Showing posts with label Natural law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural law. Show all posts

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Why all this talk about our not being equal?

 Why all this talk about humans not being equal? Surely you do not believe in a master race! Surely Hitler and his minions showed to us all what is wrong with thinking that anyone can be better than you! 🙏 This is not a matter of treating everyone the same! What is the point of doing so, if everyone is not one? Think on that!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Hi Timor, Life is precious, and I'm so thankful that friends like you agree


Hi Timor,

Life is precious, and I'm so thankful that friends like you agree. What an amazing gift that God is using our Option Ultrasound program to reveal life to moms considering abortion so that they can choose life.

In case you don't know, Option Ultrasound is a donor-funded program that equips pregnancy resource centers with ultrasound machines and nurses' sonography training, as well as defends and protects the sanctity of human life. When mothers can see their babies, their hearts are softened, and minds changed!

In fact, more than 54% of abortion-minded women who receive counseling and an ultrasound choose life! Isn't that amazing?!

God has called us to an incredible work to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. I'm humbled and grateful for this effort and for the thousands of individuals like you who make it possible. It all comes down to one thing — the life of a precious baby saved.

"I had already decided that an abortion would be the answer for me. I couldn't imagine where I would live or how I could support a baby financially. I went to a pregnancy medical clinic for a free ultrasound to see how far along I was. What an amazing experience. My baby was so big! I was 14 weeks along, and I could see every part of her ... hands and feet and her sweet little face. My heart was totally turned towards this little girl that was growing inside of me." — Kaitlin*

Timor, Kaitlin chose life for her child. This is the life-saving impact only possible because of friends like you. It is through your support that women facing unplanned pregnancies are experiencing God's grace and hope.

Thank you for revealing life so mothers like Kaitlin can choose life. It's encouraging to know that there are so many caring, God-fearing people — like you — who believe in the sanctity of life.

I appreciate you, Timor.


Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family

*Name changed to protect identity

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020



Movie to Movement's first film…Bella.



Today is a very special day as it’s the 13th anniversary of the release of Movie to Movement's first film…Bella.       

And my twin girls are alive because of it.

Let me explain...

As you may or may not remember in 2007, Bella was the first pro-life film ever to become a major motion picture shown in movie theaters across the nation.
But our success with Bella didn’t stop there. Oh no, in fact, the real “success” of Bella is what happened after it was released on DVDs.

Bella has been dubbed “The Movie that saved more than 1,000 Lives.” And I couldn’t be more proud to say that it made a profound difference in my life. 
Bella had a very successful "theatrical release." And it set DVD records lining the end caps of Walmarts and Targets across the nation. But it was Bella being offered to the families of women in waiting rooms of pregnancy resource centers as gifts from Movie to Movement, that led to thousands of babies saved from abortion.
Because of YOU, our generous Movie to Movement supporters, we got thousands of free Bella DVDS in hundreds of these centers. And thousands of children are alive today because of Bella.

Just like my beautiful identical twin girls.
You see, I was one of those women contemplating abortion. Until…I saw Bella.

This film had such an impact on my thought process and decision to choose life. It made me realize that this precious gift was given to me from God.

For so many women, an unplanned pregnancy creates worry, stress, and anxiety, as it did for me. It was scary; I didn’t know what to do or know how my life could or would change.
Until…I knew I was strong enough to overcome my circumstances and choose life for my unborn babies. After watching Bella, I walked away feeling more encouraged and empowered to choose a life over mine.

And let me tell you, it wasn’t an easy choice.
I almost died giving birth. I had a number of complications during my pregnancy; the simple fact that I was immediately considered "high risk" was terrifying enough to scare someone like me into aborting my babies.

And then, I started preterm labor at just 25 weeks. One of my precious babies almost lost her life before she was even born. At 26 weeks, I ended up giving birth to two three-pound babies, who were in incubators on breathing and feeding tubes and unable to come home for weeks.
Bella and its message meant so much to me, it even inspired one of the girls' names.

On Monday, August 9, 2010, I gave birth to Millie Marie and Bella Lorraine.

And, not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for my miracle babies and also for Movie to Movement for donating the film to the pregnancy center I walked into.

In fact, that’s why I’m working with Jason and the Movie to Movement team now, because I know first-hand just how powerful one film can be. That it can spur someone to take action on behalf of a vulnerable person. That it can empower a lost and confused woman, like me at the time to do the right thing and choose life above all else.
That’s why I’m writing to you today.

On the 13th anniversary of Bella’s release, Movie to Movement is giving away 150 free copies of the film for you to watch and keep or watch and give away, maybe to a friend at church, to a local pro-life youth group, or even to your local pregnancy resource center.
So, can you pitch in today with a tax-deductible gift of $50 or more?
The first 150 supporters who give $50 or more will receive a FREE copy of Bella, the film that launched Movie to Movementthe film that saved the life of my Millie & Bella.
So hurry, get your free DVD today and start spreading the word!

In Service,

Crissy Stanley
Director of Donor Relations
The Divided Hearts of America Film & Movie to Movement

P.S. - Please chip and donate $50 or more today, and I'll make sure to send you one of the free DVD copies of Bella that we have! 
Our mailing address is:
Movie to Movement
HERO inc
117A Packerland Drive
Green BayWI 54303

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Saturday, March 7, 2020

Nobody has the "right to die"

Nobody has the right to die! That is Nazi talk! Nazis speak in terms of what is a life worth living! Christian people don't do that! You are made by God! Only God can decide who loves or dies! There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule! Life is a gift from God! We must cherish it! We must guard it! We must defend it! Life is good, and death is bad! We have always known this! It is when you ask whether a life is a life worth living that the Hitlers  of this world rise up. It doesn't matter if you want to die! What about the rights of all of All of those who do not wish to die? Are you saying that their voices should not be heard? All rights come from God, and God alone! Either all life is of value, or none is! if you don't care about others, why should anybody care about you? Every life, even the most useless is of value? How do you know that it is your enemies that are slated for extinction? How do you know that it is not you that should die? Don't make death into a joke! Yes, caring about others may not get you anywhere in life, but isn't doing right it's own reward? Some things are simply that cut and dry! Love life! Hate death! This is the only way to have true joy!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Care about others!

