Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Magick Newsletter


Dear Timothy,

As promised, a new and special "Magick Newsletter", right out of my Magickal oven... :)

It is about 2 very popular topics... the first is about matters of the "heart"...and the second?

You'll have to guess - and then read the rest of this email to find out. :)

Before I get started, I just wanted to share another special email I received from one of my Home Academy students this morning...

"Hi Rose!

This is the 1st time I have ever emailed you back but I would like to thank you.

I have been involved in the craft for about 4 yrs, and you bring up some very helpful subjects. I am sure they have been very helpful to others too. Thank you for for taking the time to prepare all of this for us.

I have told many of my friends who are just starting to learn the craft about you....

You are great and giving and I just wanted to thank you!

May Your Path Be Blessed,


... thank you Cat! ;)

Did you know I recently released my "life's work" in Magick?  It's called my "Mastering The Magick Of Witchcraft Home Academy".

Here are just 3 of the hundreds of things it will show you how to do (step-by-step):

* A big list of over 99 highly unique intermediate spells (each spell is categorized and ranked according to difficulty, with my step-by-step instructions) See Unit 5, Page 1

Here are some of the categories of spells:

 - More love spells and relationship spells - More protection spells - More money spells - Banishing - Divination - Luck - Purification - Truth - Beauty - Weight - Binding - Weather - And much, much more (too much to list here)!

* A step-by-step "7-minute ritual" most people don't do (it will multiply your belief - increasing both power and success of your spells) - See Unit 2, Page 22

* "How to create your Altar and Temple" demonstration (includes cleansing and purifying of your space so your spells cannot backfire) - See DVD 2, Chapter 5

If you want to bring a flood of miracles (including Love, Friendship, Protection, and "Success"), please head right over to my life's work at :

And now, the Magick newsletter...

There Is “Something” About Magick For Love And Money

Do you know what most people who email me have in common? (hint, this leads right into the subject of this newsletter...)

You guessed it, there are a lot of people who are “chomping at the bit” to use Magick to bring Love and Money into their lives.

When you think about it – it kinda makes sense.

Most people would love to have enough money so that they can enjoy their lives without having to work at a job they can’t stand…

And most people would “love” to have more LOVE in their lives in one way or another.

Whether it’s the love and affection of new (and close) friends – or whether it is meeting that special person that sweeps you off your feet… and you both live happily ever after.

True love is something good indeed!

First, I’ll handle the “Love Magick” topic…

I have gotten so many emails asking about Love Magick – and what is possible – and if I have any Love Spells to give them.

Instead of answering the hundreds of questions I have received, I am going to let you in on a couple of things...

First, Love Spells do work – and they work very, VERY well – if you let them. (I explain that in a moment)

As one of my friends puts it – “you never know who is going to show up when you burn a red candle for love, be careful what you ask for – you just might get it faster than you expected!”

But, I want you to remember something.

With all spells that can be used for personal gain, there are some guidelines you must follow to avoid falling into a big mess that you never intended.

With Love Magick it is extremely important not to affect anyone’s Free Will!

The results can be disastrous.

For example, if there is somebody you have a big crush on, and you cast a spell to get them to like you – there can be some dire consequences to this.

Sure, the Magick energy created by the spell will influence the way they look at you – you may even begin dating them.

But it may not be because you were meant to be together.

Well, “so what?” you may be asking.

A few weeks, months, or years down the road – the fact that you weren’t meant for each other, and were brought together because of your Love Spell – the relationship can go BAD without notice…and I mean really BAD…

The person may become frustrated with you, maybe even violent.

And they may not even realize why!

You see, fate may have had a different plan for them, and now they are in a situation they were never meant to be in – and their inner energies are actually rebelling.

I know, it can be tempting to cast a Love Spell to bring a specific person to you, but it is much better (and safer) to cast Love Spells to open doors of love in your life, bringing someone that has certain qualities that you desire.

Using Love Magick Hand-In-Hand With Fate Can Bring You Wonderful Results…

You’ll find, that when you cast these type of love spells – you are actually working hand in hand with fate – and you will be rewarded with someone far better (for you) than anyone else.  (and who knows, maybe someone you have had your eye one IS meant for you, and the Love  Spell – not cast specifically at them – will bring them to you anyway!)

