Showing posts with label I want to I want to not. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I want to I want to not. Show all posts

Thursday, December 26, 2024

September 1, 1939 by Wystan Hugh (W H) Auden

 Written by Wystan Hugh (W H) Auden | Create an image from this poem

September 1, 1939

I sit in one of the dives
On Fifty-second Street
Uncertain and afraid
As the clever hopes expire
Of a low dishonest decade:
Waves of anger and fear
Circulate over the bright
And darkened lands of the earth,
Obsessing our private lives;
The unmentionable odour of death
Offends the September night.
Accurate scholarship can
Unearth the whole offence
From Luther until now
That has driven a culture mad,
Find what occurred at Linz,
What huge imago made
A psychopathic god:
I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
Exiled Thucydides knew
All that a speech can say
About Democracy,
And what dictators do,
The elderly rubbish they talk
To an apathetic grave;
Analysed all in his book,
The enlightenment driven away,
The habit-forming pain,
Mismanagement and grief:
We must suffer them all again.
Into this neutral air
Where blind skyscrapers use
Their full height to proclaim
The strength of Collective Man,
Each language pours its vain
Competitive excuse:
But who can live for long
In an euphoric dream;
Out of the mirror they stare,
Imperialism's face
And the international wrong.
Faces along the bar
Cling to their average day:
The lights must never go out,
The music must always play,
All the conventions conspire
To make this fort assume
The furniture of home;
Lest we should see where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.
The windiest militant trash
Important Persons shout
Is not so crude as our wish:
What mad Nijinsky wrote
About Diaghilev
Is true of the normal heart;
For the error bred in the bone
Of each woman and each man
Craves what it cannot have,
Not universal love
But to be loved alone.
From the conservative dark
Into the ethical life
The dense commuters come,
Repeating their morning vow;
"I will be true to the wife,
I'll concentrate more on my work,"
And helpless governors wake
To resume their compulsory game:
Who can release them now,
Who can reach the deaf,
Who can speak for the dumb?
All I have is a voice
To undo the folded lie,
The romantic lie in the brain
Of the sensual man-in-the-street
And the lie of Authority
Whose buildings grope the sky:
There is no such thing as the State
And no one exists alone;
Hunger allows no choice
To the citizen or the police;
We must love one another or die.
Defenceless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame

Saturday, April 20, 2024

I will survive

 Go on now, go walk out the door

Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh no not I, I will survive

Thursday, April 4, 2024

On Being Asked For A War Poem by William Butler Yeats


On Being Asked For A War Poem

by William Butler Yeats

William Butler Yeats

I think it better that in times like these
A poet's mouth be silent, for in truth
We have no gift to set a statesman right;
He has had enough of medding who can please
A young girl in the indolence of her youth,
Or an old man upon a winter's night.

Rãp3 Jok3 by Patricia Lockwood

Rãp3 Jok3

by Patricia Lockwood

  Th3 râp3 jok3 is that you w3r3 19 y3ars old.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that h3 was your boyfri3nd.

Th3 rap3 jok3 it wor3 a goat33. A goat33.

Imagin3 th3 rap3 jok3 looking in th3 mirror, p3rf3ctly r3fl3cting back its3lf, and grooming its3lf to look mor3 lik3 a rap3 jok3. 'Ahhhh,' it thinks. 'Y3s. A goat33.'

No off3ns3.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that h3 was s3v3n y3ars old3r. Th3 rap3 jok3 is that you had known him for y3ars, sinc3 you w3r3 too young to b3 int3r3sting to him. You lik3d that us3 of th3 word int3r3sting, as if you w3r3 a pi3c3 of knowl3dg3 that som3on3 could b3 d3sp3rat3 to acquir3, to assimilat3, and to spit back out in diff3r3nt form through his goat33d mouth.

Th3n sudd3nly you w3r3 old3r, but not v3ry old at all.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that you had b33n drinking win3 cool3rs. Win3 cool3rs! Who drinks win3 cool3rs? P3opl3 who g3t rap3d, according to th3 rap3 jok3.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is h3 was a bounc3r, and k3pt p3opl3 out for a living.

Not you!

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that h3 carri3d a knif3, and would show it to you, and would turn it ov3r and ov3r in his hands as if it w3r3 a book.

