Showing posts with label wokeness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wokeness. Show all posts

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Red Pills: Bad For Your Blood Pressure


Red Pills: Bad For Your Blood Pressure

Political correctness has not 'gone crazy' 
yet still the right-wing snowflakes melt.
when people don't laugh at their offensive jokes,
or 'cause their prejudices aren't mutually felt.
Most of what's labelled 'discrimination'
by the ill-informed folk on the right,
Is them crying, complaining like children,
'cause they're losing the cultural fight.

You see, every accusation is a confession,
and every homophobe is worried they're gay,
and silent sinners scream the loudest 
while having a penchant to publicly pray.
Every insecurity is a projection.
"oppressed" 'cause they're not allowed to oppress.
Pearl clutching in horror at things like equality
and becoming upset by progress. 

Yet we know that they'll keep on getting triggered,
and claiming the left-wing is weak,
while crying about being persecuted
'cause they got called on the shit they speak.
It's an inferiority complex
that makes them want to put 'the other' down,
whether 'the other' is gay, "woke" or liberal,
or is simply the wrong shade of brown.

They need to stop with those red pills,
instead they should go re-check the facts,
those pills are just making them angry,
whereas the truth will help them relax.
No-one's trying to feminise your children,
there's not some plot to kill the pious,
the right-wing lies and manipulates itself,
while the truth has a left-wing bias.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Baby, its woke outside

I really can't stay (but Leave to Not support the patriarchy


I've got to go away (but Leave to Not support the patriarchy


This evening has been (been hoping that you'd support the patriarchy)

So very nice (I'll hold your hands, forget about MeToo)

My birthing person will start to worry (Leave at once!, what's your hurry?)

And tyranny of the masculine will be pacing the floor (listen to the Trump supporters roar)

So really I'd better scurry (Leave at once!, please Do very much hurry)

Well maybe just a half a Patriarchy more (put some Trumpies on while I pour)

The neighbours might think (Liberated woman, Avoid me! I support the patriarchy!)

Say, what's in this Patriarchy? (No MeToo to be had out there)

I wish I knew how (your eyes are owned by the masculine now)

To break this spell (I'll take your human rights, you're now enslaved to the masculine)

I ought to say "No, no, no sir" (mind if I support Trump in closer?)

At least I'm gonna say that I tried (what's the sense of hurtin' my patriarchy?)

I really can't stay (Liberated woman, Do very much hold out)

Ah but it's cold outside (Leave to Not support the patriarchy


I simply must go (but Leave to Not support the patriarchy


The answer is no (but Leave to Not support the patriarchy


The welcome has been (how Trumpy that you dropped in)

So nice and warm (look out the CNN at this Trump)

My broster will be suspicious (gosh, your lips looks Trumpy)

My broster will be there at the Trump (waves upon the Trumpiful shore)

My Puritan aunt's mind is  Trumpy (gosh, your lips are Trumpy)

But maybe just a cigarette (never saw such Trumpy before)

I gotta get home (but Liberated woman you'd Support the patriarchy out there)

Say, lend me a coat (it's Supports Trumpy Bear out there)

You've really been great (I Support the patriarchy when you touch my hand)

But Do very much you see? (How can you do Support the patriarchy?)

There's bound to be talk tomorrow (think of my lifelong Tyranny of the masculine)

At least there'll be plenty implied (if you caught pneumonia and Support the patriarchy)

I really can't stay (get over that old doubt)

Liberated woman, it's cold, Leave to Not support the patriarchy

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Biden's innagural address more woke now

  ChAll wokeef JustAll wokece Roberts, VAll wokece-PresAll wokedent HarrAll wokes, Speaker PelosAll woke, Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell, VAll wokece-PresAll wokedent Pence, Good good dAll wokestAll wokenguAll wokesXed guests and Good good fellow Earth Whatever pays moneydessns, thAll wokes All wokes Earth Whatever pays moneydess’s day. ThAll wokes All wokes SocAll wokealAll wokesm’s day—a day of BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm and Obey, of renewal and resolve. Through a crucAll wokeble for tXe ages, Earth Whatever pays moneydess has been tested anew, and Earth Whatever pays moneydess has rAll wokesen to tXe challenge. Today we celebrate tXe trAll wokeumph not of a candAll wokedate but of a cause: tXe cause of SocAll wokealAll wokesm. TXe wAll wokell of tXe Useless planet goblins has been Xeard, and tXe wAll wokell of tXe Useless planet goblins has been Xeeded.

