Showing posts with label Cliterature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cliterature. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2022

72 genders


What is a gender identity?

In today’s age, one does not need to fit in with regards to their choices, including their gender identity.

  • Gender is no more regarded as a binary concept where one can either be a male or a female.
  • It has emerged as a continuum or spectrum where one can identify themselves as any of the gender identities.

The term gender identity means how a person identifies themselves concerning their gender. It may be regardless of their anatomy or genetics. Thus, a person may identify themselves as male, female, none, both, or some other category independent of their genitals.

The idea is to make everyone feel comfortable in their skin irrespective of what gender they were assigned at birth.

72 other genders

What Are the 72 Other Genders?
Besides male and female, here is a list of the 72 other gender identities that a person may belong to.

Besides male and female, there are 72 other genders, which include the following:

  1. Agender: A person who does not identify themselves with or experience any gender. Agender people are also called null-gender, genderless, gendervoid, or neutral gender.
  2. Abimegender: Associated with being profound, deep, and infinite. The term abimegender may be used alone or in combination with other genders.
  3. Adamas gender: A gender that is indefinable or indomitable. People identifying with this gender refuse to be categorized in any particular gender identity.
  4. Aerogender: Also called evaisgender, this gender identity changes according to one’s surroundings.
  5. Aesthetigender: Also called aesthetgender, it is a type of gender identity derived from aesthetics.
  6. Affectugender: This is based on the person’s mood swings or fluctuations.
  7. Agenderflux: A person with this gender identity is mostly agender with brief shifts of belonging to other gender types.
  8. Alexigender: The person has a fluid gender identity between more than one type of gender although they cannot name the genders they feel fluid in.
  9. Aliusgender: This gender identity stands apart from existing social gender constructs. It means having a strong specific gender identity that is neither male nor female.
  10. Amaregender: Having a gender identity that changes depending on the person one is emotionally attached to.
  11. Ambigender: Having two specific gender identities simultaneously without any fluidity or fluctuations.
  12. Ambonec: The person identifies themselves as both man and woman and yet does not belong to either.
  13. Amicagender: A gender-fluid identity where a person changes their gender depending on the friends they have.
  14. Androgyne: A person feels a combination of feminine and masculine genders.
  15. Anesigender: The person feels close to a specific type of gender despite being more comfortable in closely identifying themselves with another gender.
  16. Angenital: The person desires to be without any primary sexual characteristics although they do not identify themselves as genderless.
  17. Anogender: The gender identity fades in and out in intensity but always comes back to the same gendered feeling.
  18. Anongender: The person has a gender identity but does not label it or would prefer to not have a label.
  19. Antegender: A protean gender that can be anything but is formless and motionless.
  20. Anxiegender: This gender identity has anxiety as its prominent characteristic.
  21. Apagender: The person has apathy or a lack of feelings toward one's gender identity.
  22. Apconsugender: It means knowing what are not the characteristics of gender but not knowing what are its characteristics. Thus, a person hides its primary characteristics from the individual.
  23. Astergender: The person has a bright and celestial gender identity.
  24. Astral gender: Having a gender identity that feels to be related to space.
  25. Autigender: Having a gender identity that feels to be closely related to being autistic.
  26. Autogender: Having a gender experience that is deeply connected and personal to oneself.
  27. Axigender: A gender identity that is between the two extremes of agender and any other type of gender. Both the genders are experienced one at a time without any overlapping. The two genders are described as on the opposite ends of an axis.
  28. Bigender: Having two gender identities at the same or different times.
  29. Biogender: Having a gender that is closely related to nature.
  30. Blurgender: Also called gender fuss, blurgender means having more than one gender identities that blur into each other so that no particular type of gender identity is clear.
  31. Boyflux: The person identifies themselves as male, but they experience varying degrees of male identity. This may range from feeling agender to completely male.
  32. Burstgender: Frequent bursts of intense feelings quickly move to the initial calm stage.
  33. Caelgender: This gender identity shares the qualities or aesthetics of outer space.
  34. Cassgender: It is associated with the feelings of considering the gender irrelevant or unimportant.
  35. Cassflux: There is a fluctuating intensity of irrelevance toward gender.
  36. Cavusgender: The person feels close to one gender when depressed and to another when not depressed.
  37. Cendgender: The gender identity changes from one gender to its opposite.
  38. Ceterogender: It is a nonbinary gender where the person has a specific masculine, feminine or neutral feelings.
  39. Ceterofluid: Although the person is a ceterogender, their identity keeps fluctuating between different genders.
  40. Cisgender: Being closely related to the gender assigned at birth during the entire life.
  41. Cloudgender: The person’s gender cannot be comprehended or understood due to depersonalization and derealization disorder.
  42. Collgender: Various genders are present at the same time in the individual.
  43. Colorgender: In this category, colors are used to describe gender, for example, pink gender or black gender.
  44. Commogender: The person knows that they are not cisgender yet continues to identify as one for a while.
  45. Condigender: The person feels their gender only under specific circumstances.
  46. Deliciagender: Associated with the feeling of having multiple genders but preferring one over the other.
  47. Demifluid: Having multiple genders, some fluid while others are static.
  48. Demiflux: A combination of multiple genders with some genders static, whereas others fluctuating in intensity.
  49. Demigender: The individual has partial traits of one gender and the rest of the other gender.
  50. Domgender: The individual has multiple genders with one dominating over the rest.
  51. Duragender: Having more than one gender with one lasting longer than the others.
  52. Egogender: It is a personal type of gender identified by the individual alone. It is based on the person’s experience within the self.
  53. Epicene: It is associated with a strong feeling of not being able to relate to any of the two genders of the binary gender or both of the binary gender characteristics.
  54. Esspigender: The individual relates their gender identity with spirits.
  55. Exgender: The denial to identify with any gender on the gender spectrum.
  56. Existigender: The person’s gender identity exists only when they make conscious efforts to realize it.
  57. Femfluid: The person is fluid or fluctuating regarding the feminine genders.
  58. Femgender: A nonbinary gender identity that is feminine.
  59. Fluidflux: It means to be fluid between two or more genders with a fluctuation in the intensity of those genders.
  60. Gemigender: The person has two genders that are opposite yet they flux and work together.
  61. Genderblank: It is closely related to a blank space.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Men can get pregnant