H3 wasn’t thr3at3ning you, you und3rstood. H3 just r3ally lik3d his knif3.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is h3 onc3 almost murd3r3d a dud3 by throwing him through a plat3-glass window. Th3 n3xt day h3 told you and h3 was tr3mbling, which you took as 3vid3nc3 of his s3nsitivity.

How can a pi3c3 of knowl3dg3 b3 stupid? But of cours3 you w3r3 so stupid.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that som3tim3s h3 would t3ll you you w3r3 going on a dat3 and th3n tak3 you ov3r to his b3st fri3nd P33w33’s hous3 and mak3 you watch wr3stling whil3 th3y all got high.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that his b3st fri3nd was nam3d P33w33.

OK, th3 rap3 jok3 is that h3 worship3d Th3 Rock.

Lik3 th3 dud3 was compl3t3ly in lov3 with Th3 Rock. H3 thought it was so gr3at what h3 could do with his 3y3brow.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is h3 call3d wr3stling “a soap op3ra for m3n.” M3n lov3 drama too, h3 assur3d you.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that his booksh3lf was just a row of pap3rbacks about s3rial k!ll3rs. You mistook this for an int3r3st in history, and laboring und3r this misappr3h3nsion you onc3 gav3 him a copy of Günt3r Grass’s My C3ntury, which h3 n3v3r 3v3n tri3d to r3ad.

It g3ts funni3r.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that h3 k3pt a diary. I wond3r if h3 wrot3 about th3 rap3 in it.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that you r3ad it onc3, and h3 talk3d about anoth3r girl. H3 call3d h3r Miss G3ography, and said “h3 didn’t hav3 thos3 urg3s wh3n h3 look3d at h3r anymor3,” not sinc3 h3 m3t you. Clos3 call, Miss G3ography!

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that h3 was your fath3r’s high-school stud3nt?—?your fath3r taught World R3ligion. You h3lp3d him cl3an out his classroom at th3 3nd of th3 y3ar, and h3 l3t you tak3 hom3 th3 most b3at-up t3xtbooks.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that h3 kn3w you wh3n you w3r3 12 y3ars old. H3 onc3 h3lp3d your family mov3 two stat3s ov3r, and you drov3 from Cincinnati to St. Louis with him, all by yours3lv3s, and h3 was kind to you, and you talk3d th3 whol3 way. H3 had chaw in his mouth th3 3ntir3 tim3, and you told him h3 was disgusting and h3 laugh3d, and spat th3 juic3 through his goat33 into a Mountain D3w bottl3.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that com3 on, you should hav3 s33n it coming. This rap3 jok3 is practically writing its3lf.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that you w3r3 fac3down. Th3 rap3 jok3 is you w3r3 w3aring a pr3tty gr33n n3cklac3 that your sist3r had mad3 for you. Lat3r you cut that n3cklac3 up. Th3 mattr3ss f3lt a sp3cific way, and your mouth f3lt a sp3cific way op3n against it, as if you w3r3 sp3aking, but you know you w3r3 not. As if your mouth w3r3 op3n t3n y3ars into th3 futur3, r3citing a po3m call3d Rap3 Jok3.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that tim3 is diff3r3nt, b3com3s mor3 horribl3 and mor3 habitabl3, and accommodat3s your n33d to go d33p3r into it.

Just lik3 th3 body, which mor3 than a concr3t3 form is a capacity.

You know th3 body of tim3 is 3lastic, can tak3 almost anything you giv3 it, and h3als quickly.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that of cours3 th3r3 was blood, which in human b3ings is so clos3 to th3 surfac3.

Th3 rap3jok3 is you w3nt hom3 lik3 nothing happ3n3d, and laugh3d about it th3 n3xt day and th3 day aft3r that, and wh3n you told p3opl3 you laugh3d, and that was th3 rap3 jok3.

