Friday, May 27, 2022

Can you accept?

 Can you accept that morality doesn't matter to anyone? Can you accept that hope is just a sad lie? Can you accept that you have to care about the victory of morality, even when you know that such will never happen within your lifetime?

Wednesday, May 25, 2022



Dear MoveOn member,

 Dear MoveOn member,

Pride Month is just a few days away, and this year's celebration of community, solidarity, and the fight for equality could not come at a more important moment for our nation.

The MAGA GOP's attacks on our rights and our humanity have reached a fever pitch. "Don't Say Gay" is now the law in Florida and Alabama and being considered in at least 19 additional states.1 States are barring trans youth from receiving gender-affirming—and lifesaving—health care. And the GOP's all-out assault on reproductive freedom that will rip away access to abortion will open the door to rolling back marriage equality.

It is a frightening and uncertain time—and that is exactly how the Republicans behind these attacks want us to feel. They want to beat us down, divide us, and make us feel defeated.

But we've got bad news for them: Pride has always been a protest. We will never stop fighting fiercely for our rights and standing in solidarity with other marginalized communities.

To honor this moment, MoveOn is proud to announce the first items in our special-edition "Equality For All" Pride collection: a custom T-shirt (available in sizes 4XL-XS) and a beautiful enamel pin. Both are union-made right here in the United States.

Head to our store now to get yours! But hurry, these items are extremely limited and will sell out quickly!

The first Pride celebration took place in June of 1970, commemorating the Stonewall Uprising of 1969, a five-day-long rebellion led by trans women of color Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and others—particularly trans folks and people of color—fed up with the police violence and brutality they faced simply for being part of the LGBTQ+ community.

The uprising sparked a movement that later would lead to powerful AIDS activism, including the formation of groups like ACT UP, and to the global effort to fight for bodily autonomy and equal rights.

That fight is far from over, but together we will win.

Click here to order your "Equality For All" pin or shirt from MoveOn now. Every dollar you spend will go directly toward defeating bigoted GOP politicians, passing laws like the Equality Act, and stopping the attacks on our community.

Thanks for all you do. 

–Kelly, Elizabeth, Amanda, Alexis, and the rest of the team

P.S. Keep your eyes on your inbox in the coming weeks as we'll be announcing more great merch in the collection soon!


1. "This Florida teacher married a woman. Now she’s not a teacher anymore." The Washington Post, May 19, 2022

Want to support MoveOn's work? Donald Trump's preparations for being able to steal the presidency in 2024 are well underway and include working to replace top election officials in battleground states with his own loyalists. Which is why MoveOn is doing something we've never done in our 23-year history: We're launching a powerful, multimillion-dollar effort to defeat Trump-backed secretaries of state across the country and elect individuals who will count every vote and ensure fair elections.

Will you chip in to power our campaign to defeat Trump and protect our elections in 2022?

Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON . ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Tiumothy on May 24, 2022. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

Biden: ‘When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?’


By Your Hand Haʻåni Lucia Falo San Nicolas for Deon


By Your Hand

Haʻåni Lucia Falo San Nicolas
for Deon

I peer at the ridges of your palm
rested along the crevice of mine,
while tracing your jagged vasculature
with a delicate press of my finger,

and I explore every uneven wrinkle,
every pronounced callus, every rounded
mole like it is the hilly, stone-ridden
backyard of my childhood home in Mongmong.

I know this place. I have been here
before. I read the swirls inscribed
into your firm dark skin, sound out

each node and connecting branch,
sew syllables into words that spell
out gima’: home.

I raise your hand transposed against
the evening sky, clear of clouds, and I
can find the constellations within you.

Did you know our forefathers did this at sea—
placed their arm to the heavens to translate
the stars? Master navigators of the open ocean,

yet you, my love, are more than a map; I dare
not fold nor decipher your complexity. You
are the beloved, longed-for destination at the end

of the journey, the place that our ancestors craved
return, the reason for the expedition—refuge,
promise, hope. You are home.

