Showing posts with label being groovy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label being groovy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Do you want to know a funny way to Mess with and flirt with any woman?

 Do you want to know a funny way to

Mess with and flirt with any woman?

You do?

You sound sure of yourself, but are you

Okay, you do.

Sweet, let’s get into it.

Next time someone does something for you..

Could be anything - hand you your coffee, bring you a water,
hold your spot in line - look at them good, like it's the
first time you've seen them in years and say..

"Wow....thank you..SO MUCH. I can't believe you did
something like that for me. Seriously...THANK YOU."

And really look the part, like you're just so remarkably grateful
for the kind gesture, like they just held your life in their hands
and instead of crushing it, decided to let it prosper and flourish.

They'll probably think you're actually serious and
try and downplay what they did, but NO! Don't let them..

"No! It is a big deal. I will never forget what you
just did for me, ever. Wow.."

At this point, they may know you're kidding (you did have
a smirk on, right..), which is great, because now..

You've just created an amazing opportunity for you
her to have all kinds of FUN and CHALLENGING banter.

Do you want to know EXACTLY how to approach her, every time?
Get it here now:

I started doing this after I noticed so many
people on autopilot in their day to day lives…

Almost like they were robots!

I wanted to be able to snap they out of it,
and have fun in the process.

Use this, and let me know how you like it!

Mailman, what question do we have today?


Yo Jared!

Love your stuff, and I am incredibly grateful for what you’re doing.

I feel like I am missing a big piece of the puzzle though…

How did you figure out what you wanted to do with your life?

I assume you didn’t always want to be a men’s coach, so
how did you get to that point where you found your "Why"?

It feels like I’ve been living my parents’ dream this whole time,
and I hate it.

But I’m just not sure where to go from here.

Can you help shed some light on this?

Thanks man,
-Christopher D.


Ah my friend, you are in for a treat.

It sounds to me like you’re already well on your way to
the life you’ve always wanted.

How do I know this?

Most people do what you described:

Living their parents’ (or literally anyone else’s) vision
for your life.

And if you grew up in a not-so-friendly environment,
It probably means that you aren’t where you
want to be right now.

But that’s OKAY.

We will not only fix this together….

We will annihilate it once and for all.

Using food.

That’s right!

But more specifically, an onion.

"But Jared, how will onions help me live
my own life and not someone else’s?"

I’m so glad you asked.

You see, everyone’s purpose in life is like an onion.

We all have layers until we reach our true core.

These are layers of social programming - from
family, friends, society, religion, media - all things
placed on you when you were young and true,
before you could truly think for yourself.

Don't get mad about it.

There was nothing you could do growing up.

You were young and helpless and a genius.

Do you want to know EXACTLY how to approach her, every time?
Get it here now:

But now, you’re thinking for yourself.

By you even asking me that question, shows me
you’re ready to take control back and peel
these layers off, one by one, until you’re at your core.

I can't know how many layers away,
but you're not going to get there tomorrow.

Like any journey, you must start with the first step,
the first layer.

And here's how it goes:

You go with what your gut is telling you now.


You trust it.

And you go into it with ACTION in your eyes,
FIRE in your belly and proven STRATEGY.

You push your edges and do it to the best
of your abilities.

You prosper and gain wealth but more importantly,
you evolve as a man and some layers are peeled off.

You'll come to a point where you know this phase
of your life has ended, it no longer fulfills you
and your true purpose is something else.

So you take a step back, take some time off.

Maybe you wander a little bit.

Maybe you party with your buddies.

Maybe you go into the Peruvian jungles
and drink psychedelic tea.

Maybe you just sit around and watch full seasons
of TV for a little bit.

That's OK.

This isn't finding a dope woman at the bar,
this is your LIFE'S PURPOSE.

It's not supposed to happen instantly.

You trust the process, relax and let it come to you.

It does.

You know it because you can feel it,
deeper than anything you've felt before.

You snag the opportunity with the quickness,
and you dive in head first.

Again - with action, with passion and with strategy.

A lot of people jump into new ventures
based on pure emotion, thinking their
drive will be enough for them to succeed.

I think they call this "stupid" in advanced textbooks.

With anything you're doing, you MUST go into
it with the best strategies to ensure your success.

That's why you read this VIP newsletter every single day and
probably invest in all of my training and programs,
if you want to be the most successful version of
yourself with women, business, and life.

It's why you should have a planned, proven workout plan
to follow when you go to the gym.

It's why you read things before investing your money
into the market.

Proven, results-oriented strategy.