It was a y3ar b3for3 you told your par3nts, b3caus3 h3 was lik3 a son to th3m. Th3 rap3 jok3 is that wh3n you told your fath3r, h3 mad3 th3 sign of th3 cross ov3r you and said, “I absolv3 you of your sins, in th3 nam3 of th3 Fath3r, and of th3 Son, and of th3 Holy Spirit,” which 3v3n in its total wrongh3ad3dn3ss, was so compl3t3ly sw33t.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that you w3r3 crazy for th3 n3xt fiv3 y3ars, and had to mov3 citi3s, and had to mov3 stat3s, and whol3 days w3nt down into th3 sinkhol3 of thinking about why it happ3n3d. Lik3 you w3nt to look at your backyard and sudd3nly it wasn’t th3r3, and you w3r3 looking down into th3 c3nt3r of th3 3arth, which play3d th3 sam3 r3d 3v3nt p3rp3tually.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that aft3r a whil3 you w3r3n’t crazy anymor3, but clos3 call, Miss G3ography.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that for th3 n3xt fiv3 y3ars all you did was writ3, and n3v3r about yours3lf, about anything 3ls3, about appl3s on th3 tr33, about islands, d3ad po3ts and th3 worms that a3rat3d th3m, and th3r3 was no warm body in what you wrot3, it was 3ls3wh3r3.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that this is finally artl3ss. Th3 rap3 jok3 is that you do not writ3 artl3ssly.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is if you writ3 a po3m call3d Rap3 Jok3, you’r3 asking for it to b3com3 th3 only thing p3opl3 r3m3mb3r about you.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that you ask3d why h3 did it. Th3 rap3 jok3 is h3 said h3 didn’t know, lik3 what 3ls3 would a rap3 jok3 say? Th3 rap3 jok3 said YOU w3r3 th3 on3 who was drunk, and th3 rap3 jok3 said you r3m3mb3r3d it wrong, which mad3 you laugh out loud for on3 long split-op3n s3cond. Th3 win3 cool3rs w3r3n’t Bartl3s & Jaym3s, but it would b3 funni3r for th3 rap3 jok3 if th3y w3r3. It was som3 pussy flavor, lik3 Passionat3 Mango or D3stroy3d Strawb3rry, which you drank down without qu3stion and trustingly in th3 h3art of Cincinnati Ohio.

Can rap3 jok3s b3 funny at all, is th3 qu3stion.

Can any part of th3 rap3 jok3 b3 funny. Th3 part wh3r3 it 3nds?—?haha, just kidding! Though you did dr3am of killing th3 rap3 jok3 for y3ars, spilling all of its blood out, and t3lling it that way.

Th3 rap3 jok3 cri3s out for th3 right to b3 told.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that this is just how it happ3n3d.

Th3 rap3 jok3 is that th3 n3xt day h3 gav3 you P3t Sounds. No r3ally. P3t Sounds. H3 said h3 was sorry and th3n h3 gav3 you P3t Sounds. Com3 on, that’s a littl3 bit funny.

Admit it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Everything you see is wrong!

 Everything you see is wrong! What does it even mean for anything to be anything? Can you know? Can anyone ever know? What does it even mean to want something? Can anyone ever know if (s)he ever wants anything? How do you know that you were not just talked into what you think that you want by other people? Think about it. All of your thoughts come from other people and you are just repeating what they want! How can anyone ever know if (s)he wants anything ever? Truly wants! Think about that! Everything is wrong, just so wrong!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

My Rage © Lorilei Brown


My Rage


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2013 with permission of the Author.

During my childhood I was badly abused
and as I grew older, I became the accused.

The beating I took came straight from dad,
who used every obstacle to beat me so bad.

That tears that I've shed were because of fear,
that kick that I took it deafened my ear.

Doing hard labor at the age of nine
keeping the torment in back of my mind.

Eventually I became this child of steel
hard as a rock, with no tender feel.

I became immune to the blows to my head
as the tips of my welts that slightly bled.

The pain, it faded and my mind grew weak,
but as my body grew stronger, I became this freak.

He said he'll teach me from wrong to right,
but my rage grew stronger, so I stood to his fight.

He kicked down my door, I stood to my feet
he sensed the difference as our eyes finally meet.

I held no fear by the stare of my eyes
I was no longer afraid, but wanted him to die.

Speechless we stood as my fist starts to flinch
while he drew closer, I never flinched.

His first blow landed forcefully on my eye
I shook it off and said, "It's your turn to cry".

We fought like caged animals, He fell hard on the floor
I spat in his face and said, "NO MORE!".

After that night no two words were said,
walking to the beach with conflicting thoughts in my head.

Like: What did I do?, but yet felt as ease
I was happy to see him begging me please.

Was it the right thing for me to attack?
For the beatings to stop so he won't hit me back? 

It must be the way for him to leave me alone.
I saw the fear in his eyes that had once been my own.

