Showing posts with label cold peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold peace. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Proem unto Christ the Judge of the World. yet more

They rack and charm each Creature to explore
Some latent Quintessence, not known before:
Torture and squeez out all its juice and bloud,
To try if they can now find out that GOOD
Which Solomon despair'd of, but at last
On the same shore of Vanity are cast;
The Spade stops their career of Pride and Lust,
And calls them from their Clay unto their Dust,
Leave off your Circles, Archimede, away,
The King of Terror calls, and will not stay:
Miser, kiss all your Bags, and then lie down;
Scholar, your Books; Monarch, yield up your Crown;
Give way Wealth, Honour, Arts, Thrones; back make room,
That these pale Souls may come unto their doom
Nor shew vain men the fruit of all that pain,
Which in the end nothing but Loss did gain:
Compute your Lives, and all your Hours up cast,
Lo here's the total sum of All at last.
I rose up early, sat up late, to know
As much as Men, as Tongues, as Books could shew
I toil'd to search all Science and all Art,
But died ignorant of mine own Heart.
I got great Honour, and my Fame did stream
As far as doth the Mornings shining Beam;
My Name into a page of Titles swell'd,
My head a Crown, my hand a Scepter hold:
Ador'd without, but shameful lusts within;
Adorn'd with Titles, but defil'd with sin.
With anxious thoughts, with saddest cares [illeg.]
I gain'd these Lordships and this Soul I list:

My greedy Heir now hovers o'r my pelf,
I purchas'd Land for him, Hell for my self,
Go on you nobler Brains, and fill your sight
As full of Learning as the Sun's of light;
Expand your Souls to Truth as wide as Day,
Know all that Men, know all that Angels say:
Write shops of Volumes, and let every Book
Be fill'd with lustre as was Moses look,
Yet know, all this is but a better kind
Of sublime vanity, and more refin'd:
Except a saving knowledge crown the rest,
Devils know more, and yet shall ne'r be blest.
Go on, ambitious Worms, yet, yet aspire,
Lay a sure Scene how you may yet rise higher:
March forward, Macedonian Horn, add on
Gaza to Tyre, Indies to Babylon;
Make stirrups of the peoples backs and bones,
Climb up by them to Diadems and Thrones:
Thy Crowns are all but Grass; thine was the toil,
Thy Captains come and they divide the spoil.
Except one heav'nly Crown crown all the rest,
Devils are Potentates, and yet not blest.
Go on, base dunghil-souls, heap gold as mire,
Sweep silver as the dust, emulate Tyre,
Fill every Ware house, purchase every Field,
Add house to house, Pelion on Ossa build;
Get Mida's vote to transubstantiate
Whate'r you please all into golden plate;
Build wider Barns, sing requiem to your heart,
Feel your wealths pleasures only, not their smart:

Except his Riches who for us was poor,
Do sweeten those which Mortals so adore;
Except sublimer wealth crown all the rest,
Devils have nobler Treasures, yet not blest.
Cease then from vain delights, & set your mind
That solid and enduring GOOD to find,
Which sweetens life and death, which will encrease
On an immortal Soul immortal peace;
Which will replenish and advance you higher
Then ere your own Ambition could aspire.
Fear your great Maker with a child-like aw,
Believe his Grace, love and obey his Law.
This is the total work of man, and this
Will crown you here with Peace, and there with Bliss
Be kind unto your selves, believe and try:
If not, go on, fill up your lusts and die.
Sing peace unto your selves; 'twill once be known
Whose word shall stand, your Judg's, or your own
Crown thee with Rose-buds, satiate thine eyes,
Glut every serse with her own vanities:
Melt into pleasures, until that which Lust
Did not before consume, rot into dust:
The Thrones are set, the Books wil strait be read
Hell will her Souls, & graves give up their dead
Then there will be (and the time is not far)
Fire on the Bench, and Stubble at the Bar.
O sinners ruminate these thoughts agen,
You have been Beast enough, at last be Men.
Christ yet intreats, but if you will not turn,
Where Grace will not convert, there Fire wil burn




What mortal man can with his span
mete out Eternity?
Or fathom it by depth of wit,
or strength of memory?
The lofty skie is not so high;
hell's depth to this is small:
The world so wide is but a stride,
compared herewithall.


