Showing posts with label prolife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prolife. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

On Monday, news leaked that the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe — which has protected women's rights for nearly 50 years.


On Monday, news leaked that the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe — which has protected women's rights for nearly 50 years.

AlterNet All-Access was there. 

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

for mothers like Sally


Hi again Timor,

Here’s another reason I emailed you a few days ago ... for mothers like Sally. When Sally walked into the pregnancy medical center, her baby had less than 24 hours to live. I believe that breaks your heart because you have compassion for vulnerable mothers, like Sally, and their babies. Please read on!

Sally admitted through tears that she had an abortion planned for the next day.

“Everyone at home wants me to get an abortion. I feel lost and alone.”

Because of friends like you, Sally received a free ultrasound. That’s when something miraculous happened. Sally met her baby!

The sonogram revealed a 12-week-old baby. Sally took one look and said, “I’m going to cancel my abortion appointment.” Once she saw her healthy, growing baby, Sally CHOSE LIFE!

Timor, if you want to help change more hearts and minds like these, I invite you to become a monthly sustainer of the Option Ultrasound Life Advocate program. This fantastic community of monthly supporters believes in the sanctity of life, rescues babies from abortion, and ministers to their mothers.

Just $60 can save one baby from abortion! That means if you could save 6 babies each year with a $30 monthly gift or 12 babies with a $60 monthly gift. Your monthly donation will save lives and defend the sanctity of human life!

Some generous friends who value life provided a $4 Million Match that will help you save even more lives. Your first monthly gift will be DOUBLED to go TWICE AS FAR to rescue mothers and their babies from abortion. What an incredible opportunity! But please act now before this door closes.

To become a monthly Life Advocate and see your first gift DOUBLED, visit


Robyn Chambers
Executive Director, Advocacy for Children
Focus on the Family

P.S. You can share the truth about life with other moms like Sally and rescue both mom and baby from the tragedy of abortion as a monthly Option Ultrasound Life Advocate.

The name in the story changed to protect privacy.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022



Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Sign Our Petition Now



Wednesday, January 27, 2021

“How did the German people sit back and let that happen?”



I know when we think about the Holocaust so many of us think, “How did the German people sit back and let that happen?”

I know I certainly have.

And I know we all like to think that if that happened today, each of us would stand up to stop it.

But the grim reality is this, a genocide is happening right now…in Chinese-occupied East Turkistan against a Muslim minority and in Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities across America.

So, what are you doing today to speak up against genocide?

Can I make a recommendation to you?

For today, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, can you take just a few minutes to watch a short movie, Sing a Little Louder? I had the privilege to serve as co-executive producer and write the ending of the film.

This film is short but powerful as it recounts the story of one man and his church during the Jewish Holocaust.

But let me warn you, watching it will have consequences for I know no one who has watched it and remained inactive against the genocide currently occurring in our world.

After you tune in, please consider doing TWO simple things to take action:

1) Share our filmSing a Little Louderwith everyone you know on social media. Use this link:

2) Donate to Movie to Movement today as we strive to speak out and protect the most vulnerable in our world, from the Uygher families being held in concentration camps in China to the preborn child in the womb here in America.

Until every human person has a voice and is treated with dignity, Movie to Movement and our team at the Vulnerable Peoples Project will not cease.

Thank you for standing with us.

For Them,

Jason Jones
Founder, Movie to Movement & The Vulnerable Peoples Project
Producer, Divided Hearts fo America 
Host, The Jason Jones Show
P.S. - Please chip in now with a tax-deductible gift to allow us to continue making films like Sing a Little Louder!
Our mailing address is:
Movie to Movement
HERO inc
117A Packerland Drive
Green BayWI 54303

Add us to your address book

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Movie to Movement's first film…Bella.



Today is a very special day as it’s the 13th anniversary of the release of Movie to Movement's first film…Bella.       

And my twin girls are alive because of it.

Let me explain...

As you may or may not remember in 2007, Bella was the first pro-life film ever to become a major motion picture shown in movie theaters across the nation.
But our success with Bella didn’t stop there. Oh no, in fact, the real “success” of Bella is what happened after it was released on DVDs.

Bella has been dubbed “The Movie that saved more than 1,000 Lives.” And I couldn’t be more proud to say that it made a profound difference in my life. 
Bella had a very successful "theatrical release." And it set DVD records lining the end caps of Walmarts and Targets across the nation. But it was Bella being offered to the families of women in waiting rooms of pregnancy resource centers as gifts from Movie to Movement, that led to thousands of babies saved from abortion.
Because of YOU, our generous Movie to Movement supporters, we got thousands of free Bella DVDS in hundreds of these centers. And thousands of children are alive today because of Bella.

Just like my beautiful identical twin girls.
You see, I was one of those women contemplating abortion. Until…I saw Bella.

This film had such an impact on my thought process and decision to choose life. It made me realize that this precious gift was given to me from God.

For so many women, an unplanned pregnancy creates worry, stress, and anxiety, as it did for me. It was scary; I didn’t know what to do or know how my life could or would change.
Until…I knew I was strong enough to overcome my circumstances and choose life for my unborn babies. After watching Bella, I walked away feeling more encouraged and empowered to choose a life over mine.

And let me tell you, it wasn’t an easy choice.
I almost died giving birth. I had a number of complications during my pregnancy; the simple fact that I was immediately considered "high risk" was terrifying enough to scare someone like me into aborting my babies.

And then, I started preterm labor at just 25 weeks. One of my precious babies almost lost her life before she was even born. At 26 weeks, I ended up giving birth to two three-pound babies, who were in incubators on breathing and feeding tubes and unable to come home for weeks.
Bella and its message meant so much to me, it even inspired one of the girls' names.

On Monday, August 9, 2010, I gave birth to Millie Marie and Bella Lorraine.

And, not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for my miracle babies and also for Movie to Movement for donating the film to the pregnancy center I walked into.

In fact, that’s why I’m working with Jason and the Movie to Movement team now, because I know first-hand just how powerful one film can be. That it can spur someone to take action on behalf of a vulnerable person. That it can empower a lost and confused woman, like me at the time to do the right thing and choose life above all else.
That’s why I’m writing to you today.

On the 13th anniversary of Bella’s release, Movie to Movement is giving away 150 free copies of the film for you to watch and keep or watch and give away, maybe to a friend at church, to a local pro-life youth group, or even to your local pregnancy resource center.
So, can you pitch in today with a tax-deductible gift of $50 or more?
The first 150 supporters who give $50 or more will receive a FREE copy of Bella, the film that launched Movie to Movementthe film that saved the life of my Millie & Bella.
So hurry, get your free DVD today and start spreading the word!

In Service,

Crissy Stanley
Director of Donor Relations
The Divided Hearts of America Film & Movie to Movement

P.S. - Please chip and donate $50 or more today, and I'll make sure to send you one of the free DVD copies of Bella that we have! 
Our mailing address is:
Movie to Movement
HERO inc
117A Packerland Drive
Green BayWI 54303

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For king