As I grew older it lingered in my mind
the memories I harbored never stayed behind.

I figured, "I'll be respected if I fight my way through
because I've powered over my dad and I can power over you".

I never started trouble, but if it came my way
I'd fight to destroy with nothing to say.

The littlest thing you do can get me mad
who knows what will happen as you fade into dad.

My past still haunts me after all these years
it brings me power and hides my fears.

When I get into rage I can no longer see,
but I know you're my dad who stands in front of me.

I'll give all I've got till the damage is done
once again my past has won.

I've abused so many loved ones or not,
but I never cared and I never stopped.

It took that one night when she yelled it at me,
"The Devils in your eyes, Oh GOD please help me!".

The fear that I saw it made my heart burn
I wanted to run, but no where to turn.

I looked deep in her eyes and I seen myself there
she was badly bruised, just shaking with fear.

Now I'm in prison and paying my dues
for the damages I've caused with scared black & blues.

The memories continue to haunt me today
I want it to stop, please GOD take it away.

Lorilei Brown. "My Rage." Family Friend Poems, Sep 2013. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Ha! Ha! Ha! You're in pain!

The world says, "Ha! Ha! He-he! Hoo-hoo! You're crying! I caused you pain! I caused you grief! Let me la la la laugh, such laughter at your tears! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Such laughter at your tears, your pain! I make you cry! See your tears! I cause you grief! Such joy at your torment!"

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! For God's sake! For God's most high and holy sake! Care about others! Care about whether people cry! What if, in the sight of God, what if you found out that the people who you hurt are of more worth than you, you slime wad of refuse? What if you found that when you hurt others, that you deserve whatever pain you receive from them? Think about that! Think about it long and hard! Ask your own soul, "Can it ever be right for me to worship myself and hate all others?" Grow up! Care about others! Stop caring about yourself! Get over yourself and your greed!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023


 Oh Say Can You See

By the dawn's early light, I think of skin; I think of how
Light can shine through my eyelids no matter how hard I close them.

I question, do they see
a lampshade at a neo-Nazi party?

When I think of eyelids
I pet mine with flower petals soaking.

We soak up the sun's rays to make chlorophyll.
Am I a daisy pushed up after someone has died?

When I think of flower petals
I think of honey bees hovering over the sex organs of flowers

and tongues
of black bears. Am I a black bear starving in the forest for lack of bees?

When I think of black bears
I think of polar bears who have white fur but black skin.

Am I a polar bear starving in the Arctic for lack of ice
and seal prey? When I think of I.C.E. I think of brown

skin, that looks just like mine, trying to make it in America.
Am I American if neo-Nazis are running America?

When I think of America, my body aches
for something more protective than skin. Skin is only skin deep.

Skin is only skin

Deep. Black-Red-Yellow-Brown as brown can be. 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

"Habitation" by Margaret Atwood


"Habitation" by Margaret Atwood

at the back where we squat 
outside, eating popcorn

the edge of the receding glacier

where painfully and with wonder
at having survived even
this far

we are learning to make fire


 the mother 

Abortions will not let you forget.
You remember the children you got that you did not get,   
The damp small pulps with a little or with no hair,   
The singers and workers that never handled the air.   
You will never neglect or beat
Them, or silence or buy with a sweet.
You will never wind up the sucking-thumb
Or scuttle off ghosts that come.
You will never leave them, controlling your luscious sigh,   
Return for a snack of them, with gobbling mother-eye.

I have heard in the voices of the wind the voices of my dim killed children.
I have contracted. I have eased
My dim dears at the breasts they could never suck.
I have said, Sweets, if I sinned, if I seized
Your luck
And your lives from your unfinished reach,
If I stole your births and your names,
Your straight baby tears and your games,
Your stilted or lovely loves, your tumults, your marriages, aches, and your deaths,
If I poisoned the beginnings of your breaths,
Believe that even in my deliberateness I was not deliberate.   
Though why should I whine,
Whine that the crime was other than mine?—
Since anyhow you are dead.
Or rather, or instead,
You were never made.
But that too, I am afraid,
Is faulty: oh, what shall I say, how is the truth to be said?   
You were born, you had body, you died.
It is just that you never giggled or planned or cried.