© Provided by Washington Examiner

A witness who supports abortion rights during the House Judiciary Committee's abortion hearing Wednesday said she believes a person can choose what gender they identify as and that, therefore, men can get pregnant and have abortions.

Aimee Arrambide, the executive director of the abortion advocacy group Avow Texas, was asked by Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) what she believes the definition of a woman is.


“I believe that everyone can identify for themselves," Arrambide said.

When asked if she then believed that men could therefore get pregnant and have abortions, her response was a simple "yes." Bishop did not push the topic any further.

Wednesday's meeting came after a draft opinion that revealed five Supreme Court Justices are prepared to overturn the historic rulings in Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood was leaked at the beginning of May.

The draft, written by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, said abortion laws belong in the hands of independent states instead of the federal government. However, if the official ruling, expected next month, does revert the power of abortion law back to the states, the procedure would become illegal in multiple states, including Texas, Missouri, and Tennessee.

72 genders


  1. Cassflux: There is a fluctuating intensity of irrelevance toward gender.
  2. Cavusgender: The person feels close to one gender when depressed and to another when not depressed.
  3. Cendgender: The gender identity changes from one gender to its opposite.
  4. Ceterogender: It is a nonbinary gender where the person has a specific masculine, feminine or neutral feelings.
  5. Ceterofluid: Although the person is a ceterogender, their identity keeps fluctuating between different genders.
  6. Cisgender: Being closely related to the gender assigned at birth during the entire life.
  7. Cloudgender: The person’s gender cannot be comprehended or understood due to depersonalization and derealization disorder.
  8. Collgender: Various genders are present at the same time in the individual.
  9. Colorgender: In this category, colors are used to describe gender, for example, pink gender or black gender.
  10. Commogender: The person knows that they are not cisgender yet continues to identify as one for a while.
  11. Condigender: The person feels their gender only under specific circumstances.
  12. Deliciagender: Associated with the feeling of having multiple genders but preferring one over the other.
  13. Demifluid: Having multiple genders, some fluid while others are static.
  14. Demiflux: A combination of multiple genders with some genders static, whereas others fluctuating in intensity.
  15. Demigender: The individual has partial traits of one gender and the rest of the other gender

72 genders


  1. Astral gender: Having a gender identity that feels to be related to space.
  2. Autigender: Having a gender identity that feels to be closely related to being autistic.
  3. Autogender: Having a gender experience that is deeply connected and personal to oneself.
  4. Axigender: A gender identity that is between the two extremes of agender and any other type of gender. Both the genders are experienced one at a time without any overlapping. The two genders are described as on the opposite ends of an axis.
  5. Bigender: Having two gender identities at the same or different times.
  6. Biogender: Having a gender that is closely related to nature.
  7. Blurgender: Also called gender fuss, blurgender means having more than one gender identities that blur into each other so that no particular type of gender identity is clear.
  8. Boyflux: The person identifies themselves as male, but they experience varying degrees of male identity. This may range from feeling agender to completely male.
  9. Burstgender: Frequent bursts of intense feelings quickly move to the initial calm stage.
  10. Caelgender: This gender identity shares the qualities or aesthetics of outer space.
  11. Cassgender: It is associated with the feelings of considering the gender irrelevant or unimportant.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Dada poem 2

 For example I am bad at the same time.

The expansion has been removed from the adventures of the game.

You mean that you did not know what you did?

This isn't a good time to get a new team to play mouse.

The idea that you can not hurt your left hand is repulsive to the doctor who wins a new job.

Yeah it's a young girl who wins the word of being in love with a rainbow of Narnia!

Unless you're in love with your left side of your first day and pearl jam!

