Showing posts with label I feel lost and alone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I feel lost and alone. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

for mothers like Sally


Hi again Timor,

Here’s another reason I emailed you a few days ago ... for mothers like Sally. When Sally walked into the pregnancy medical center, her baby had less than 24 hours to live. I believe that breaks your heart because you have compassion for vulnerable mothers, like Sally, and their babies. Please read on!

Sally admitted through tears that she had an abortion planned for the next day.

“Everyone at home wants me to get an abortion. I feel lost and alone.”

Because of friends like you, Sally received a free ultrasound. That’s when something miraculous happened. Sally met her baby!

The sonogram revealed a 12-week-old baby. Sally took one look and said, “I’m going to cancel my abortion appointment.” Once she saw her healthy, growing baby, Sally CHOSE LIFE!

Timor, if you want to help change more hearts and minds like these, I invite you to become a monthly sustainer of the Option Ultrasound Life Advocate program. This fantastic community of monthly supporters believes in the sanctity of life, rescues babies from abortion, and ministers to their mothers.

Just $60 can save one baby from abortion! That means if you could save 6 babies each year with a $30 monthly gift or 12 babies with a $60 monthly gift. Your monthly donation will save lives and defend the sanctity of human life!

Some generous friends who value life provided a $4 Million Match that will help you save even more lives. Your first monthly gift will be DOUBLED to go TWICE AS FAR to rescue mothers and their babies from abortion. What an incredible opportunity! But please act now before this door closes.

To become a monthly Life Advocate and see your first gift DOUBLED, visit


Robyn Chambers
Executive Director, Advocacy for Children
Focus on the Family

P.S. You can share the truth about life with other moms like Sally and rescue both mom and baby from the tragedy of abortion as a monthly Option Ultrasound Life Advocate.

The name in the story changed to protect privacy.

shadow banning


shadow banning

or shadowbanning shad-oh ban-ing ]

Shadow banning is a practice used in online moderation that consists of preventing a user’s content from being seen by others—either partially or totally—without the user being notified or aware of it. This is typically done as a consequence of violating a platform’s rules.

The term shadow ban can be used as a verb meaning to ban a user in such a way and as a noun referring to such a ban. The adjective form is shadow banned. Similar terms such as ghost banstealth ban, and comment ban are sometimes used synonymously with shadow ban.

In contrast, traditional bans typically result in the banned user not being able to access their account at all.

Shadow banning instead allows the user to continue to use the site seemingly as normal. The user may not initially realize that they have been shadow banned until they notice a lack of interactions with the content that they post (because it is being hidden completely or displayed to fewer users).

The term shadow banning has been applied to moderation practices used by many popular online platforms, such as Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook. Some websites explicitly use the term shadow banning in their public rules.

The practice is often criticized due to its lack of transparency or for other reasons. Some critics accuse websites of using shadow banning to censor particular opinions or viewpoints.

Example: The site is known for shadow banning users that violate its rules, which it claims is easier and more effective than outright banning them.

Dear Fellow Conservative,


Dear Fellow Conservative,

Nancy Pelosi's is lying about January 6th to destroy conservatives and I need your immediate help to expose and stop her lies.

That's why I'm asking you to sign your STOP THE LIES -- RELEASE THE FOOTAGE petition right away.


Almost everything that comes from Pelosi's mouth about January 6th is made-up...

Of course, the radical Left and their pawns in the fake-news media repeat the lies hoping the American people believe them -- but the facts speak for themselves:
  • The Left says that President Trump's speech incited violence...

    ...LIE - Trump told people to, "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

  • Pelosi calls it an "armed insurrection"...
    ...LIE - Not a single firearm was found on a protestor.

  • The radical Left claims the demonstrators caused fatal injuries...
    ...LIE - the only person killed was an unarmed, Air Force Veteran protester who was shot at point-blank range.
Pelosi knows that January 6th wasn't a "terrorist attack" or "insurrection."

Pelosi knows she's lying and getting her friends on the radical Left and fake-news media to do the same.

But she doesn't care. She doesn't care about finding out the truth about that day...

Pelosi only cares about using January 6th to attack conservatives and label us as "terrorists."

The proof is everywhere. The Washington Post recently reported that:

"The House Jan 6th Committee has tried to recruit high-profile journalists to write its report...hoping to build a narrative thriller that compels audiences."

They're literally hiring writers to write a government report to fool the Americans into believing their lies!

That's why we must force Pelosi to - RELEASE THE FOOTAGE!


You see, right now she's picking little snippets of footage to release and leaking tidbits of information -- hoping to tell the story she wants to tell.

But there are 14,000 hours of footage that Pelosi is hiding from the American people.


It's because the footage shows the TRUTH and destroys her make-believe story about that day.

That's why we must get them to release all the recordings so we can find out the TRUTH -- not Pelosi's made-up story about what happened that day.

So please, I need you to immediately sign your STOP THE LIES -- RELEASE THE FOOTAGE petition right away.


I've set a goal of collecting 840,000 signed petitions...

Which equals one signed STOP THE LIES -- RELEASE THE FOOTAGE petition for every minute of the 14,000 hours of footage that Pelosi is hiding from the American people...

It's also the show of force we need to ensure our voices are heard.

I'm sick and tired of Pelosi and the fake-news media calling me a "terrorist" just because I'm a conservative or I support President Trump.