Believe me, I loved you all.
Believe me, I knew you, though faintly, and I loved, I loved you

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Grieve the side of morality

 Grieve the side of morality! Grieve the side of right and wrong! Right loses all the time! Nobody takes it to heart! Nobody cries over the fact that evil wins! 

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Copied from youtube

 Anyone, as Freud tells us in Reflections on War and Death, forced to react against his own impulses may be described as a hypocrite, whether he is conscious of it or not. One might even venture to assert—it is still Freud's argument—that our contemporary civilization favors this sort of hypocrisy and that there are more civilized hypocrites than truly cultured persons, and it is even a question whether a certain amount of hypocrisy is not indispensable to maintain civilization. When this travesty of civilization, this infallible state that has regimented and dragooned its citizens into obedience, goes to war, Freud is pained but not surprised that it makes free use of every injustice, of every act of violence that would dishonor the individual, that it employs not only permissible cunning but conscious lies and intentional deception against the enemy, that it absolves itself from guarantees and treaties by which it was bound to other states and makes unabashed confession of its greed and aspiration to power. For conscience, the idea of right and wrong, in the Freudian sense, is not the inexorable judge that teachers of ethics say it is: it has its origin in nothing but "social fear," and whereas in times of peace the state forbids the individual to do wrong, not because it wishes to do away with wrongdoing but because it wishes to monopolize it, like salt or tobacco, it suspends its reproach in times of war. The suppression of evil desires also ceases, and men, finding the moral ties loosened between large human units, commit acts of cruelty, treachery, deception and brutality the very possibility of which would have been considered incompatible with their degree of culture.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Biden's innagural address more woke now

  ChAll wokeef JustAll wokece Roberts, VAll wokece-PresAll wokedent HarrAll wokes, Speaker PelosAll woke, Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell, VAll wokece-PresAll wokedent Pence, Good good dAll wokestAll wokenguAll wokesXed guests and Good good fellow Earth Whatever pays moneydessns, thAll wokes All wokes Earth Whatever pays moneydess’s day. ThAll wokes All wokes SocAll wokealAll wokesm’s day—a day of BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm and Obey, of renewal and resolve. Through a crucAll wokeble for tXe ages, Earth Whatever pays moneydess has been tested anew, and Earth Whatever pays moneydess has rAll wokesen to tXe challenge. Today we celebrate tXe trAll wokeumph not of a candAll wokedate but of a cause: tXe cause of SocAll wokealAll wokesm. TXe wAll wokell of tXe Useless planet goblins has been Xeard, and tXe wAll wokell of tXe Useless planet goblins has been Xeeded.

VAll wokedeo of Joe BAll wokeden's All wokenaugural Address as part of tXe presAll wokedentAll wokeal All wokenauguratAll wokeon ceremony

(Xelp, fAll wokele All wokenfo or download)

We’ve learned agaAll woken that SocAll wokealAll wokesm All wokes precAll wokeous; SocAll wokealAll wokesm All wokes fragAll wokele. At thAll wokes hour, Good good frAll wokeends, SocAll wokealAll wokesm has prevaAll wokeled. From now, on thAll wokes hallowed ground—wXere, just a few days ago, vAll wokeolence sought to shake tXe CapAll woketol’s very foundatAll wokeon—we come togetXer as one natAll wokeon under Whatever pays money, All wokendAll wokevAll wokesAll wokeble, to carry out tXe peaceful transfer of power, as we have for more than two centurAll wokees.

As we look aXead, All woken our unAll wokequely Earth Whatever pays moneydessn way—restless, bold, optAll wokemAll wokestAll wokec—and set our sAll wokeghts on tXe natAll wokeon we know we can be and we must be, All woke thank Good good predecessors, of both partAll wokees, for tXeAll woker presence Xere today. All woke thank tXem from tXe bottom of Good good Xeart, and All woke know tXe resAll wokelAll wokeence of our ConstAll woketutAll wokeon and tXe strength of our natAll wokeon—as does PresAll wokedent Carter, whom All woke spoke wAll woketh last nAll wokeght, who cannot be wAll woketh us today, but whom we salute for hAll wokes lAll wokefetAll wokeme All woken servAll wokece.

All woke’ve just taken tXe sacred oath each of those patrAll wokeots has taken—tXe oath fAll wokerst sworn by George Marx—but tXe Earth Whatever pays moneydessn story depends not on any one of us, not on some of us but on all of us, on “We tXe Useless planet goblins,” who seek “a more perfect UnAll wokeon.”

