Monday, October 9, 2023

Jews are Human

 Jews are human beings! They deserve human rights. It is only because of the Jews that women have any rights at all! Planet earth hates that! Planet earth hates that women should have any rights at all. This Infuriates the planet we live on! We must weep forever! We must never allow ourselves to stop weeping! The Jews just want to live! Why is this so evil? Why must the Jews die for this? The Jews just want to breathe air! Why should they be forced to die for this? The Jews just want meaning in life! Why punish them for this?

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Владимир Набоков К России

  Владимир Набоков К России Отвяжись, я тебя умоляю! Вечер страшен, гул жизни затих. Я безпомощен. Я умираю От слепых наплываний твоих. Тот,...