Because of all of the questions I received about Love Magick, I have nearly gone "overboard" in putting together some very detailed step-by-step guides for using Magick to bring Love into your life. (for those of you who are interested)
You can see it all here...

“Letting Spells Go” (So That Your Magick Will Work)

I mentioned that Love Magick works amazingly well, if you let it… and I promised I’d let you know what I meant later – and I almost forgot!

Anyway, too many people casting Love Spells (or other spells for that matter) – obsess about the spell after they cast it.

They continue to wonder if it’s going to work, who they are going to meet, when it’s going to happen, etc…

In fact, I’ve seen many people that think about it all day long.

This is not good!

Here’s why:

When you cast any spell, you are releasing Magick energies from within you, that are sent out into the universe to accomplish what you set out to do (i.e. to speed up “fate” and bring romance - or friendship - into your life)…

And if you continue to use energy thinking about it, and obsessing about it – you are actually weakening the spell, because you never let all of your energy release into the spell when you cast it.

And that is why many people continually are disappointed by spells they cast…you’ve got to cast it, and let it go.

And don’t think about it again.

You will be very surprised by what you find…

Now, for another very popular topic...

“Can Prosperity Spells Attract... Prosperity?”

This is another question I saw over and over… there are many people out there hurting when it comes to money – some are even desperate…

They are turning to Magick to solve their problems – and yes, Money Magick can bring success into your life (and again…if you let it).

There were so many questions about Money Magick, that I felt compelled to include sections on Beginner Money Magick, all the way up to an advanced section.

All of my material comes from information I was taught – along with somes information I discovered in my Grandmother’s attic after her passing.

I have used much of it myself – and I have never seen anything like it before… I even had some demonstrations filmed to be sure you can follow along with the spells and other information on Money Magick.

“Yes”, Money Magick can attract prosperity – but that doesn’t mean it will!

The truth is, if you are struggling with money, and are in desperate circumstances – casting Prosperity Spells can bring you out of desperation – bringing a certain amount of success into your life (or at least give you amazing opportunities to easily pull yourself out of the hole).

Even if you aren’t desperate, doing Money Magick can help get you where you want to be financially – it can even bring you a specific amount if you ask.

In fact, I have an example for you.

My friend Tatiana (she actually talks about this in one of the interviews in my Home Academy) had a situation where she couldn’t pay one of her bills – and she didn’t have a much income at the time.

She cast a very quick and simple prosperity spell one evening (it actually only took her a few minutes) – and she got a check in the mail 2 days later for a total of $78!

It was apparently a correction for a small inheritance she had gotten a few years back.

And here is the really amazing part…

$78 was the exact total of the only bill she wasn’t able to pay – her electrical bill!

Ok, ok, so $78 is not going to change her life.

But keep in mind, she only took a few minutes to cast a very simple Prosperity Spell – and it basically took away her biggest money worry.

If you spend time with Magick, it can change your life.

And I detail exactly “how” you can do this in my newly released "Magickal Home Academy".

You can see it here:

Rose Ariadne's Magickal Home Academy

Casting Magick that works requires that you are doing it for the right reasons, you believe that it is going to work, and that you “let it go” after you cast it.

Allow it to happen, and your desires will come into your life in ways you never imagined…

Tomorrow, I'm going to send you Magick Mini Course Day #5, where I reveal the "secret of the release". :)

I can't wait for you to try it the next time you try one of my spells...

Brightest Blessings,

Rose Ariadne

Your Warm and Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

P.S. Did you know there's a full 1-year guarantee for the Home Academy In-A-Box?  Scroll down towards the bottom, and you'll see it... ;)

Mastering The Magick

(This means you can use EVERYTHING you see on the page for 1 full year before you decide to keep it or not...send it back at any time for a full refund... my Magickal promise to you. ;) )

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Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point

  Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point:  We would love your feedback on where the DNC goes from here. Can you take a few minutes to shar...