It's a disgusting lie and it shows Pelosi's desperation.

The American people are rejecting her radical Socialist agenda, so she's using January 6th to attack conservatives and kill our America-first agenda...

But we cannot allow her to label us "terrorists".

That's why I'm asking for your help today. Will you sign your STOP THE LIES -- RELEASE THE FOOTAGE petition along with making a one-time, urgent tax-deductible donation of $20?


I'm asking you to make a $20 gift because while your signed petition is critical - by itself, it's just not enough.

To win this fight, we need a massive flood of signed petitions to force action - and your urgent $20 donation today allows me to collect up to an additional 41 petitions tomorrow...

And if you can give more today - $35, $50, $100, $250 or more - I'll reach my goal of 840,000 signed petitions even faster.

But whatever amount you choose, please make your urgently needed emergency donation to the David Horowitz Freedom Center as soon as you finish signing your petition.

So please, do not delay. Sign your STOP THE LIES -- RELEASE THE FOOTAGE petition right away.


Nancy Pelosi is using January 6th to attack and destroy conservatives -- and we cannot allow her lies to go unanswered.

Can I count on you to take immediate action to end this partisan witch-hunt?

For America,

David Horowitz

P.S. Nancy Pelosi is lying about January 6th and we must stop her by exposing her lies!

She's created a made-up story that allows her and the fake-news media to label us all "terrorists," and the only way to expose her lies is by releasing the 14,000 hours of footage she is hiding...

That's why I'm asking you to sign your STOP THE LIES -- RELEASE THE FOOTAGE petition along with your one-time, urgent tax-deductible donation of $20, $35, $50, $100, $250 or more right away.


The David Horowitz Freedom Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Support the Freedom Center
©David Horowitz Freedom Center |
P.O. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499

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And as the world vomits up war



And as the world vomits up war
And retreats into emptiness,
Spring’s begun dividing

her storks and cranes among us
There’s a power in this northern migration,

Edging out fear and assent,
While out on the spring ice
A primordial evil lands in your hands

The future tense and past tense
Got stuck in the muck of grammar
The storks fell asleep in their nests
Not yet having arrived

Only the Ukrainian Army and its volunteers
are awake. In this countdown to a new era—
a baby born in a basement
will receive the holy tablets



If only I could, like a nighttime moth,
whisper to this moment, “stop”
and reach the light, crawl behind the backdrop,
as though it had never been winter.
The moth would fly off to the muse Urania,
to a branch of Iwaszkiewicz’s pine.
The vintner is pouring the birds his wine,
growing painlessly drunk, himself.
Lullaby of winter, rock me, leave me
in a warm fur coat to write poetry,
and drive the hares from the apple trees,
so they won’t eat the shoots in their dreams,
look around at the grain, at your loved ones, at us,
let it be Christmastime again.
And after that, spring, and let us be alive,
and the moth is still resting inside my sleeve…



Yesterday, I put on my father’s pants.
They fit me now.
I remember him well in them
around the age I am now.
Tanned. Elusive.
Or was I running slowly around him?
Tо the place where his pants were the color of coffee with milk,
and not vomit with vodka.
I always ran with a much older crowd.
Searching, I guess, for the fisherman, the amateur photographer,
the grower of tomatoes under a heat-lamp
for my Christmas-birthday,
the electrical engineer, far away
in my childhood forests,
that one, who at fourteen,
saw his first lightbulb.



The forest is almost ours,
like the salt in the salt-shaker.
It’s calm and has no fear,
for from its mouth and eyelashes bird to bird
and ravine to ravine
nod as if to friends:
and you are glad.
Ulysses, forest, come back to us,
for my father has merged with you
and has become like you—
squirrely, snowy and avian,
if only I could send my son
your letters.



Snow is falling on Krakow the kind
that slows your phrases and slows your actions
that slows the tears dripping from your lashes
out of wartime fear for Kyiv

Krakow’s a raincoat, a junior size,
where you’ll find yourself hidden deep in a pocket
Unharmed, and in the other side’s
despair and a pain that won’t subside.

You are Szymborska’s cigarette lighter
inside that pocket, the one on the right.
But a sea of trouble spilled out in the left,
as big as the floodplain in Irpin.

Translated, from the Ukrainian, by Amelia Glaser and Yuliya Ilchuk.


Natalia Belchenko is a poet and translator. Born in Kyiv, she is a recipient of the Hubert Burda Prize (Germany, 2000) and the National Writer’s Union of Ukraine Mykola Ushakov Prize in Literature (Ukraine, 2006). Finalist of the Gennady Grigoriev Prize (Russia, 2013), the L. Vysheslavsky’s “Poet’s Planet” prize-winner (Ukraine, 2014). Her works include eight collections of poetry and numerous magazine selections and anthology publications, both in Ukraine and abroad (in English, German, French, Polish, Korean, Dutch, Bulgarian, etc.).

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Imperfect by Michael Simms



Michael Simms

My native tongue doesn’t allow
imperfect tense, so it’s difficult
to say how something might used
to happen but no more. Elizabeth
used to walk among these trees.
She used to walk among these trees
but doesn’t anymore. Elizabeth
is no more though she used to be.

She doesn’t anymore but she used
to walk among these trees because
she used to be happy but only
for a short while before she descended
in despair. Elizabeth we could say
used to walk among these trees
because they made her happy.
Elizabeth used to be but no more.

For king