Wednesday, April 20, 2022

a thank you video you must see


I pray your family had a blessed Easter holiday. Before the holiday, both Jason and Marilis were excited to return back to their families after their extended overseas trip to Rome, Poland, and Ukraine.

While on the Ukraine border, our Vulnerable People Project (VPP) team partnered with another NGO to launch a massive effort to establish seven new shelters to provide housing and food for 1,700 women and children. This is an urgent need as the recent escalation in Eastern Ukraine has filled all of the refugee camps and shelters and women and children keep pouring into Poland with no place to go.

Our VPP operations are also continuing in Afghanistan. However, our evacutions are getting harder and harder to execute because of the political unrest in Pakistan. Our weekly food deliveries continue to ensure thousands don't starve. Last week, we were honored to deliver food for four months of food to more than 4,480 people. Thank you for allowing us to continue this life-saving work!

Below I've included some of the most recent headlines Jason and our team have been featured in because of our Hope for Ukraine campaign. Please take a few minutes to check them out.

If you can, please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to help our Vulnerable People Project raise the $225,000 we need to establish seven new shelters on the Ukraine-Poland border for more than 1,700 desperate women and children.

For Them,

Tiana Elisara
Assistant to the Founder
The Vulnerable People Project & Movie to Movement

P.S. - Jason wanted me to make sure to tell everyone to go out and watch "Father Stu" in theaters everywhere now. The new film staring Mark Wahlberg is exactly the type of films our team at Movie to Movement has been urging Hollywood to make for more than a decade. Looks like folks are finally listening. Now, let's make it a box office success! 

Saving Lives in Afghanistan.


Our Vulnerable People Project Hope for Afghanistan Campaign continues on. Click here or below to watch a short "thank you" video our team on the ground recently made with some of those who you have helped avoid starvation this winter.

Saving Lives in Ukraine.


Jason and our VPP team has been working with LifeSiteNews and EWTN to continue to report what's been happening at the Ukraine-Poland border. Click here or below to watch Jason's latest interview with EWTN News Nightly.

With the recent Russian surge in Eastern Ukraine, more women and children are flooding into Poland and all of the shelters are overfilled. Our team is establishing seven new shelters right on the boarder to give 1,700 women and children food and lodging. Can you chip in with a tax-deducible gift of $250, $100, or even $50 right away to our efforts in Ukraine?

Other Recent Media Coverage...

The Stream: Poison-Gaslighting Ukraine, Biden Seeks a Bloody Quagmire (Jason's Op-Ed)

LifeSiteNews: UPDATE: LifeSiteNews offering relief to Ukrainian refugees (with Jason reporting)

Long Island News 12 TV: Brooklyn church hosts prayer vigil in solidarity with Ukraine

The Tablet: Catholics Get First Hand Account on Ukraine at Williamsburg Prayer Service

Jason's Podcast.

Listen to Jason's regular podcast, one of the fast growing in the nation. 

Listen NOW

Support Jason.

Jason is the founder of Movie to Movement & the Vulnerable People Project and the host of the "The Jason Jones Show." His mission to to stand with and speak for the vulnerable no matter who or where they are. Now you can join the Jason Jones Support Team by chipping a tax-deductible gift by clicking here.

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Movie to Movement
HERO inc
117A Packerland Drive
Green BayWI 54303

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Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point

  Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point:  We would love your feedback on where the DNC goes from here. Can you take a few minutes to shar...