(Even better than that, is having a mentor to guide
you as you go so you can course-correct instantly).

So you jump into your next mission,crush it,
and eventually the same thing happens.

You've grown a ton as a man, evolved significantly
and a bunch of layers have peeled off again..

You're more grounded in reality and more skilled
at life than you've ever been, but you know now..'s one again time, your purpose has changed.

Maybe by this time, you're almost at your core,
which would be awesome.

That means whatever it is you choose to do next
will be incredibly fulfilling, since it's in almost
complete alignment with the soul of Christopher.

This cycle will repeat thru life as you get better and better,
and grow more and more.

For most people, each cycle might be 5 or 7 or even 10 years.

I've already been thru a few in my life, but I do everything
on the "push it to the limit" plan.

If I work 16 hours a day and someone else works 8,
that means I'm going to get the lessons and results
not at 2X the rate..

..but exponentially faster.

This is, of course, a personal choice of how hard you wanna work.

I just love work because I love what I do
and I love the people I'm around, so it's easy.

(Shoutout to the Modern Flirting Family).

Ideally, that's what your calling is for you too.

So Christopher, there you go, there you are.

And I'll just throw this in too because
I can't help but love sharing more and more value
with such action-taking, ambitious men
like yourself:

When most people hear stuff like this, they'll
make a big, emotion-driven choice on what
they want to do.

On the outside, it looks like breakthrough
but it's not.

It's still an externally-fueled decision.

What you must do is get alone - very, very alone -
and reconnect with your inner voice.

The one that's completely ignorant of the outside
world and all the people who claim "they want
best for you"..

Get alone with that voice, and you'll know what to do.

It'll be the most obvious, beautiful thing in the world.

(Yes, even better than that social circle party you have
planned for next weekend.)

Try mediation, long walks (no electronics), even sitting
by the beach alone for HOURS or however long it
takes for the truth to summon the courage to come out
and smack you in the face with the honesty sledgehammer.

WOw, that was a good answer.

Nice work Jared.

Christopher, you are well on your way to
total domination in your life, and I am very excited to see it.

And, I’ll see you here tomorrow, same place, same time :)

Peace beast.


P.S. Do you want to know EXACTLY how to approach her, every time?

Get it here now:

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

America Needs Fatima

 Dear Mr. You,

Every day, I receive letters from wonderful supporters like you, who share our devotion to Our Lady. Here’s what one of our special friends, Joan, from Crosby, MN wrote to me: 

“… I wanted to tell you a story about the rosary and what Our Lady can do through it. 

A friend of mine was losing her battle with cancer and wanted to see a priest. I tried everyone I knew who might have a priest’s phone number. It took me over 45 minutes without success, then I called one lady I knew and told her she was my last hope. 

I started the rosary and by the time I said the last “Amen”, I got a phone call. The priest was at my friend’s house! I could not believe my ears! But he was there; he gave her the Last Rites and she died the very next day. 

I have been praying my rosary for many years, ever since my mother heard about Fatima. I am almost 85 and still pray at least 2x daily – what a great help Our Lady has been to me. Thank you, ANF!”

Like Joan, I believe you know the tremendous power of Our Lady and the Rosary.  And I hope you also believe how important it is to keep spreading the Rosary and Our Lady’s message to others for many years to come.  

You have demonstrated how much you care for the Fatima mission. That is why I am inviting you to consider leaving a long and enduring memory of your love for Our Lady. 

You can do this through the simple act of leaving a portion of your estate to America Needs Fatima.  I’m very much aware of how personal this is to you, and the only reason I am taking the liberty of requesting this of you is because I know how much you’d like to ensure that our mission can continue for generations to come! 

Including a charity like America Needs Fatima in your will is simple to do and it will not cost you anything. Here you will find everything you or your advisor need to get started. 

When you include America Needs Fatima in your will, you’ll join The Immaculate Heart Guild, and you will be remembered in the Mass intentions of a priest - also a member of The Immaculate Heart Guild - and in the prayers of all America Needs Fatima volunteers. 

For the love of Mary, will you please let us know that you’re planning to leave a gift from your will to America Needs Fatima

Just send us an email to or call my colleague Rose at (866) 661-0272. She’ll happily answer any questions you might have. 

Under Our Lady’s maternal gaze, you can ensure the long-term success of America Needs Fatima and guarantee your legacy to future generations in devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and Her Immaculate Heart.  

Thank you again for your generous support and love for Our Lady. By the grace and help of Mary Most Holy, the good you’ve done in the past years will pale in comparison to your future deeds. 

I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,

For king