It is a main great Ocean,
withouten Bank or Bound:
A deep Abyss, wherein there is
no bottom to be found.
This world hath stood now since the Floud
for thousand years well near,
And had before endured more
then sixteen hundred year:


But what's the time from the worlds prime
unto this present day,

If we thereby Eternity
to measure should assay?
The whole duration since the Creation,
though long, yet is more little,
If placed by Eternity,
then is the smallest {rittle.}


Tell every Star both near and far
in Heavens bright Canopee,
That doth appear throughout the year,
of high or low degree:
Tell every Tree that thou canst see
in this vast Wilderness,
Up in the Woods, down by the Flouds,
in thousand miles progress:


The sum is vast, yet not so vast
but that thou mayst go on
To multiply the Leaves thereby,
that hang those trees upon:
Add thereunto the drops, that thou
imaginest to be
In April showr's, that bring forth Flowr's
and Blossoms plenteously:


Number the Fowls and living Souls
that through the air do flie,
The winged Hosts in all the Coasts
beneath the starry Skie:
Count all the grass as thou dost pass
through many a pasture land,

And dewy drops that on the tops
of Herbs and Plants do stand:


Number the Sand upon the Strand,
And Atomes of the air;
And do thy best on Man and Beast
to reckon every Hair:
Take all the Dust, if so thou lust,
and add to thine account:
Yet shall the years of sinners tears
the number far surmount.


Nought joyn'd to Nought can ne'r make ought
nor Cyphers make a Sum:
Nor things Finite to Infinite
by multiplying come:
A Cockle-shell may serve as well
to lave the Ocean dry,
As finite things and Reckonings
to bound Eternity.


O happy they that live for ay
with Christ in Heav'n above!
Who know withall that nothing shall
deprive them of his love.
Eternity! Eternity!
Oh, were it not for thee,
The Saints in Bliss and Happiness
could never happy be.



For if they were in any fear
that this their joy might cease,
It would annoy (if not destroy)
and interrupt their peace:
But being sure it shall endure
so long as God shall live;
The thoughts of this unto their bliss
do full perfection give.


Cheer up, you Saints, amidst your wants
and sorrows many a one:
Lift up the head, shake off all dread,
and moderate your mone.
Your sufferings and evil things
will suddenly be past:
Your sweet Fruitions, and blessed Visions
for evermore shall last.


Lament and mourn you that must burn
amidst those flaming Seas:
If once you come to such a doom,
for ever farewell ease.
O sad estate and desperate,
that never can be mended,
Until Gods will shall change, or till
Eternity be ended!


If any one this Question
shall unto me propound;

What, have the years of sinners tears
no limits or no bound?
It kills our heart to think of smart,
and pains that last for ever;
And hear of fire that shall expire,
or be extinguish'd, never.


I'l answer make, (and let them take
my words as I intend them;
For this is all the Cordial
that here I have to lend them)
When Heav'n shall cease to flow with peace,
and all felicity:
Then Hell may cease to be the place
of wo and misery.


When Heav'n is Hell, when Ill is Well,
when Vertue turns to Vice,
When Wrong is Right, when Dark is Light,
when Nought is of great price:
Then may the years of sinners tears
and sufferings expire,
And all the hosts of damned ghosts
escape out of hell-fire.


When Christ above shall cease to love;
when God shall cease to reign,
And be no more, as heretofore,
the worlds great Soveraign,
Or not be just, or favour Iust,
or in mens sins delight:

Then wicked men (and not till then)
to Heav'n may take their flight.


When Gods great Power shall be brought lower
by forein Puissance;
Or be decay'd, and weaker made
through Times, continuance:
When drousiness shall him oppress,
and lay him fast asleep:
Then sinful men may break their Pen,
and out of Prison creep.


When those in Glory shall be right sorry
they may not change their place,
And wish to dwell with them in Hell,
never to see Christ's face:
Then those in pain may freedom gain,
and be with glory dight:
Then hellish Fiends may be Christs Friends
and Heirs of Heaven hight.


Then! Ah poor men! what! not till then
no, not an hour before:
For God is just, and therefore must
torment them evermore.
Eternity! Eternity!
thou mak'st hard hearts to bleed:
The thoughts of thee in miseree,
do make men wail indeed.



When they remind what's still behind,
and ponder this word, NEVER,
That they must here be made to bear
Gods Vengeance for EVER:
The thought of this more bitter is
then all they feel beside:
Yet what they feel, nor heart of steel,
to flesh of brass can 'bide.


To lie in wo, and undergo
the direful pains of Hell,
And know withal, that there they shall
for ay, and ever dwell;
And that they are from rest as far,
when fifty thousand year,
Twice told, are spent in punishment,
as when they first came there.