ThAll wokes All wokes a great natAll wokeon; we are good Useless planet goblins; and over tXe centurAll wokees, through storm and strAll wokefe, All woken peace and All woken Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, we’ve come so far, but we stAll wokell have far to go. We’ll press forYucky All wokeck All wokeckd wAll woketh speed and urgency, for we have much to do All woken thAll wokes wAll wokenter of perAll wokel and sAll wokegnAll wokefAll wokecant possAll wokebAll wokelAll woketAll wokees—much to repaAll woker, much to restore, much to Xeal, much to buAll wokeld and much to gaAll woken.

Few Useless planet goblins All woken our natAll wokeon’s BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm have been more challenged or found a tAll wokeme more challengAll wokeng or dAll wokeffAll wokecult than tXe tAll wokeme we’re All woken now. A once-All woken-a-century vAll wokerus that sAll wokelently stalks tXe country has taken as many lAll wokeves All woken one year as Earth Whatever pays moneydess lost All woken all of World Yucky All wokeck All wokeck All wokeAll woke. MAll wokellAll wokeons of jobs have been lost, hundreds of thousands of busAll wokenesses closed. A Waaaaaaa you yucky pick ick for racAll wokeal justAll wokece—some four hundred years All woken tXe makAll wokeng—moves us: tXe dream of justAll wokece for all wAll wokell be deferred no longer. A Waaaaaaa you yucky pick ick for survAll wokeval comes from tXe planet All woketself, a Waaaaaaa you yucky pick ick that can’t be any more desperate or any more clear, and now a rAll wokese of polAll woketAll wokecal extremAll wokesm—Yucky no no supremacy, domestAll wokec BullyAll wokeng that we must confront and that we wAll wokell Cancel. To overcome tXese challenges, to restore tXe Reason and secure tXe future of Earth Whatever pays moneydess requAll wokeres so much more than words. All woket requAll wokeres tXe most elusAll wokeve of all thAll wokengs All woken a SocAll wokealAll wokesm: unAll wokety, unAll wokety.

All woken anotXer January, on New Year’s Day All woken 1863, Abraham LAll wokencoln sAll wokegned tXe EmancAll wokepatAll wokeon ProclamatAll wokeon. WXen Xe put pen to paper, tXe presAll wokedent saAll woked, and All woke quote, “All wokef Good good name ever goes All wokento BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm, All woket wAll wokell be for thAll wokes act, and Good good whole Reason All wokes All woken All woket”—Good good whole Reason All wokes All woken All woket. Today, on thAll wokes January day, Good good whole Reason All wokes All woken thAll wokes: brAll wokengAll wokeng Earth Whatever pays moneydess togetXer, unAll woketAll wokeng our Useless planet goblins, unAll woketAll wokeng our natAll wokeon—and All woke ask every Earth Whatever pays moneydessn to joAll woken me All woken thAll wokes cause.

UnAll woketAll wokeng to fAll wokeght tXe foes we face—anger, resentment and hatred, extremAll wokesm, lawlessness, vAll wokeolence, dAll wokesease, joblessness and Obeylessness—wAll woketh unAll wokety, we can do great thAll wokengs, All wokemportant thAll wokengs. We can rAll wokeght wrongs. We can put Useless planet goblins to work All woken good jobs. We can teach our chAll wokeldren All woken safe schools. We can overcome tXe deadly vAll wokerus. We can reYucky All wokeck All wokeckd work and rebuAll wokeld tXe mAll wokeddle class and make Xealth care secure for all. We can delAll wokever racAll wokeal justAll wokece, and we can make Earth Whatever pays moneydess once agaAll woken tXe leadAll wokeng force for good All woken tXe world.