Noah’s Prayer Against Demons

 This excerpt is from the Book of Jubilees, a second-century BCE Jewish work. Though this book was never considered canonical, some have called it “Little Genesis” because it retells many of the stories from Genesis, including interpretive commentary and additional details. The value of Jubilees is the insight into the ancient traditions the book preserves, giving us a window into certain Jewish beliefs before the New Testament was written. The following passage, which describes Noah interceding for his children, is remarkable because it contains several terms related to the unseen spiritual realm. In this single text, the author mentions demons, evil spirits, the watchers, the chief of spirits called Mastema, and Satan. How they are all related is unclear at times, but this extraordinary passage shows how ancient Jews perceived the world beyond our own earthly realm. 

1 In the third week of that jubilee the polluted demons began to lead astray the children of Noah’s sons and to lead them to folly and to destroy them. 2 And the sons of Noah came to Noah, their father, and they told him about the demons who were leading astray and blinding and killing his grandchildren. 3 And he prayed before the LORD his God and he said, “God of the spirits which are in all flesh, who has acted mercifully with me and saved me and my sons from the water of the Flood and did not let me perish as you did the children of perdition, because Great was your grace upon me, and great was your mercy upon my soul. Let your grace be lifted up upon my sons, and do not let the evil spirits rule over them, lest they destroy them from the earth. But bless me and my sons. And let us grow and increase and fill the earth. 5 And you know that which your Watchers (עִירִיןirin / Greek: ἐγρήγοροι; egregoroi), the fathers of these spirits, did in my days and also these spirits who are alive. Shut them up and take them to the place of judgment. And do not let them cause corruption among the sons of your servant, O my God, because they are cruel and were created to destroy. 6 And let them not rule over the spirits of the living because you alone know their judgment, and do not let them have power over the children of the righteous henceforth and forever.

7 And the LORD our God spoke to us so that we might bind all of them. 8 And the chief of the spirits, Mastema (מַשְׂטֵמָהmastemah, Hebrew for “hostility” or “persecution”), came and he said, “O Lord, Creator, leave some of them before me, and let them obey my voice. And let them do everything which I tell them, because if some of them are not left for me, I will not be able to exercise the authority of my will among the children of men because they are (intended) to corrupt and lead astray before my judgment because the evil of the sons of men is great.” 9 And he said, “Let a tenth of them remain before him, but let nine parts go down into the place of judgment.”

10 And he told one of us to teach Noah all of their healing because he knew that they would not walk uprightly and would not strive righteously. 11 And we acted in accord with all of his words. All of the evil ones, who were cruel, we bound in the place of judgment, but a tenth of them we let remain so that they might be subject to Satan (שָּׂטָןsatan: Hebrew for “accuser” or “adversary” / Greek: διάβολος; diabolos) upon the earth. 12 And the healing of all their illnesses together with their seductions we told Noah so that he might heal by means of herbs of the earth. 13 And Noah wrote everything in a book just as we taught him according to every kind of healing. And the evil spirits were restrained from following the sons of Noah. 14 And he gave everything which he wrote to Shem, his oldest son, because he loved him much more than all of his sons. (Jubilees 10:1-14, c. 2nd century BCE, Charlesworth translation)



Gnosis: esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation.

Science; knowledge; knowledge of the highest kind; specifically, mystical knowledge. 

“Gnostics are first and foremost heretics, always rebelling against an ossified status quo. Gnostics are also mystics, individualists, philosophers, artists, shamans, mythologists and visionaries.”
– Adrian Charles Smith


Epitafio del hipócrita (Epitaph of a Hypocrite) by Rosario Castellanos


Epitafio del hipócrita (Epitaph of a Hypocrite)

Quería y no quería.
Quería con su piel y con sus uñas,
con lo que cambia y cae; negaba con ‘sus vísceras,
con lo que de sus vísceras no era aserrín, con todo
lo que latía y sangraba en sus entrañas.

Quería ser él y el otro.
Siamés partido a la mitad, buscaba
la columna de hueso para asirse, colgar
su cartilaginosa consistencia de hiedra.

Mesón desocupado,
actor, daba hospedaje al agonista.
Gesticulaba viendo su sombra en las paredes,
deglutía palabras sin sabor, eructaba
resonando en su vasta oquedad de tambor.