This, Oh! this makes Hell's fiery flakes
much more intollerable;
This makes frail wights and damned spright
to bear their Plagues unable.
This makes men bite, for fell despite,
their very tongues in twain:
This makes them roar for great horror,
and trebleth all their pain.



And now, good Reader, I return again
To talk with thee, who hast been at the pain
To read throughout, and heed what went before;
And unto thee I'l speak a little more.
Give ear, I pray thee, unto what I say,
That God may hear thy voice another day.
Thou hast a Soul, my friend, and so have I,
To save or lose a soul that cannot die:
A Soul of greater price than Gold or Gems,
A Soul more worth than Crowns and Diadems:
A Soul at first created like its Maker,
And of Gods Image made to be partaker:
Upon the wings of noblest Faculties
Taught for to soar above the starry skies,
And not to rest, until it understood
It self possessed of the chiefest Good
And since the Fall, thy Soul retaineth still
The Faculties of Reason and of Will;
But Oh! how much deprav'd and out of frame,
As if they were some others, not the same,
Thine understanding dismally benighted,
And Reasons eye in spir'tual things dim sighted,
Or else stark blind: thy Will inclin'd to evil,
And nothing else, a slave unto the Devils
That loves to live, and liveth to transgress,
But shuns the ways of God and holiness,

All thine affections are disordered:
And thou by headstrong passions art misled.
What need I tell thee of thy crooked way,
And many wicked wandrings, every day?
Or that thy own transgressions are more
In number, then the sands upon the shore?
Thou art a lump of wickedness become,
And mayst with horrour think upon thy doom:
Until thy soul be washed in the floud
Of Christs most dear, soul-cleansing precious bloud;
That, that alone can do away thy sin
Which thou wert born and hast long lived in.
That, only that, can pacifie Gods wrath,
If apprehended by a lively faith,
Now whil'st the day and means of grace doth last,
Before the opportunity be past.
But if, O man, thou liv'st a Christless creature,
And death surprize thee in a state of nature,
(As who can tell but that may be thy case)
How wilt thou stand before thy Judges face?
When he shall be reveal'd in flaming fire,
And come to pay ungodly men their hire:
To execute due vengeance upon those
That know him not, or that have been his foes:
What wilt thou answer unto his demands,
When he requires a reason at thine hands
Of all the things that thou hast said, or done,
Or left undone, or set thine heart upon?
When he shall thus with thee expostulate;
What cause hadst thou thy Maker for to hate,
To take up arms against thy Soveraign,
And enmity against him to maintain?
What injury hath God Almighty done thee?
What good hath he withheld that might have won thee?
What evil or injustice hast thou found
In him, that might unto thy hurt redound?

If neither felt nor feared injury
Hath moved thee to such hostility:
What made thee then the Fountain to forsake,
And unto broken Pits thy self betake?
What reason hadst thou to dishonour God,
Who thee with Mercies never ceast to load?
Because the Lord was good, hast thou been evil,
And taken part against him with the Devil?
For all his cost to pay him with despite!
And all his love with hatred to requite!
Is this the fruit of Gods great patience,
To wax more bold in disobedience?
To kick against the bowels of his love!
Is this aright his bounty to improve?
Stand still, ye Heav'ns, and be astonished,
That God by man should thus be injured.
Give ear, O Earth, and tremble at the sin
Of those that thine Inhabitants have bin.
But thou, vile wretch, hast added unto all
Thine other faults, and facts so criminal,
The damning sin of wilful Unbelief.
Of all Transgressors hadst thou been the chief;
Yet when time was, thou mightst have been set free
From sin, and wrath, and punishment by me.
But thou wouldst not accept of Gospel grace,
Nor on my terms eternal life embrace.
As if all thy breaches of Gods Law
Were not enough upon thy head to draw
Eternal wrath, thou hast despis'd a Saviour,
Rejected me, and trampled on my favour.
How oft have I stood knocking at thy door,
And been denied entrance evermore?
How often hath my Spirit been withstood,
Whenas I sent him to have done thee good?
Thou hast no need of any one to plead
Thy cause, or for thy Soul to intercede:

