline Traces
Yang Wu1, Wenwu Wang1, Yinghua Ye1, Yinglei Ren1, Michael Leddige2, Xiaoning Ye2
1Intel Corporation, China; 2Intel Corporation, USA

PEEC-Based On-Chip PDN Impedance Modeling
Using Layered Green's Function
Chaofeng Li, Biyao Zhao, Bo Pu, Xu Wang, DongHyun Kim, Jun Fan
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA

Physics-Based Modeling for Determining Transient Current Flow
in Multi-Layer PCB PI Designs
Yifan Ding1, Matthew S. Doyle2, Samuel Connor2, Dale Becker2, James L. Drewniak1
1Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA; 2IBM Corporation, USA

Check the Final Program to read the abstracts of these papers and see the schedule of when they will be presented at the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on EMC+SIPI. Look for the “Best Paper Candidate” designation near the paper title. You’ll find these details and more on the Technical Program that includes Workshops, Tutorials, Experiments, Demonstrations, and “Ask the Experts” panels in addition to the peer-reviewed technical papers. Watch for news of the Mobile App launch coming soon!

Note the special technical events – Antenna Short Course with Professor Constantine Balanis and Clayton R. Paul Global University with International Experts – are nearly sold out. The small course size facilitates interaction between the instructors and the students. Register now to reserve your spot!

Register online or onsite at the Spokane Convention Center starting on Sunday, July 31, at 2:00 pm PDT. 

Questions? Please contact us at

Saturday, March 21, 2020



Weak 😻 nuclear force

Strong 💪 nuclear physics


Nuclear force

Nuclear physics

Nuclear rain drop

David bohm

Many world interpretation

For king