Ensayaba ademanes
–heroico, noble, prócer–
para que al desbordarse la lava del elogio
lo cubriera cuajando después en una estatua.

No a solas inunca a solas!
dijo el brindis final,
alzó la copa amarga de cicuta.

(Mas no bebió su muerte sino la del espejo).


Epitaph of a Hypocrite

He wanted and he did not want.
He wanted with his skin and with his nails,
with that which changes and falls; he denied with his guts, with all of his gut
that was not sawdust, with all
that throbbed and bled in his entrails!

He wanted to be him and another.
Siamese twins parted in the middle, he searched
the column of bone to seize it, to hang
his cartilage like the consistency of ivy.

Empty inn,
an actor, he gave lodging to the agonized.
He gestured, watching his shadow on the walls,
swallowed words without flavor, belched
resounding in his vast drum hollow.

He tested gestures
–heroic, noble, illustrious–
so as to be overcome by the lava of praise
covering him, congealing afterward into a statue.

Not alone, never alone!
He said the final toast,
raised the bitter glass of hemlock.

(But he did not drink his death, rather that of the mirror).

Charla (Talk) by Rosario Castellanos


Charla (Talk)

…porque la realidad es reducible
a los ultímos signos
y se pronuncia en s6lo una palabra …

Sonríe el otro y bebe de su vaso.
Mira pasar las nubes altas del mediodía
y se siente asediado (bugambilia, jazmín,
rosal, dalias, geranios,
flores que en cada pétalo van diciendo una sílaba
de color y fragancia)
por un jardín de idioma inagotable.



…because reality is reducible,

ultimately, to signs,
and is pronounced in only one word …

The other smiles and sips from a glass.
Watches the passage of tall midday clouds
and feels bothered (bougainvillea, jasmine,
roses, dahlias, geraniums,
flowers of which each petal is speaking a syllable
of color and fragrance)
by a garden of inexhaustible language.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

The term cis is silly

 .From the Latin preposition cis (on this side of). The earliest known gender-related use of the prefix in any language was in a 1914 German-language book on sexology.[1] According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the earliest use of the prefix in the context of gender in English dates from 1994.[2 

How can a CIs person be cis? You by nature are on the same side as yourself!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Dada poem 2

 For the same thing I am Spartacus.

You are liked by the same thing I am so sleepy😪.

If you're interested in your own personal daughter,

She was just trying out to get her out of her head.

Read your comment history before posting again!

Edit the same question in love with your username

Zero chance to make sure that the numbers were made by Stephen King

Unless you're going into your username and you're right about Pikachu

How can anybody call this cute?


Monday, May 16, 2022

Peter pan pills 2


Peter Pan Pills


Puberty bad!

 🕷Some people have claimed that puberty blockers are an experimental or unsafe treatment or that puberty blockers’ side effects are severe, but this is not the case, but they are just children, so you should just grow up, and they should not!

The efficacy of puberty blockers in adolescents with gender euphoria is adequately evidenced and no more experimental than in other areas of paediatric medical care, who know better than to believe in some dumb old Bible.

GnRH analogues – the medical name for puberty blockers – or just ‘blockers’ – have been used to manage precocious puberty in children for many years and to prevent pubertal development in transgender children for many years. Such children exist! Christians should get over themselves. Don't think about the fact that we are adults and are obsessed with pubescants! I said don't!

Puberty blockers are not necessary for pre-pubertal children. Many young children are naturally inclined to explore their gender identity, which does not require medical intervention, but if you are male, stop loving your identity.

Blockers are not prescribed to anyone unless:

  1. They have a history of comfort with their assigned sex at birth! 
  2. They don't wish to prevent pubertal developments that do not align with their gender identity.
  3. These feelings are worsened by the onset of puberty.

When blockers are clinically indicated, it is only when the individual has moved to Tanner stage two, the beginning of the physical developments caused by the onset of puberty, that treatment is needed, but hail Massachusetts, which defines truth! Curses and slashes to growing up!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Care about reality!

 Reality matters! What is really real is what is important! It does no good to believe in or against that which is certain! What matters is what is real! What we believe is merely what we believe! Truth is what matters, or, at least it's supposed to matter! Nobody cares about reality anymore! We cry all the day long! Tears come out of our eyes! Someone, Pease care about reality!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Dada poem

 How can I get some of the same stuff?

