Showing posts with label dialectical material. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dialectical material. Show all posts

Sunday, May 7, 2023

to the Modern marxists

  If you are really so much proletarian, then you would put yourself in a place where you have to work to live, where hunting, gathering and bartering are necessary for everything! Modern people just throw around Marx's name as if it were some magic talisman! It's not! How much do you actually know about the workers? If you get things from Starbucks, the answer is probably not at all! You are the generation who would inject burgers and fries into your blood stream, because chewing and swallowing is too much effort!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Nabokov on Marxism

 Without its obscurities and abracadabra, without its pernicious reticences, shamanic incantations and magnetic trash, Marxism is not Marxism. The paradox which explodes Marxism and other dreams of the ideal state is that the first author is potentially the first tyrant of that state. . . . The individual whims of a ruler tell deeper truths about a corresponding period than the vulgar generalization of class war etc.; and the peculiar mathematical and historical howlers, in the Capital and capitaloids, are transfigured by the synthesis of Revolution into the beastly cruel stupidities it commits.

For king