Care about others. Don't put people into boxes! Don't say that this group does this or that! Keep in mind that all people are made by God! All are worth something! Stop with abstractions like humanity! Stop with abstractions like black, white, red, brown! Stop with abstractions like America! These are fictions! History is hurrying them!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

mayflower compact

William Bradford et al. Mayflower Compact (1620) 1 IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape-Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini; 1620. Mr. John Carver, Mr. William Bradford, Mr Edward Winslow, Mr. William Brewster. Isaac Allerton, Myles Standish, John Alden, John Turner, Francis Eaton, James Chilton, John Craxton, John Billington, Joses Fletcher, John Goodman, Mr. Samuel Fuller, Mr. Christopher Martin, Mr. William Mullins, Mr. William White, Mr. Richard Warren, John Howland, Mr. Steven Hopkins, Digery Priest, Thomas Williams, Gilbert Winslow, Edmund Margesson, Peter Brown, Richard Britteridge George Soule, Edward Tilly, John Tilly, Francis Cooke, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Tinker, John Ridgdale Edward Fuller, Richard Clark, Richard Gardiner, Mr. John Allerton, Thomas English, Edward Doten, Edward Liester.

the source of our happiness must also be the fountain of our misery from sorrows of young werther

Must it ever be thus,—that the source of our happiness must also be the fountain of our misery? The full and ardent sentiment which animated my heart with the love of nature, overwhelming me with a torrent of delight, and which brought all paradise before me, has now become an insupportable torment, a demon which perpetually pursues and harasses me. When in bygone days I gazed from these rocks upon yonder mountains across the river, and upon the green, flowery valley before me, and saw all nature budding and bursting around; the hills clothed from foot to peak with tall, thick forest trees; the valleys in all their varied windings, shaded with the loveliest woods; and the soft river gliding along amongst the lisping reeds, mirroring the beautiful clouds which the soft evening breeze wafted across the sky,—when I heard the groves about me melodious with the music of birds, and saw the million swarms of insects dancing in the last golden beams of the sun, whose setting rays awoke the humming beetles from their grassy beds, whilst the subdued tumult around directed my attention to the ground, and I there observed the arid rock compelled to yield nutriment to the dry moss, whilst the heath flourished upon the barren sands below me, all this displayed to me the inner warmth which animates all nature, and filled and glowed within my heart. I felt myself exalted by this overflowing fulness to the perception of the Godhead, and the glorious forms of an infinite universe became visible to my soul! Stupendous mountains encompassed me, abysses yawned at my feet, and cataracts fell headlong down before me; impetuous rivers rolled through the plain, and rocks and mountains resounded from afar. In the depths of the earth I saw innumerable powers in motion, and multiplying to infinity; whilst upon its surface, and beneath the heavens, there teemed ten thousand varieties of living creatures. Everything around is alive with an infinite number of forms; while mankind fly for security to their petty houses, from the shelter of which they rule in their imaginations over the wide-extended universe. Poor fool! in whose petty estimation all things are little. From the inaccessible mountains, across the desert which no mortal foot has trod, far as the confines of the unknown ocean, breathes the spirit of the eternal Creator; and every atom to which he has given existence finds favour in his sight. Ah, how often at that time has the flight of a bird, soaring above my head, inspired me with the desire of being transported to the shores of the immeasurable waters, there to quaff the pleasures of life from the foaming goblet of the Infinite, and to partake, if but for a moment even, with the confined powers of my soul, the beatitude of that Creator who accomplishes all things in himself, and through himself!
My dear friend, the bare recollection of those hours still consoles me. Even this effort to recall those ineffable sensations, and give them utterance, exalts my soul above itself, and makes me doubly feel the intensity of my present anguish.
It is as if a curtain had been drawn from before my eyes, and, instead of prospects of eternal life, the abyss of an ever open grave yawned before me. Can we say of anything that it exists when all passes away, when time, with the speed of a storm, carries all things onward,—and our transitory existence, hurried along by the torrent, is either swallowed up by the waves or dashed against the rocks? There is not a moment but preys upon you,—and upon all around you, not a moment in which you do not yourself become a destroyer. The most innocent walk deprives of life thousands of poor insects: one step destroys the fabric of the industrious ant, and converts a little world into chaos. No: it is not the great and rare calamities of the world, the floods which sweep away whole villages, the earthquakes which swallow up our towns, that affect me. My heart is wasted by the thought of that destructive power which lies concealed in every part of universal nature. Nature has formed nothing that does not consume itself, and every object near it: so that, surrounded by earth and air, and all the active powers, I wander on my way with aching heart; and the universe is to me a fearful monster, for ever devouring its own offspring.

Is everybody created equal?

Is everybody created equal? Yes, there are no master races, and there is nobody any better than anybody else. No, the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. what should we wish for? should we wish for parity? should we wish for socialism and upheaval? should we look to dialectical materialism? should we look to religion? who can help here? certainly adults and children are not equal. children seem to have more life, more joy, more inspiration than we do. Are males and females equal? what would that even mean? are they the same as each other? certainly not. are boys and girls the same? by no means! even a baby boy can be told apart from a girl, by character and looks. but what does equality mean? what can equality mean? trump, who is filthy rich got in power, and not merely by being President. what are we looking at here? what has happened to our country? so is everybody equal? who knows?

For king