Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Philosophy of the modern world

 Look at me! Look at me! Aren't I something? Aren't I great? I live in the nice, safe, and easy United States! I don't really have to deal with real world issues! I sit down at home! I watch CNN! I read my x tweets! I am great! I am great simply because I am me! Look at me! My throat can make sounds! My brain is so brain! My brain makes me make throat sounds! Aren't the throat sounds great? They are my favorite throat sounds! Listen to my own throat making sounds! Ooo! Throat sounds! My throat sounds are truth, merely because I am making them! I can get out a sign! I can scream at cars! I can lie down in the street and pitch a silly little scream! Are you calling me crazy? You biggot! You are using truth again! Kkk!

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Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point

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