Tuesday, April 26, 2022

for mothers like Sally


Hi again Timor,

Here’s another reason I emailed you a few days ago ... for mothers like Sally. When Sally walked into the pregnancy medical center, her baby had less than 24 hours to live. I believe that breaks your heart because you have compassion for vulnerable mothers, like Sally, and their babies. Please read on!

Sally admitted through tears that she had an abortion planned for the next day.

“Everyone at home wants me to get an abortion. I feel lost and alone.”

Because of friends like you, Sally received a free ultrasound. That’s when something miraculous happened. Sally met her baby!

The sonogram revealed a 12-week-old baby. Sally took one look and said, “I’m going to cancel my abortion appointment.” Once she saw her healthy, growing baby, Sally CHOSE LIFE!

Timor, if you want to help change more hearts and minds like these, I invite you to become a monthly sustainer of the Option Ultrasound Life Advocate program. This fantastic community of monthly supporters believes in the sanctity of life, rescues babies from abortion, and ministers to their mothers.

Just $60 can save one baby from abortion! That means if you could save 6 babies each year with a $30 monthly gift or 12 babies with a $60 monthly gift. Your monthly donation will save lives and defend the sanctity of human life!

Some generous friends who value life provided a $4 Million Match that will help you save even more lives. Your first monthly gift will be DOUBLED to go TWICE AS FAR to rescue mothers and their babies from abortion. What an incredible opportunity! But please act now before this door closes.

To become a monthly Life Advocate and see your first gift DOUBLED, visit https://donate.FocusOnTheFamily.com/lifeadvocate5.


Robyn Chambers
Executive Director, Advocacy for Children
Focus on the Family

P.S. You can share the truth about life with other moms like Sally and rescue both mom and baby from the tragedy of abortion as a monthly Option Ultrasound Life Advocate.

The name in the story changed to protect privacy.

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Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point

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