People who believe in God have in him a hope that no matter how serious and difficult their problem is, they are always under the protection, compassion, mercy and love of God, and therefore they feel happier, relieved and safe.

When they or a relative is seriously ill, in danger of dying, or when they lose their job, become homeless and starve, they pray to God and feel relieved that they can turn to him, they believe that God will help them, protect them and not let anything bad happen to them, this greatly reduces the suffering, pain, anguish, fear, and especially loneliness.

If they lose their loved ones, they believe they are now in a much better place, in the heavens, with God, where there's no suffering, and they'll meet their loved ones again when they die, so death isn't so bad or fearful anymore, some even feel happy to know their time is near.

But atheists who do not believe in God do not have the same privilege of resorting to the "faithful divine friend who can do everything", they cannot ask for divine help or protection, they do not feel watched over all day long and while they sleep, if a relative or themselves are in a very difficult situation such as illness, unemployment, homelessness, misery, they can only rely on themselves or on other humans, and that is why many atheists prefer to end their own lives, as they see no other way out of their misery.

There is no one else to turn to, and even death can't bring them happiness, because there's no afterlife, no heavens, no better place to go, they'll never see their loved ones again, they'll just vanish forever from existence, making death a bit more scary and unsettling.

I myself, who was born into Christianity, became an atheist for several reasons, but I really miss the privilege of being able to count on an almighty loving friend in the most difficult times. I'd like to know how to cope with this.

How do you atheists deal with this?