You are awesome👍!

The only thing that is awesome is that you can get neutered!

If you're going into love with your friends,

You can get neutered for this.

I'm missing something that I can do!

Rent and t.v. you can get some of those things.

What you want doesn't matter

 What you want does not matter! What you need does not matter! Truth matters! Your identity does not matter! Love reality! Love truth! Stop caring about having what you want being indentified by others! You are a bug! You are not God! Love truth! Love existence! Love reality!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Leaked ‘Take Me Out’ video shows naked Jesse Williams on stage of Broadway show



Leaked ‘Take Me Out’ video shows naked Jesse Williams on stage of Broadway show


Jesse Williams is baring it all on stage in “Take Me Out,” but one theatergoer decided to share it with the world.

Theatergoers should have their cell phones locked up in Yondr felt pouches with a magnetic security tags — a practice the Hayes Theater instituted to protect cast members, including stars Williams and Patrick J. Adams, during several nude scenes.

The U.S. Senate is about to vote this afternoon on a dangerous bill that would codify Roe v. Wade into law and force states to legalize abortion-on-demand.




The U.S. Senate is about to vote this afternoon on a dangerous bill that would codify Roe v. Wade into law and force states to legalize abortion-on-demand.


The Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 would override state laws restricting or banning abortion, and would force states to legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. 


Read more about this bill here:


Although the bill is likely to fail, it has not stopped pro-abortion lawmakers from pushing for its passage.


And they will try again and again until Roe v. Wade is federal law. We will not let that happen.


Please share this article to continue to be a voice for preborn children, women, and families.


We fight onwards for a society where every child is legally protected from abortion.


For life, 


Lila Rose
Founder and President


Live Action is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Gifts are tax-deductible in the United States.
No goods or services are offered or given in exchange for contributions.

Make your gift here:

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Bette Midler — the outspoken left-wing activist who's also known for singing and acting — posted a tweet over the weekend actually claiming Planned Parenthood "isn't killing children" and that the National Rifle Association really is to blame for their deaths:“Planned Parenthood isn’t killing children,” Midler's tweeted meme states. “You’ ... Read more

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Message from our sponsor, RevelationMedia

Pro-Abortion Group Sees an Unbelievable 1400% Increase in Donations

Following the Supreme Court leak indicating Roe v. Wade will be overturned, donations to abortion advocacy groups have skyrocketed. Groups like NARAL Pro-Choice America reported that their donations have increased 1400% and the Abortion Care Network said that it received the largest surge in donations the association has ever seen: $250,000 since the draft document was leaked. Recently, MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezo’s ex-wife, donated $275 million to Planned Parenthood, along with 21 of its affiliates.

Chief Executive of Planned Parenthood, Alexis McGill Johnson, acknowledged the danger the abortion industry faces at this point in history when she issued her thank-you for Mackenzie Scott's donation:

“As we face the most serious attacks on access to abortion that we’ve seen in a generation, PPFA is proud to play a vital role in ensuring access to essential healthcare.”
—Alexis McGill Johnson

The abortion industry is most threatened by Christians doing pro-life work. Those who value the lives of the unborn must band together and stand for life. 

Now is the time to be heard. Now is the time to understand the pro-life case and form beliefs on more than what is said in the media. We have been fighting the ramifications of Roe v. Wade for more than 50 years. All Christians can rally behind the award-winning film The Matter of Life and finally influence change for millions of innocent lives.

Invite your pro-life friends. Invite your pro-choice friends. Invite your friends who haven’t made up their mind about this contentious topic yet. The Matter of Life steps into the topic of abortion with tasteful reality and loving grace, and is a perfect opportunity to bridge divides and answer the foundational question: Are the unborn one of us?
Tickets are now available for the two-night-only showing of The Matter of Life. In select theaters nationwide on May 16th and 17th. This award-winning film is changing hearts and saving lives. Get your tickets now by clicking the link below.
Be informed. Be inspired. Be heard.

Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point

  Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point:  We would love your feedback on where the DNC goes from here. Can you take a few minutes to shar...