Showing posts with label The more perversity increases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The more perversity increases. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The more perversity increases, the more we should fight it.


Dear Mr. Timor You,

The more perversity increases, the more we should fight it.

According to reports:

"The Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland provides an instructional guide… In the guidance, the children's hospital also directs minors to a 'sex-positive shop in Portland [i.e. the sex 'toy store', called She Bop] ...'

"The sex toy store offers 'virtual offerings' that provide: 'Fun and interactive sex toy chat + Q&A facilitated by one of our sex toy experts.' The sex toy store also offers online classes about sexual activities, including [sado-masicistic practices].

"The children's hospital admits, 'The shop is for people age 18 and older, but they offer appointments before or after hours for younger [minor] shoppers.'" [my emphasis; Robert]


Sign the petition to Doernbecher Children's Hospital, demanding that it remove sexual and "transgender" resources from its site

Doernbecher Children's Hospital, an affiliate of Oregon Health and Science University, also has pages dedicated to "transgender" medicine on its website...for children as young as ten years old!

The clinic provides resources on its site to encourage girls to "bind" their chest and boys to "tuck" their genitals, and directs children to websites that assist them in doing so, including the "sex toy" shop.

CLICK HERE to sign the petition to Doernbecher Children's Hospital, telling it to pull its "transgender” treatment for children

The attacks on children and innocence never end. But that does not mean we should stop defending children.

Please sign our petition to Doernbecher Children's Hospital, urging it to pull all its sexual and "transgender" resources from its website at once.

Thank you. 

And may Our Lady reward you!

I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,


Robert E. Ritchie
Director, America Needs Fatima

P.S.  – “One must not only avoid sin. One must do good and fight evil.” Plinio Correa de Oliveira

Dear MoveOn member,

 Dear MoveOn member,

I'm Rahna Epting, MoveOn's executive director. I've been here for over three years, and I rarely write to you with a request. But today, I need to.

And the request is big, so please hear me out.

I realize that in every election cycle, political leaders say, "This is the most important election of our lifetime." I am not going to say that. But I am going to say, if we don't get 2022 right, 2024 may become the most dangerous election of our lifetime.

Because, if we lose this November, Donald Trump will have in place what he needs to launch a full-scale attack on our democracy. From secretary of state races to the U.S. Senate, Trump and his allies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure they have the election deniers they need, where they need them, to put him back in the White House in 2024. By vote … or by coup.

And here's where the request comes in: I need you to help us raise a million dollars this month. Yes—a million dollars by the end of October.

Wait, don't get discouraged or think it's impossible! MoveOn is a community many millions strong. If just 1% of us donate $10, we'll hit the goal!

Just 1% of us at $3 a week. I believe we can do it together. I KNOW we can.

So, will you help us raise $1 million by the end of October? Will you give $3 to help us beat back Trump in 2022, so we can make sure that 2024 is not the most dangerous election of our lifetime?

And when I say I believe we can do this together ... that I know we can do this together ... I say that because I have seen our power in action.

From mobilizing voters in 2018 and 2020 to stop Trump in his tracks. From helping end the war in Iraq by electing Democrats who would stand up to George W. Bush. From electing Barack Obama to helping him pass the Affordable Care Act which provided health care to millions of Black, brown, LGBTQ+, and low-income Americans, we—you—have climbed mountains much bigger than a million dollars.

But this is the mountain we must climb today. And we can climb it only if we climb it together.

We don't have corporate backers writing million-dollar checks. We don't have dark-money PACs willing to funnel seven-figure sums our way (nor would we want them).

We have us. Millions of us. And I am asking because this is the wrong time to come up short.

I need you to dig deep today and make a donation of any size. Give at a level that feels good and that feels impactful. A level that helps us make sure 2022 does not lay the groundwork for the most dangerous election cycle in our lifetime.

Please, chip in $3 today, or whatever you can afford, to help us meet our $1 million need by the end of October. I know we can climb this mountain together, if each of us does our small piece.

Yes, I'll do my part.

Thanks for all you do.

–Rahna Epting, MoveOn Executive Director

Want to support MoveOn's work? MAGA Republicans are trying to subvert our democracy and ban abortion nationwide. To stop them, MoveOn is investing $30 million in the largest midterm election campaign in our history. But we need your help to make it a success.

Will you chip in to power our campaign to defeat the MAGA GOP this November?

Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.


PAID FOR BY MOVEON . ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Tiumothy on October 6, 2022. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

There are more than two genders, so get over it!

 There are more than two genders, so get over it. You don't want to be called a bigot, so, there! Scientific evidence! Eh! Science is racist! So ... whatever! Science is whatever big money says it is! Actual evidence is garbage! Just get over yourself! Give up on morals! Give up on truth! What matters are feelings! So trust in that!

For king