Showing posts with label bazinga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bazinga. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2020

We are not horrible cretins

We are not horrible cretins! You may have been told that we are horrible! You may have been told that we hate science! We don't! What we hate is science worship! What we hate is every body going around saying that the traditions of the elders are wrong. Science worship comes in and tells people that their faith is no good! We must fight back for freedom of thought! Science requires questions. You think that you can understand reality! You cannot. That is what we want! We want questions! We oppose bad science that doesn't ask questions! We are not cretins!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Reassessed what you think of me

I am a Christian! I do not follow everything out there called reason! What does science  mean? I do not support evolution, but I would love to be convinced one way or another! That is proven science! What is a proof? Do the senses make sense?

והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחשך על־פני תהום ורוח אלהים מרחפת על־פני המים

והארץ היתה תהו ובהו וחשך על־פני תהום ורוח אלהים מרחפת על־פני המים
And the earth was wondering and dark and dark by the abyss and the wind of God floating by the water

Thursday, November 21, 2019


i guess that if a pronoun is a word that replaces a noun, then a proverb would replace a verb. why doesn't english have these, or does it?
In grammar, a pro-verb is a word or phrase that stands in place of a verb (for example, in order that the verb not need to be repeated). It does for a verb what the more widely known pronoun does for a noun. It, along with pronouns and some other word classes, form the general group of word classes pro-forms. It is a type of anaphora. This term is always hyphenated, to distinguish it from the unrelated term proverb.

In English[edit]

English does not have dedicated pro-verbs; however, a bare infinitive can generally be implied rather than expressed, such that the verbs that take bare infinitives (including most of the auxiliary verbs) can be said to double as pro-verbs. Additionally, have and be can double as pro-verbs for perfect, progressive, and passive constructions (by eliding the participle). Finally, the dummy auxiliary verb do can be used when there is no other auxiliary verb, except if the main verb is be. The following are some examples of these kinds of pro-verb:
  • Who can tell? —No-one can [tell].
  • Why can't he do it? —He can [do it], he just won't [do it].
  • I like pie, as does he [like pie].
  • Why did you break the jar? —He made me [break the jar].
  • Can you go to the park? No, I cannot [go to the park].
Note that, when there are multiple auxiliary verbs, some of these may be elided as well. For example, in reply to "Who's been leaving the milk out of the refrigerator?", any of "You've been doing it", "You have been", or "You have" would have the same meaning.
Since a to-infinitive is just the particle to plus a bare infinitive, and a bare infinitive can be elided, the particle to doubles as a pro-verb for a to-infinitive:
  • Clean your room! —I don't want to [clean my room].
  • He refused to clean his room when I told him to [clean his room].
Finally, even in dialects where bare infinitives and participles can be elided, there does exist the pro-verb do so: "He asked me to leave, so I did so". This pro-verb, unlike the above-described pro-verbs, can be used in any grammatical context; however, in contexts where another pro-verb could be used, it can be overly formal. For example, in "I want to get an 'A', but to do so, I need to get a perfect score on the next test," there is no other pro-verb that could be used; whereas in "I want to get an 'A', but I can't do so," the do so could simply be elided, and doing so would make the sentence sound less formal.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Big bang theory theme

Big bang theory pilot

A little love poem for our modern society

I like her, but is that even moral? Is it even moral for me to want to be friends with her? Can anybody know whether it can ever be allowed for a man to like a female for any reason? How do you know that this interest is what it seems? Is it moral for a man to notice a female? That is not so easy of a question. So much bad happens in the world, and nothing good ever. Is it ever good for any one to enjoy anything? I will try to not make her think about me at all ever!

Harold camping - we can know

Death worship 死亡崇拜, East Asian philosophy in 1984

For king