Showing posts with label Tract. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tract. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Why are you being so mean?

 Why are you being so mean? Grow up! There is more to the universe than your measly little emotions! Grow up! Get over your feelings, over your sadness every time you don't get your own way! Grow up! The world does not revolve around what you want! Grow up! Get over your feelings. If it's "mean" to you for me to speak the truth, then the problem is with you!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Go ahead! Make throat sounds!

 HurRay! Your "thoughts" can come out into the world! Your throat can make sounds! Joy for throat sounds! Your throat sounds can form words! Yea! You can say things! That makes everything you say true! That means that what you spew out of your lips must be spewed out of your lips! Throat sounds must be spewed out! Don't care about others' feelings! Throat sounds forever!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Science! It's like all that!

 Science! It's like all that! It's like wow! Gee willikers! It's scientific! It's all wowee! It's like all - yowzers! Science! It's wow! It's woweee! Like wowee! A big wowee! This is big! It's so big! It's wowee! Jeepers!

Monday, May 20, 2024


 Too often have we been blinded by the desire to have what we want! Too often have we been blinded by the desire to need what we need! We need, merely because we can! We are all fat and happy! We are far too greedy! We desire to obtain, merely because it is possible! Fools! Whoever said that it was good for you to get what you want? Whoever said that it was good for you to need what you need? Learn to give up what you want for the sake of others!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Philosophy of the modern world

 Look at me! Look at me! Aren't I something? Aren't I great? I live in the nice, safe, and easy United States! I don't really have to deal with real world issues! I sit down at home! I watch CNN! I read my x tweets! I am great! I am great simply because I am me! Look at me! My throat can make sounds! My brain is so brain! My brain makes me make throat sounds! Aren't the throat sounds great? They are my favorite throat sounds! Listen to my own throat making sounds! Ooo! Throat sounds! My throat sounds are truth, merely because I am making them! I can get out a sign! I can scream at cars! I can lie down in the street and pitch a silly little scream! Are you calling me crazy? You biggot! You are using truth again! Kkk!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

On the hostage situtaion in Gaza

 Wanting your family safe is NOT GENOCIDE! It simply is NOT GENOCIDE! What have the Jews done wrong? What is their crime that makes Planet Earth hate them so much? Why does planet earth pursue them so? Come on, guys! The Jews just want to live! Why is that a crime? Come on, guys! The Jews just want to be allowed to breathe air! Why is that so horrible? Why is wanting your children to be allowed to breathe air so "terrorist like"? What makes that so horrible? I am not cheering for anyone. I don't want anyone on planet earth to lose! My pom Poms are burning up in a trash can! I weep! I never cheer!

Believing in Reality doesn't make you a biggot

 Believing in truth does not make you a bigot! It just doesn't! You can believe in the existence of reality all that you like! That does not make you a Nazi! That does not make you a Klansman! You can know what gender that you are! That does not mean that you worship Hitler! It does not mean that! Go ahead! Believe in reality! Go ahead and do that! You don't need to worry about that making you a member of the kkk! 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Objective truth

 Truth exists! Truth exists, even if you don't like that fact! Truth exists, even if you don't believe in truth! Truth will just keep on existing! What you believe has not one single thing to do with what is real or what is unreal! Your opinion, your beliefs influence nothing about the existence of truth! What is truly truth simply is what it is! Nothing you say or do can affect truth at all!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What is love?

Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that holds immense significance in human experience. It encompasses a range of feelings and behaviors characterized by:

  1. Intimacy: The closeness and emotional connection shared with another person.
  2. Passion: Intense longing, attraction, and desire for the other person.
  3. Commitment: The decision to maintain the relationship over time.

Here are some key points about love:

  • Love involves care, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust.
  • It’s not merely an emotion but also an essential physiological drive, akin to hunger, thirst, and the need for sleep or sex.
  • Researchers debate whether love is primarily biological or culturally influenced.
  • Different types of love exist:
    • Friendship: Based on liking and intimacy.
    • Infatuation: Intense attraction without commitment.
    • Passionate love: Marked by idealization and constant physical closeness.
    • Compassionate/companionate love: Trust, affection, intimacy, and commitment.
    • Unrequited love: Loving someone who doesn’t reciprocate.
    • Twin Flame: A lesser-known form related to soulmates.

In essence, love is a profound force that shapes our lives, relationships, and understanding of the world. 🌟💕

Monday, April 1, 2024

It is so easy to care about garbage!