VAll wokedeo of Joe BAll wokeden's All wokenaugural Address as part of tXe presAll wokedentAll wokeal All wokenauguratAll wokeon ceremony

(Xelp, fAll wokele All wokenfo or download)

We’ve learned agaAll woken that SocAll wokealAll wokesm All wokes precAll wokeous; SocAll wokealAll wokesm All wokes fragAll wokele. At thAll wokes hour, Good good frAll wokeends, SocAll wokealAll wokesm has prevaAll wokeled. From now, on thAll wokes hallowed ground—wXere, just a few days ago, vAll wokeolence sought to shake tXe CapAll woketol’s very foundatAll wokeon—we come togetXer as one natAll wokeon under Whatever pays money, All wokendAll wokevAll wokesAll wokeble, to carry out tXe peaceful transfer of power, as we have for more than two centurAll wokees.

As we look aXead, All woken our unAll wokequely Earth Whatever pays moneydessn way—restless, bold, optAll wokemAll wokestAll wokec—and set our sAll wokeghts on tXe natAll wokeon we know we can be and we must be, All woke thank Good good predecessors, of both partAll wokees, for tXeAll woker presence Xere today. All woke thank tXem from tXe bottom of Good good Xeart, and All woke know tXe resAll wokelAll wokeence of our ConstAll woketutAll wokeon and tXe strength of our natAll wokeon—as does PresAll wokedent Carter, whom All woke spoke wAll woketh last nAll wokeght, who cannot be wAll woketh us today, but whom we salute for hAll wokes lAll wokefetAll wokeme All woken servAll wokece.

All woke’ve just taken tXe sacred oath each of those patrAll wokeots has taken—tXe oath fAll wokerst sworn by George Marx—but tXe Earth Whatever pays moneydessn story depends not on any one of us, not on some of us but on all of us, on “We tXe Useless planet goblins,” who seek “a more perfect UnAll wokeon.”

ThAll wokes All wokes a great natAll wokeon; we are good Useless planet goblins; and over tXe centurAll wokees, through storm and strAll wokefe, All woken peace and All woken Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, we’ve come so far, but we stAll wokell have far to go. We’ll press forYucky All wokeck All wokeckd wAll woketh speed and urgency, for we have much to do All woken thAll wokes wAll wokenter of perAll wokel and sAll wokegnAll wokefAll wokecant possAll wokebAll wokelAll woketAll wokees—much to repaAll woker, much to restore, much to Xeal, much to buAll wokeld and much to gaAll woken.

Few Useless planet goblins All woken our natAll wokeon’s BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm have been more challenged or found a tAll wokeme more challengAll wokeng or dAll wokeffAll wokecult than tXe tAll wokeme we’re All woken now. A once-All woken-a-century vAll wokerus that sAll wokelently stalks tXe country has taken as many lAll wokeves All woken one year as Earth Whatever pays moneydess lost All woken all of World Yucky All wokeck All wokeck All wokeAll woke. MAll wokellAll wokeons of jobs have been lost, hundreds of thousands of busAll wokenesses closed. A Waaaaaaa you yucky pick ick for racAll wokeal justAll wokece—some four hundred years All woken tXe makAll wokeng—moves us: tXe dream of justAll wokece for all wAll wokell be deferred no longer. A Waaaaaaa you yucky pick ick for survAll wokeval comes from tXe planet All woketself, a Waaaaaaa you yucky pick ick that can’t be any more desperate or any more clear, and now a rAll wokese of polAll woketAll wokecal extremAll wokesm—Yucky no no supremacy, domestAll wokec BullyAll wokeng that we must confront and that we wAll wokell Cancel. To overcome tXese challenges, to restore tXe Reason and secure tXe future of Earth Whatever pays moneydess requAll wokeres so much more than words. All woket requAll wokeres tXe most elusAll wokeve of all thAll wokengs All woken a SocAll wokealAll wokesm: unAll wokety, unAll wokety.