Plead for thy self, if thou hast ought to say,
And pay thy forfeitures without delay.
Behold, thou dost ten thousand Talents owe:
Or pay thy debt, or else to prison go.
Think, think, O man, when Christ shall thus unfold
Thy secret guilt, and make thee to behold
The ugly face of all thy sinful errours,
And fill thy face with his amazing terrours,
And let thee see the flaming pit of hell,
(Where all that have no part in him shall dwel)
When he shall thus expostulate the case?
How canst thou bear to look him in the face?
What wi't thou do without an Advocate,
Or plead, when as thy state is desperate?
Dost think to put him off with fair pretences?
Or wilt thou hide and cover thine offences?
Can any thing from him concealed be,
Who doth the hidden things of darkness see?
Art thou of force his power to withstand?
Canst thou by might escape out of his hand;
Dost thou intend to run out of his sight,
And save thy self from punishment by flight?
Or wilt thou be eternally accurst,
And 'bide his vengeance, let him do his worst?
Oh, who can bear his indignations heat?
Or 'bide their pains of hell which are so great?
If then thou neither canst his wrath endure,
Nor any ransome after death procure:
If neither Cries nor Tears can move his heart
To pardon thee, or mitigate thy smart;
But unto Hell thou must perforce be sent
With dismal horrour and astonishment:
Consider, O my Friends, what cause thou hast
With fear and trembling, while as yet thou mayst,
To lay to heart thy sin and misery,
And to make out after the Remedy.

Consider well the greatness of thy danger,
O child of wrath, and object of Gods anger.
Thou hangest over the infernal pit
By one small thread, and car'st thou not a whit?
There's but a step between thy soul and death:
Nothing remains but stopping of thy breath,
(Which may be done to morrow, or before)
And then thou art undone for evermore:
Let this awaken thy security,
And make thee look about thee speedily.
How canst thou rest an hour, or sleep a night,
Or in thy creature comforts take delight?
Or with vain toys thy self forgetful make
How near thou art unto the burning Lake?
How canst thou live without tormenting fears?
How canst thou hold from weeping flouds of tears,
Yea, tears of bloud, I might almost have said,
If such like tears could from thine eyes be shed?
To gain the world what will it profit thee,
And lose thy soul and self eternally?
Eternity on one small point dependeth:
The man is lost that this short life mis spendeth.
For as the Tree doth fall, right so it lies:
And man continues in what state he dies.
Who happy die, shall happy rise again:
Who cursed die shall cursed still remain.
If under sin and wrath death leaves thee bound,
At Judgement under wrath thou shalt be found:
And then wo, wo that ever thou wert born
O wretched man, of heaven and earth forlorn!
Consider this, all ye that God forget,
Who all his threatnings at nought do set,
Lest into pieces he begin to tear
Your souls, and there be no deliverer.
O you that now sing care and fear away,
Think often of that formidable day,

Wherein the Heav'ns with a mighty noise,
And with an hideous heart-confounding voice,
Shall pass away together being roll'd.
As men are wont their garments up to fold:
When th'Elements with fervent heat shall melt,
And living creatures in the same shall swelt,
And all together in those flames expire,
Which set the earth's foundations on fire.
Oh, what amazement will your hearts be in,
And how will you to curse your selves begin,
For all your damned sloth, and negligence,
And unbelief, and gross impenitence,
When you shall hear that dreadful Sentence past,
That all the wicked into hell be cast?
What horrour will your consciences surprise,
When you shall hear the fruitless-doleful cries
Of such as are compelled to depart
Unto the place of everlasting smart?
What, when you see the sparks flie out of hell,
And view the Dungeon where you are to dwell,
Wherein you must eternally remain
In anguish and intollerable pain?
What, when your hands and feet are bound together,
And you are cast into that Lake for ever?
Then shall you feel the truth of what you hear,
That hellish pains are more then you can bear;
And that those torments are an hundred fold
More terrible then ever you were told.
Nor speak I this, good Reader, to torment thee
Before the time, but rather to prevent thee
From running headlong to thine own decay
In such a perillous and deadly way.
We who have known and felt Jehovah's terrours,
Perswade men to repent them of their errours.
And turn to God in time, ere his Decree
Bring forth, and then there be no remedee,