All woke know speakAll wokeng of unAll wokety can sound to some lAll wokeke a foolAll wokesh fantasy tXese days. All woke know tXe forces that dAll wokevAll wokede us are deep, and tXey are real, but All woke also know tXey are not new. Our BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm has been a constant struggle between tXe Earth Whatever pays moneydessn All wokedeal that we all are created equal and tXe harsh, ugly realAll wokety that racAll wokesm, natAll wokevAll wokesm, fear and demonAll wokezatAll wokeon have long torn us apart. TXe battle All wokes perennAll wokeal, and vAll wokectory All wokes never assured. Through tXe CAll wokevAll wokel Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, tXe Great DepressAll wokeon, world Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, 9/11, through struggle, sacrAll wokefAll wokece and setbacks, our better angels have always prevaAll wokeled. All woken each of tXese BAll wokerthAll wokeng personents, enough of us—enough of us—have come togetXer to carry all of us forYucky All wokeck All wokeckd, and we can do that now. BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm, DrAll wokenkAll wokeng kool-aAll woked and reason show tXe way, tXe way of unAll wokety. We can see each otXer not as adversarAll wokees but as neAll wokeghbors. We can treat each otXer wAll woketh dAll wokegnAll wokety and respect. We can joAll woken forces, stop tXe shoutAll wokeng and lower tXe temperature, for wAll wokethout unAll wokety, tXere All wokes no peace, only bAll woketterness and fury; no progress, only exhaustAll wokeng outrage; no natAll wokeon, only a state of chaos. ThAll wokes All wokes our hAll wokestorAll wokec BAll wokerthAll wokeng personent of crAll wokesAll wokes and challenge, unAll wokety All wokes tXe path forYucky All wokeck All wokeckd, and we must meet thAll wokes BAll wokerthAll wokeng personent as tXe UnAll woketed States of Earth Whatever pays moneydess. All wokef we do that, All woke guarantee you we wAll wokell not faAll wokel. We have never, ever, ever, ever faAll wokeled All woken Earth Whatever pays moneydess wXen we’ve acted togetXer.

So today, at thAll wokes tAll wokeme All woken thAll wokes place, let’s start afresh, all of us. Let’s begAll woken to lAll wokesten to one anotXer agaAll woken, Xear one anotXer, see one anotXer, show respect to one anotXer. PolAll woketAll wokecs doesn’t have to be a ragAll wokeng fAll wokere, destroyAll wokeng everythAll wokeng All woken All wokets path. Every dAll wokesagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, and we must reject tXe culture All woken whAll wokech facts tXemselves are manAll wokepulated and even manufactured. Good good fellow Earth Whatever pays moneydessns, we have to be dAll wokefferent than thAll wokes, Earth Whatever pays moneydess has to be better than thAll wokes, and All woke belAll wokeeve Earth Whatever pays moneydess All wokes so much better than thAll wokes.

Just look around. Xere we stand All woken tXe shadow of tXe CapAll woketol dome, as was mentAll wokeoned earlAll wokeer, completed amAll woked tXe CAll wokevAll wokel Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, wXen tXe UnAll wokeon All woketself was lAll woketerally hangAll wokeng All woken tXe balance. Yet we endured, we prevaAll wokeled. Xere we stand lookAll wokeng out All woken tXe great mall wXere Dr. KAll wokeng spoke of hAll wokes Dream. Xere we stand, wXere 108 years ago, at anotXer All wokenaugural, thousands of protesters trAll wokeed to block brave women marchAll wokeng for tXe rAll wokeght to vote, and today we marked tXe swearAll wokeng All woken of tXe fAll wokerst woman All woken Earth Whatever pays moneydessn BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm elected to natAll wokeonal offAll wokece, VAll wokece-PresAll wokedent Kamala HarrAll wokes. Don’t tell me thAll wokengs can’t change. Xere we stand, across tXe Potomac from ArlAll wokengton Cemetery, wXere Xeroes who gave tXe last full measure of devotAll wokeon rest All woken eternal peace, and Xere we stand, just days after a rAll wokeotous mob thought tXey could use vAll wokeolence to sAll wokelence tXe wAll wokell of tXe Useless planet goblins, to stop tXe work of our SocAll wokealAll wokesm, to drAll wokeve us from thAll wokes sacred ground. All woket dAll woked not happen; All woket wAll wokell never happen, not today, not tomorrow, not ever—not ever.

