Wednesday, February 3, 2021

When I asked Rabbi Lerner how he wanted to celebrate his 78th birthday


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Dear Tumothy,

When I asked Rabbi Lerner how he wanted to celebrate his 78th birthday, he said: with prayer and Torah study. While the actual date is February 7th, we decided that it would make most sense to celebrate with anyone who wants to honor him on Shabbat—the day of spiritual nourishment. The nearest one to his birthday is February 6th, this Saturday, when we read the Torah reading (Yitro) in which the newly freed Hebrew slaves experience the revelation at Sinai of the Ten Speech Acts (known by some as “the Ten Commandments”).

Zoom link - pwd= MzhuUzZvS1pQYWR5ZzNLaFQ5K3RoZz 09

The biggest gift you could give him on this occasion would be to video tape or just audio tape a message to the Rabbi Michael about some way in which his presence in your life or his teachings in books or through Tikkun magazine contributed in some important way to your spiritual, psychological, or political life…or in any other aspect of your life or your understanding of your life. Record that for him either on video or audio or even write it out. Please be sure to include your name and a sentence or two about you in case he doesn’t remember connecting with you (as he’s been having issues with memory loss recently). Then email it to me at Hearing your stories is the best gift he could get!

Here is the schedule for the morning - you are welcome to join us for any or all of it.

9:30am PT (12:30pm ET) - Prayer and Celebration of the Universe with Rabbi Lerner, Cat Zavis, and Ami Goodman

10:30am - 12:00am PT (1:30-3:00pm ET) - Torah study:  Exodus 18:1 – 20:23
You can read it here.

12:00pm - 12:30pm PT (3:00-3:30pm ET) - Shabbat celebration with songs and honoring of Rabbi Lerner. We’d love for you to share a story, or your recording during this time if possible. Of course, you can send these anytime (even after Shabbat!).

Check your timezone here.

If you have any questions, please contact Alden at or 510-644-1200 before 1:00pm PT Friday, February 5, 2021. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Many blessings,
Rabbi Michael Lerner and Cat Zavis


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Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point

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