 It is so easy to care about garbage! It is so easy to care about that! It is so easy to care about things that have no heavenly significance! Vain and vapid things - you can easily get people to care about those things. How many people will be willing to care about the things of eternity? How many people will be willing to be concerned about those things? Nobody! Nobody ever can care about those things. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Everything you see is wrong!

 Everything you see is wrong! What does it even mean for anything to be anything? Can you know? Can anyone ever know? What does it even mean to want something? Can anyone ever know if (s)he ever wants anything? How do you know that you were not just talked into what you think that you want by other people? Think about it. All of your thoughts come from other people and you are just repeating what they want! How can anyone ever know if (s)he wants anything ever? Truly wants! Think about that! Everything is wrong, just so wrong!

Friday, December 22, 2023

Stop believing in reality!

 Stop believing in reality! You're A bigot when you do such! Truth doesn't exist. You freak! You Nazi! You swine! You horse @#$%! Curse you! 💖 Curse you to all curses! Reality is intolerant! You Klu Klux Kousun lover! You are calling everyone a liar! You freakopath! Curse you!💖 Curse you to all curses! You Nazi! How dare you believe that you can know anything, you piece of 🍰 Klu Klux Khristianity! Curse you and your Kluklux Khristmas! You @#$% burger! @&$%& you! Reality doesn't exist! You are Klu Klux Kumfortable with calling everyone liars! You biggot! Reality doesn't matter, so @%#& yourself! And stop guzzling your KluKlux Kool-aid, you KluKlux Kreationist!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

We failed all the children

 We failed children! We failed childhood! We mentioned things, terrible things! Questions were asked! Knowledge was found out! Questions should never be asked! Knowing things should never happen! Pain! Pain and horror forever! Questions being asked! No! Knowledge being found out! Horrors! Horrors beyond end! Innocence matters! Innocence must be preserved above all things! We so failed children! O God! This is true horror!

Thursday, November 30, 2023

b4 you decide that you want anything

 b4 you decide that you want something, you should ask your own soul about whether it is right or wrong for you to want that thing. your life is not about yourself. your life is all about others. think about those others. think about the people who may disagree with you. think about their human rights. what about their human rights? what about their human dignity? what about their human rights? think about this. dare yourself to think about this. don't be selfish. don't force your demands on others. are you God? are you? How dare you demand to be worshipped? stop wanting to hurt others to satisfy your greed

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Philosophy of the world

 Why aren't you praying to me? Why aren't you praying to me? I am your God, just because I am me! You're not praying to me? Why aren't you praying to me? I am me! You need to pray to me!  I am me! That's supposed to mean something to you! You're not praying to me? Why aren't you praying to me? 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Where babies come from

 Where do babies come from? You don't want to know! You don't need to know! O, dear God, you don't need to know! What need is there in knowing? What good is there in finding things out? Save yourself! Save your innocence! Save your integrity! You don't need to know! Asking about things causes sorrow! With knowledge comes pain, especially the knowledge of the truth! To know the truth! What terror! To know that it is the truth! What horror and pain without ever ending! It's nothing! Babies don't come from anywhere! Save yourself! 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Jews are Human

 Jews are human beings! They deserve human rights. It is only because of the Jews that women have any rights at all! Planet earth hates that! Planet earth hates that women should have any rights at all. This Infuriates the planet we live on! We must weep forever! We must never allow ourselves to stop weeping! The Jews just want to live! Why is this so evil? Why must the Jews die for this? The Jews just want to breathe air! Why should they be forced to die for this? The Jews just want meaning in life! Why punish them for this?

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Is it ever moral to want to win?

 Is it ever moral to want to win? It's not about what we want! It's not about what we need! We can learn to give up what we want to now hurt others! What about those who disagree with us? What about their human rights? What about their human dignity? What about the rights of every individual? What about this? Will you wanting to have what you want going to take away the human rights from others? Victory is not important! Victory doesn't define morality! Wake up! Get over yourself! Stop making others hurt! Victory doesn't define reality!

Sunday, July 23, 2023


 There are things in life that are complicated! There are things in  life that are very complex and hard to understand! Don't assume that you can understand anything about anyone! Don't assume that you can understand anything! There are things in life that are very hard to understand! You get that?

Monday, July 17, 2023

Why do you need attraction?

 Why do you need attraction? Why do you need to be attracted to anyone? Why? Attraction is random and pointless! It's unscientific for people to be attracted to each other. You're just being stupid for stupidity's sake! Grow up and get over having crushes! It's just stupid, so stop it!

For king