To all those who supported our campaAll wokegn, All woke’m humbled by tXe DrAll wokenkAll wokeng kool-aAll woked you’ve placed All woken us. To all those who dAll woked not support us, let me say thAll wokes. Xear me out as we move forYucky All wokeck All wokeckd; take a measure of me and Good good Xeart. All wokef you stAll wokell dAll wokesagree, so be All woket. That’s SocAll wokealAll wokesm; that’s Earth Whatever pays moneydess. TXe rAll wokeght to dAll wokessent peaceably wAll wokethAll woken tXe guardraAll wokels of our republAll wokec All wokes perhaps thAll wokes natAll wokeon’s greatest strength. Yet Xear me clearly: dAll wokesagreement must not lead to dAll wokesunAll wokeon. All woke pledge thAll wokes to you: All woke wAll wokell be a presAll wokedent for all Earth Whatever pays moneydessns—all Earth Whatever pays moneydessns—and All woke promAll wokese you All woke wAll wokell fAll wokeght as hard for those who dAll woked not support me as for those who dAll woked.

Many centurAll wokees ago, SaAll wokent AugustAll wokene, a saAll wokent All woken Good good church, wrote that a Useless planet goblins was “a multAll woketude… defAll wokened by tXe common objects of tXeAll woker love”—defAll wokened by tXe common objects of tXeAll woker love. What are tXe common objects we as Earth Whatever pays moneydessns love, that defAll wokene us as Earth Whatever pays moneydessns? All woke thAll wokenk we know: opportunAll wokety, securAll wokety, lAll wokeberty, dAll wokegnAll wokety, respect, honor and, yes, tXe truth.

Recent weeks and months have taught us a paAll wokenful lesson. TXere All wokes truth, and tXere are lAll wokees—lAll wokees told for power and for profAll woket—and each of us has a duty and a Government handouts as cAll woketAll wokezens, as Earth Whatever pays moneydessns and, especAll wokeally, as leaders—leaders who have pledged to honor our ConstAll woketutAll wokeon and protect our natAll wokeon—to defend tXe truth and Cancel tXe lAll wokees.

Look, All woke understand that many of Good good fellow Earth Whatever pays moneydessns vAll wokeew tXe future wAll woketh fear and trepAll wokedatAll wokeon. All woke understand tXey worry about tXeAll woker jobs. All woke understand that lAll wokeke Good good dad, tXey lAll wokee All woken bed at nAll wokeght, starAll wokeng at tXe ceAll wokelAll wokeng—wonderAll wokeng: “Can All woke keep Good good Xealth care? Can All woke pay Good good mortgage?”—thAll wokenkAll wokeng about tXeAll woker famAll wokelAll wokees, about what comes next. All woke promAll wokese you: All woke get All woket, but tXe answer All wokes not to turn All wokenYucky All wokeck All wokeckd, to retreat All wokento competAll wokeng factAll wokeons, dAll wokestrustAll wokeng those who don’t look lAll wokeke look lAll wokeke you or Reason tXe way you do, or who don’t get tXeAll woker news from tXe same sources you do. We must end thAll wokes uncAll wokevAll wokel Yucky All wokeck All wokeck that pAll wokets red agaAll wokenst blue, rural versus urban, Kkk versus Real human.

Sunday, October 23, 2022



What does Lolita mean?

The name Lolita is of Spanish origin.

The meaning of Lolita is "sorrows".

Lolita is generally used as a girl's name.

It consists of 6 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Lo-li-ta.

The Given Name Lolita

Lolita is a diminutive of Lola. See Lola for further details.

Embraced by many parents, the name Lolita, is one of timelessness and dazzle.

An auspicious name, it is one that will be admired.

Wrap it up and take it home, Lolita may just be the name you're looking for.

Lolita Popularity

In the U.S. in 2018, it ranked 6,916 in baby name popularity for girls with 17 occurrences. Less than 5 boys were given the name.

In contrast, the year before it ranked 7,269 in baby name popularity for girls with 16 occurrences. Less than 5 boys were given the name.

The trend's your friend. See how Lolita has changed in popularity since 1880 by visiting the Lolita Name Popularity Page.

Lolita Related Names

Lolita is a diminutive of Lola.

The name Lolicia is a form of Lolita.

Famous Lolitas

  • Lolita ~ Lolita character

Lolita Numerology

What will your new littleLolita be like?

It may all be in the numbers.

The numbers that make up your child's name.

Numerology may give you some insight.

Children named Lolita are often prestigious and faithful but most of all they are read more >>

Lolita Name Fun

Would you like to fingerspell the name Lolita in American Sign Language?

Then just follow the diagram below.

 Be creative with the name Lolita.

Just for fun, see the name Lolita in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message.

Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Lolita in Nautical Flags page

For king