If in the night, when thou art fast asleep,
Some friend of thine, that better watch doth keep,
Should see thy house all on a burning flame,
And thee almost inclosed with the same:
If such a friend should break thy door & wake thee,
Or else by force out of the peril take thee:
What wouldst thou take his kindness in ill part?
Or frown upon him for his good desert?
Such, O my friend, such is thy present state,
And danger, being unregenerate.
Awake, awake, and then thou shalt perceive
Thy peril greater then thou wilt believe.
Lift up thine eyes and see Gods wrathful ire
Preparing unextinguishable fire
For all that live and die impenitent.
Awake, awake, O sinner, and repent.
And quarrel not, because I thus alarm
Thy Soul to save it from eternal harm.
Perhaps thou harbourest such thoughts as these,
I hope I may enjoy my carnal ease
A little longer, and my self refresh
With those delights that gratifie the flesh:
And yet repent before it be too late,
And get into a comfortable state.
I hope I have yet many years to spend,
And time enough those matters to attend.
Presumptuous heart! is God engag'd to give
A longer time to such as love to live
Like Rebels still, who think to slain his Glory
By wickedness, and after to be sorry?
Unto thy lust shall he be made a drudge,
Who thee, and all ungodly men shall judge?
Canst thou account sin sweet, and yet confess
That, first or last, it ends in bitterness?
Is sin a thing that must procure thee sorrow,
And wouldst thou dally with't another morrow?

O foolish man, who lovest to enjoy
That which will thee distress or else destroy!
What gained Samson by his Dalilah?
What gained David by his Bathsheba?
The one became a slave, lost both his eyes.
And made them sport that were his enemies:
The other penneth, as a certain token
Of God's displeasure, that his bones were broken.
Read, whoso list, and ponder what he reads,
And he shall find small joy in evil deeds.
Moreover this consider, that the longer
Thou liv'st in sin, thy sin will grow the stronger:
And then it will an harder matter prove,
To leave those wicked haunts that thou dost love.
The Blackmore may as eas'ly change his skin,
As old transgressours leave their wonted sin.
And who can tell what may become of thee,
Or where thy Soul in one days time may be?
We see that Death nor old nor young men spares,
But one and other takes at unawares.
For in a moment, whilst men Peace do cry,
Destruction seizeth on them suddenly.
Thou who this morning art a living wight,
Mayst be a Corps and damned Ghost ere night.
Oh dream not then, that it will serve the turn
Upon thy death-bed for thy sins to mourn.
But think how many have been snatch'd away,
And had no time for Mercy once to pray.
It's just with God Repentance to deny
To such, as put it off until they dy.
And late Repentance seldom proveth true:
Which if it fail, thou know'st what must ensue.
For after this short life is at an end,
What is amiss thou never canst amend.
Believe, O man, that to procrastinate,
And to put off until it be too late,

As 'tis thy sin, so is it Satans wile,
Whereby he doth great multitudes beguile.
How many thousands hath this strong delusion
Already brought to ruin and confusion,
Whose souls are now reserv'd in Iron Chains
Under thick darkness to eternal pains?
They thought of many years, as thou dost now:
But were deceived quite, and so mayst thou.
Oh then, my friend, while not away thy time,
Nor by Rebellion aggravate thy Crime.
Oh put not off Repentance till to morrow.
Adventure not without God's leave to borrow
Another day to spend upon thy lust:
Lest God (that is most holy, wise, and just)
Denounce in wrath, and to thy terrour say,
This night shall Devils fetch thy Soul away.
Now seek the face of God with all thy heart,
Acknowledge unto him how vile thou art;
Tell him thy sins deserve eternal wrath,
And that it is a wonder that he hath
Permitted thee so long to draw thy breath,
Who might have cut thee off by sudden death,
And sent thy Soul unto the lowest Pit,
From whence no price should ever ransom it,
And that he may most justly do it still
(Because thou hast deserv'd it) if he will.
Yet also tell him that, if he shall please,
He can forgive thy sins, and thee release:
And that in Christ his Son he may be just,
And justifie all those that on him trust;
That though thy sins are of a Crimson dye,
Yet Christ his bloud can cleanse thee thorowly.
Tell him, that he may make his glorious Name
More wonderful by covering thy shame.
That Mercy may be greatly magnify'd,
And Justice also fully satisfy'd,