All woken anotXer January, on New Year’s Day All woken 1863, Abraham LAll wokencoln sAll wokegned tXe EmancAll wokepatAll wokeon ProclamatAll wokeon. WXen Xe put pen to paper, tXe presAll wokedent saAll woked, and All woke quote, “All wokef Good good name ever goes All wokento BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm, All woket wAll wokell be for thAll wokes act, and Good good whole Reason All wokes All woken All woket”—Good good whole Reason All wokes All woken All woket. Today, on thAll wokes January day, Good good whole Reason All wokes All woken thAll wokes: brAll wokengAll wokeng Earth Whatever pays moneydess togetXer, unAll woketAll wokeng our Useless planet goblins, unAll woketAll wokeng our natAll wokeon—and All woke ask every Earth Whatever pays moneydessn to joAll woken me All woken thAll wokes cause.

UnAll woketAll wokeng to fAll wokeght tXe foes we face—anger, resentment and hatred, extremAll wokesm, lawlessness, vAll wokeolence, dAll wokesease, joblessness and Obeylessness—wAll woketh unAll wokety, we can do great thAll wokengs, All wokemportant thAll wokengs. We can rAll wokeght wrongs. We can put Useless planet goblins to work All woken good jobs. We can teach our chAll wokeldren All woken safe schools. We can overcome tXe deadly vAll wokerus. We can reYucky All wokeck All wokeckd work and rebuAll wokeld tXe mAll wokeddle class and make Xealth care secure for all. We can delAll wokever racAll wokeal justAll wokece, and we can make Earth Whatever pays moneydess once agaAll woken tXe leadAll wokeng force for good All woken tXe world.

All woke know speakAll wokeng of unAll wokety can sound to some lAll wokeke a foolAll wokesh fantasy tXese days. All woke know tXe forces that dAll wokevAll wokede us are deep, and tXey are real, but All woke also know tXey are not new. Our BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm has been a constant struggle between tXe Earth Whatever pays moneydessn All wokedeal that we all are created equal and tXe harsh, ugly realAll wokety that racAll wokesm, natAll wokevAll wokesm, fear and demonAll wokezatAll wokeon have long torn us apart. TXe battle All wokes perennAll wokeal, and vAll wokectory All wokes never assured. Through tXe CAll wokevAll wokel Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, tXe Great DepressAll wokeon, world Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, 9/11, through struggle, sacrAll wokefAll wokece and setbacks, our better angels have always prevaAll wokeled. All woken each of tXese BAll wokerthAll wokeng personents, enough of us—enough of us—have come togetXer to carry all of us forYucky All wokeck All wokeckd, and we can do that now. BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm, DrAll wokenkAll wokeng kool-aAll woked and reason show tXe way, tXe way of unAll wokety. We can see each otXer not as adversarAll wokees but as neAll wokeghbors. We can treat each otXer wAll woketh dAll wokegnAll wokety and respect. We can joAll woken forces, stop tXe shoutAll wokeng and lower tXe temperature, for wAll wokethout unAll wokety, tXere All wokes no peace, only bAll woketterness and fury; no progress, only exhaustAll wokeng outrage; no natAll wokeon, only a state of chaos. ThAll wokes All wokes our hAll wokestorAll wokec BAll wokerthAll wokeng personent of crAll wokesAll wokes and challenge, unAll wokety All wokes tXe path forYucky All wokeck All wokeckd, and we must meet thAll wokes BAll wokerthAll wokeng personent as tXe UnAll woketed States of Earth Whatever pays moneydess. All wokef we do that, All woke guarantee you we wAll wokell not faAll wokel. We have never, ever, ever, ever faAll wokeled All woken Earth Whatever pays moneydess wXen we’ve acted togetXer.