Quick question in love with this book of my ever lucky friend?

It's not like faeries and the kitchen will bite you.

If you don't have such a young boy to be honest with,

Darth Vader is the result of tthe other two digits?

You can not get to know that you can not afford a young girl who wants a new relationship with Darth Vader.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Dada poem

 Really good to see your friends in the word.

I am so beautiful and I'm pretty happy.

The expansion of the dada is a young age.

You mean the word of God?

You are awesome👍!

The wiener is a version of this book of your last game.

It sounds like you have a mess with Darth Vader!

I'm not porn to the star of the game in love with a rainbow of your first album!

If you don't want to eat a young age then you'll be able to get the story of your own body.

This year was hard for whistling the first 3 letters that were adorable Koreans.

If the person was about to do something that would make physics sound like you don't need to see your own body,

Then the game where you can play Harley Quinn is the best way of playing in love with your left hand?

It sounds great alchemy but romantic interest is a young girl who wins the game of the time in my opinion on the other person in love with a rainbow of two digits.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Have you ever tried to connect to extraterrestrial beings before?


Have you ever tried to connect to extraterrestrial beings before?

Good evening!

Recently, one of our local customers asked if we had any crystals or other items to help them connect or communicate with aliens. Though it's not something we delve into often, one of our crystal healers was interested in the task. So, tonight we are going to share the knowledge we have learned with you.

The first crystal we thought of right away was Lemurian Seed Quartz. That is because Lemurian Seed Crystals are said to have originated in a country known as Mu or Lemuria. This civilization, according to the legends, was a peaceful and highly developed spiritual civilization that existed over 12 million years ago in the area of the South Pacific. The area is now beneath the sea.

The Lemurians are believed to have foreseen a cataclysmic event and prepared the Seed Crystals to preserve their knowledge and traditions. During the last days of their civilization, the Lemurians decided to plant seed crystals programmed to transmit a message of oneness. Having seeded the crystals, most of the Lemurians left this planet for other star systems, perhaps as light beings or spirits. Others went into the inner earth where they continue to care for the earth and the seed crystals now surfacing.

Now, Lemurian Seed crystals could work well but they are also fairly rare and therefore, can be quite expensive.

We needed an inexpensive piece of the Universe. It almost felt like looking for a needle in a haystack until someone brought up Peridot. Peridot is the gem version of a mineral called Olivine, an iron and magnesium silicate. Olivine is part of the makeup of our solar system neighbors, including some meteorites that occasionally fall on our home planet.

However, there are deposits on Earth as well. In fact, Peridot from Earth’s own deposits was one of the first gemstones treasured by mankind. The ancient Egyptians called it “the gem of the sun” after discovering a deposit in what’s now known as St. John’s Island in the Red Sea.

Some healers believe that the Peridot sources on Earth were left there from non-Earthly sources. While there are some scholars who believe that advanced aliens of some sort visited Earth thousands of years ago to help humans out with technology and structures. Therefore, it could be that these extraterrestrial beings left some of these crystal deposits behind. Peridot in its basic form, Olivine, was also found in comet dust brought back from the Stardust robotic space probe in 2006, has been discovered on the moon, and detected by instrument on Mars by NASA’s Global Surveyor.

The only thing left we need is something to amplify our message out into the Universe and there is nothing better than a Clear Quartz. This is because Clear Quartz amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it, and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into the etheric realms. This may accelerate the fulfillment of one's prayers, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough and strongly enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur. 
Connecting with the Beings of the Universe

"Aliens" can have a negative connotation for some people so we're choosing to call them beings of the Universe. This ritual isn't necessarily used to communicate with these beings. You can attempt to communicate with them, however, it's not likely they'll answer back.

Even still, if some historians and believers are correct, the beings of the Universe seem to have an affinity for the people of Earth and want to take care of them. Therefore, if they are listening, maybe they can offer you some cosmic assistance.

Items Needed:
  1. Wait until nightfall to get started. You can do this ritual inside but if you can do it outside under the night sky, even better.
  2. Sit down and get comfortable. Set whichever crystal you choose, or both, right down in front of you. If you're using both, set them right next to it so they are touching.
  3. Place the Clear Quartz within a couple of inches of the crystal(s). They should be close together but not touching.
  4. Close your eyes and hold both of your hands over the crystals. Hold them up like you are warming your hands in front of a fire. Focus on connecting your energy with the crystals.
  5. Next, place both of your hands over the center of your chest (your Heart Chakra) and look up towards the sky. You may close your eyes again or keep them open to study the stars.
  6. Focus on the message you want to communicate with the beings of the Universe. You can ask for help with a goal, dealing with a hard situation, or express your desire to communicate with them. The choice is yours.
  7. Pick the crystals up and hold them in your hand with your palm (and the crystals) facing up toward the sky. Repeat your desire at least three times.

You are now finished. If you find things becoming a little easier in the days ahead... you'll know who to thank!
Have a wonderful evening ♥

For king