If he shall please to own thee in his Son,
Who hath paid dear for Mans Redemption.
Tell him thou hast an unbelieving heart,
Which hindreth thee from coming for a part
In Christ: and that, although his terrours aw thee.
Thou canst not come, til he be pleas'd to draw thee.
Tell him, thou know'st thy heart to be so bad,
And thy condition so exceeding sad,
That though Salvation may be had for nought,
Thou canst not come and take, till thou be brought,
Oh beg of him to bow thy stubborn will
To come to Christ, that he thy lusts may kill.
Look up to Christ for his attractive pow'r.
Which he exerteth in a needful hour;
Who saith, When as I lifted up shall be,
Then will I draw all sorts of men to me,
Oh, wait upon him with due diligence,
And trembling fear in every Ordinance,
Unto his Call earnest attention give,
Whose voice makes deaf men hear, & dead men live,
Thus weep, and mourn, thus hearken, pray, & wait:
Till he behold, and pity thine estate,
Who is more ready to bestow his Grace,
Then thou the same art ready to embrace.
Yea, he hath might enough to bring thee home,
Though thou hast neither strength nor wil to come.
If he delay to answer thy Request:
Know that oft times he doth it for the best:
Not with intent to drive us from his doore,
But for to make us importune him more;
Or else to bring us duely to confess,
And be convinc't of our unworthiness.
Oh be not weary then, but persevere
To beg his Grace, till he thy suit shall hear;
And leave him not, nor from his footstool go,
Till over thee Compassion's skirt he throw.

Eternal life will recompence thy pains,
If sound at last, with Everlasting gains.
For if the Lord be pleas'd to hear thy cries,
And to forgive thy great iniquities,
Thou wilt have cause for ever to admire
And laud his Grace, that granted thy desire.
Then shalt thou find thy labour is not lost:
But that the good obtain'd surmounts the cost.
Nor shalt thou grieve for loss of sinful pleasures,
Exchang'd for heavenly joyes & lasting treasures.
The yoke of Christ, which once thou didst esteem
A tedious yoke, shall then most easie seem.
For why? The love of Christ shall thee constrain
To take delight in that which was thy pain.
The ways of Wisdom shall be pleasant ways,
And thou shalt chuse therein to spend thy days.
If once thy Soul be brought to such a pass:
O bless the Lord, and magnifie his Grace.
Thou, that of late hadst reason to be sad,
May'st now rejoyce, and be exceeding glad;
For thy condition is as happy now,
As erst it was disconsolate and low.
Thou art become as rich, as whilome poor;
As blessed now, as cursed heretofore.
For being cleansed with Christs precious bloud,
Thou hast an intr'est in the Chiefest Good:
God's anger is towards thy soul appeased:
And in his Christ he is with thee well-pleased.
Yea, he doth look upon thee with a mild
And gracious aspect as upon his child.
He is become thy Father and thy Friend,
And will defend thee from the cursed Fiend.
Thou need'st not fear the roaring Lions rage,
Since God Almighty doth himself engage
To bear thy Soul in Everlasting Arms,
Above the reach of all destructive harms.

Whats'ever here thy sufferings may be,
Yet from them all the Lord shall rescue thee:
He will preserve thee by his wond'rous might
Unto that rich Inheritance in light.
Oh sing for joy, all ye Regenerate,
Whom Christ hath brought into this blessed state,
O love the Lord, all ye his Saints, who hath
Redeemed you from everlasting wrath:
Who hath by dying made your Souls to live,
And what he dearly bought doth freely give.
Give up your selves to walk in all his ways,
And study how to live unto his praise.
The time is short you have to serve him here:
The day of your deliverance draweth near.
Lift up your heads, ye upright ones in heart,
Who in Christ's Purchase have obtain'd a part,
Behold! he rides upon a shining Cloud,
With Angels voice, and Trumpet sounding loud.
He comes to save his folk from all their foes,
And plague the men that Holiness oppose.
So come, Lord Jesus, quickly come we pray,
Yea come and hasten our Redemption day.




Vain , frail, short liv'd and miserable man,
Learn what thou art when thine estate is best;
A restless Wave o'th' troubled Ocean,
A Dream, a lifeless Picture finely drest:
A Wind, a Flower, a Vapour, and a Bubble,
A Wheel that stands not still, and a trembling Reed,
A rolling Stone, dry dust, light Chaff, and Stubble,
A Shadow of something, but nought indeed.
Learn what deceitful Toys, and empty things,
This World and all its best Enjoyments be:
Out of the Earth no true Contentment springs;
But all things here are vexing Vanitee.
For what is Beauty, but a fading Flower?
Or what is Pleasure, but the Devils bait,
Whereby he catcheth whom he would devour,
And multitudes of Souls doth ruinate?
And what are Friends, but mortal men, as we?
Whom Death from us may quickly separate?
Or else their hearts may quite estranged be,
And all their love be turned into hate.

Why is truth not allowed to exist anymore?

 Why is truth not allowed to exist anymore? Why is basic reality banned from our lives? Nobody believes in basic logic anymore! Truth judges...