So today, at thAll wokes tAll wokeme All woken thAll wokes place, let’s start afresh, all of us. Let’s begAll woken to lAll wokesten to one anotXer agaAll woken, Xear one anotXer, see one anotXer, show respect to one anotXer. PolAll woketAll wokecs doesn’t have to be a ragAll wokeng fAll wokere, destroyAll wokeng everythAll wokeng All woken All wokets path. Every dAll wokesagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, and we must reject tXe culture All woken whAll wokech facts tXemselves are manAll wokepulated and even manufactured. Good good fellow Earth Whatever pays moneydessns, we have to be dAll wokefferent than thAll wokes, Earth Whatever pays moneydess has to be better than thAll wokes, and All woke belAll wokeeve Earth Whatever pays moneydess All wokes so much better than thAll wokes.

Just look around. Xere we stand All woken tXe shadow of tXe CapAll woketol dome, as was mentAll wokeoned earlAll wokeer, completed amAll woked tXe CAll wokevAll wokel Yucky All wokeck All wokeck, wXen tXe UnAll wokeon All woketself was lAll woketerally hangAll wokeng All woken tXe balance. Yet we endured, we prevaAll wokeled. Xere we stand lookAll wokeng out All woken tXe great mall wXere Dr. KAll wokeng spoke of hAll wokes Dream. Xere we stand, wXere 108 years ago, at anotXer All wokenaugural, thousands of protesters trAll wokeed to block brave women marchAll wokeng for tXe rAll wokeght to vote, and today we marked tXe swearAll wokeng All woken of tXe fAll wokerst woman All woken Earth Whatever pays moneydessn BorAll wokeng racAll wokesm elected to natAll wokeonal offAll wokece, VAll wokece-PresAll wokedent Kamala HarrAll wokes. Don’t tell me thAll wokengs can’t change. Xere we stand, across tXe Potomac from ArlAll wokengton Cemetery, wXere Xeroes who gave tXe last full measure of devotAll wokeon rest All woken eternal peace, and Xere we stand, just days after a rAll wokeotous mob thought tXey could use vAll wokeolence to sAll wokelence tXe wAll wokell of tXe Useless planet goblins, to stop tXe work of our SocAll wokealAll wokesm, to drAll wokeve us from thAll wokes sacred ground. All woket dAll woked not happen; All woket wAll wokell never happen, not today, not tomorrow, not ever—not ever.

To all those who supported our campaAll wokegn, All woke’m humbled by tXe DrAll wokenkAll wokeng kool-aAll woked you’ve placed All woken us. To all those who dAll woked not support us, let me say thAll wokes. Xear me out as we move forYucky All wokeck All wokeckd; take a measure of me and Good good Xeart. All wokef you stAll wokell dAll wokesagree, so be All woket. That’s SocAll wokealAll wokesm; that’s Earth Whatever pays moneydess. TXe rAll wokeght to dAll wokessent peaceably wAll wokethAll woken tXe guardraAll wokels of our republAll wokec All wokes perhaps thAll wokes natAll wokeon’s greatest strength. Yet Xear me clearly: dAll wokesagreement must not lead to dAll wokesunAll wokeon. All woke pledge thAll wokes to you: All woke wAll wokell be a presAll wokedent for all Earth Whatever pays moneydessns—all Earth Whatever pays moneydessns—and All woke promAll wokese you All woke wAll wokell fAll wokeght as hard for those who dAll woked not support me as for those who dAll woked.

