Tuesday, April 26, 2022

She opens her mouth with wisdom



"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and loving instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the ways of her household..." 
-Proverbs 31:26-27

Our mothers are our firsts in many ways...our first caretakers, our first teachers, our first friends, and our first encouragers. For those who grew up without their birth mothers, often it is a grandmother or aunt who stands in this important formative role. Godmothers and spiritual mothers also play a special role in passing along the faith and sharing in the role of watching over the family. 
That is why we are offering a special novena of masses to honor and remember all of those who have been "mothers" to us. Our friend, Reverend Father David Cankene, a priest of the Archdiocese of Gulu, Northern Uganda, will celebrate a novena of masses for your intentions, beginning on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8th. 

I invite you to use the link below to send me the names of your mother, grandmothers, aunts, inlaws, godmothers, spiritual mothers and other loved ones who have nurtured you throughout your life so that we may offer this Novena of Masses for their spiritual or temporal needs. In this way, we can truly honor those who have gifted us with life, whether biological or spiritual. 

My prayer is that these masses will be a source of grace and blessing for all of the women in your life. 

Thank you for joining us in this Novena of Masses.

With gratitude,
Johnnette and the Staff of Women of Grace

P.S. Should you desire to add a gift of support for these masses, you will receive as our gift links to the Women of Grace television series, "The Witness of Early Christian Women" with Mike Aquilina.

P.P.S. Also available are Gregorian Masses, and single Masses for your deceased loved ones or special intentions. These Masses are personally arranged by Monsignor Matthew Odong, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Gulu in Northern Uganda. If your mother has died, this would be a beautiful gift of remembrance.
Thank you for your support of our mission!

Women of Grace® seeks to transform the world one woman at a time by affirming women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity™ through ongoing spiritual formation.

The vision of Women of Grace® is a civilization and culture imbued with the spirit of the Gospel renewed, revitalized, and healed 
through the love of God.

Women of Grace® and all of its outreaches are consecrated to

We are a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Learn more at www.womenofgrace.com

Watch the Women of Grace television program at a NEW TIME
1pm ET Monday - Friday on EWTN

Want to leave a legacy that promotes your Catholic values? Please prayerfully consider adding Women of Grace to your will. For more information email Isabelle Liberatore at iliberatore@womenofgrace.com or call 1-800-558-5452 ext. 2056.

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Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point

  Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point:  We would love your feedback on where the DNC goes from here. Can you take a few minutes to shar...