Wednesday, February 16, 2022

America Needs Fatima

 Dear Mr. You,

Every day, I receive letters from wonderful supporters like you, who share our devotion to Our Lady. Here’s what one of our special friends, Joan, from Crosby, MN wrote to me: 

“… I wanted to tell you a story about the rosary and what Our Lady can do through it. 

A friend of mine was losing her battle with cancer and wanted to see a priest. I tried everyone I knew who might have a priest’s phone number. It took me over 45 minutes without success, then I called one lady I knew and told her she was my last hope. 

I started the rosary and by the time I said the last “Amen”, I got a phone call. The priest was at my friend’s house! I could not believe my ears! But he was there; he gave her the Last Rites and she died the very next day. 

I have been praying my rosary for many years, ever since my mother heard about Fatima. I am almost 85 and still pray at least 2x daily – what a great help Our Lady has been to me. Thank you, ANF!”

Like Joan, I believe you know the tremendous power of Our Lady and the Rosary.  And I hope you also believe how important it is to keep spreading the Rosary and Our Lady’s message to others for many years to come.  

You have demonstrated how much you care for the Fatima mission. That is why I am inviting you to consider leaving a long and enduring memory of your love for Our Lady. 

You can do this through the simple act of leaving a portion of your estate to America Needs Fatima.  I’m very much aware of how personal this is to you, and the only reason I am taking the liberty of requesting this of you is because I know how much you’d like to ensure that our mission can continue for generations to come! 

Including a charity like America Needs Fatima in your will is simple to do and it will not cost you anything. Here you will find everything you or your advisor need to get started. 

When you include America Needs Fatima in your will, you’ll join The Immaculate Heart Guild, and you will be remembered in the Mass intentions of a priest - also a member of The Immaculate Heart Guild - and in the prayers of all America Needs Fatima volunteers. 

For the love of Mary, will you please let us know that you’re planning to leave a gift from your will to America Needs Fatima

Just send us an email to or call my colleague Rose at (866) 661-0272. She’ll happily answer any questions you might have. 

Under Our Lady’s maternal gaze, you can ensure the long-term success of America Needs Fatima and guarantee your legacy to future generations in devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and Her Immaculate Heart.  

Thank you again for your generous support and love for Our Lady. By the grace and help of Mary Most Holy, the good you’ve done in the past years will pale in comparison to your future deeds. 

I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,

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Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point

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