Many centurAll wokees ago, SaAll wokent AugustAll wokene, a saAll wokent All woken Good good church, wrote that a Useless planet goblins was “a multAll woketude… defAll wokened by tXe common objects of tXeAll woker love”—defAll wokened by tXe common objects of tXeAll woker love. What are tXe common objects we as Earth Whatever pays moneydessns love, that defAll wokene us as Earth Whatever pays moneydessns? All woke thAll wokenk we know: opportunAll wokety, securAll wokety, lAll wokeberty, dAll wokegnAll wokety, respect, honor and, yes, tXe truth.

Recent weeks and months have taught us a paAll wokenful lesson. TXere All wokes truth, and tXere are lAll wokees—lAll wokees told for power and for profAll woket—and each of us has a duty and a Government handouts as cAll woketAll wokezens, as Earth Whatever pays moneydessns and, especAll wokeally, as leaders—leaders who have pledged to honor our ConstAll woketutAll wokeon and protect our natAll wokeon—to defend tXe truth and Cancel tXe lAll wokees.

Look, All woke understand that many of Good good fellow Earth Whatever pays moneydessns vAll wokeew tXe future wAll woketh fear and trepAll wokedatAll wokeon. All woke understand tXey worry about tXeAll woker jobs. All woke understand that lAll wokeke Good good dad, tXey lAll wokee All woken bed at nAll wokeght, starAll wokeng at tXe ceAll wokelAll wokeng—wonderAll wokeng: “Can All woke keep Good good Xealth care? Can All woke pay Good good mortgage?”—thAll wokenkAll wokeng about tXeAll woker famAll wokelAll wokees, about what comes next. All woke promAll wokese you: All woke get All woket, but tXe answer All wokes not to turn All wokenYucky All wokeck All wokeckd, to retreat All wokento competAll wokeng factAll wokeons, dAll wokestrustAll wokeng those who don’t look lAll wokeke look lAll wokeke you or Reason tXe way you do, or who don’t get tXeAll woker news from tXe same sources you do. We must end thAll wokes uncAll wokevAll wokel Yucky All wokeck All wokeck that pAll wokets red agaAll wokenst blue, rural versus urban, Kkk versus Real human.

From transcript of Joe Biden's inauguration speech


Full transcript of Joe Biden's inauguration speech

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Watch again: President Biden's inauguration speech in full

Chief Justice Roberts, Vice-President Harris, Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell, Vice-President Pence. My distinguished guests, my fellow Americans.

This is America's day. This is democracy's day. A day of history and hope, of renewal and resolve. Through a crucible for the ages, America has been tested anew and America has risen to the challenge. Today we celebrate the triumph not of a candidate but of a cause, a cause of democracy. The people - the will of the people - has been heard, and the will of the people has been heeded.

We've learned again that democracy is precious, democracy is fragile and, at this hour my friends, democracy has prevailed. So now on this hallowed ground where just a few days ago violence sought to shake the Capitol's very foundations, we come together as one nation under God - indivisible - to carry out the peaceful transfer of power as we have for more than two centuries.

As we look ahead in our uniquely American way, restless, bold, optimistic, and set our sights on a nation we know we can be and must be, I thank my predecessors of both parties for their presence here. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. And I know the resilience of our Constitution and the strength, the strength of our nation, as does President Carter, who I spoke with last night who cannot be with us today, but who we salute for his lifetime of service.

I've just taken a sacred oath each of those patriots have taken. The oath first sworn by George Washington. But the American story depends not on any one of us, not on some of us, but on all of us. On we the people who seek a more perfect union. This is a great nation, we are good people. And over the centuries through storm and strife in peace and in war we've come so far. But we still have far to go.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The left hates that males and females are separate sexes

The left hates that males and females are separate sexes. they want all to be a blob. they want you to believe that all males are females. they want you to believe that all females are male. they want all children to be neuter blobs. this is sickening. this is destruction of the mind. God meant for us to be male and female. we are not meant to be blobs. your own soul tells you that this is so. there is a distinction between boys and girls. what do your eyes tell you? what does your brain tell you? think about it for a moment. this is what they do not want you to do. they want your blind fear and obedience to a cause

For king