Dear MoveOn member,
We'll get straight to the point. U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) supports the QAnon cult, has called deadly school shootings "false flag" operations by gun reform advocacy groups,1 and thinks Jewish space lasers are responsible for a wildfire in California.2 Yet somehow Representative Greene has secured a position on the House Committee on Education and Labor. This cannot stand.
Hundreds of posts, likes, and comments showing Rep. Greene inciting violence by spewing baseless conspiracy theories that have endangered the lives of many are resurfacing all over the internet. Rep. Greene is seen in one of these posts supporting the execution of prominent Democratic politicians.3 She is even seen on Capitol Hill, harassing Parkland student and activist David Hogg and other survivors of gun violence.4
Rep. Greene was recently assigned to the House Committee on Education and Labor by Republican leadership. This is unacceptable. In 2019, Republicans removed Representative Steve King of Iowa from the Judiciary and Agriculture Committees in response to his support for white nationalists.5 The same must be done to Rep. Greene.
Throughout history, we've seen white supremacy and far-right groups go unchecked for the violence and terror they have caused. Most recently, Donald Trump was enabled and supported by Republicans for four years as he attacked our democracy over and over.
It's long overdue for the GOP to grow a spine. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's support for QAnon and her attacks against survivors of gun violence have no place in Congress. Her dangerous ideas have no place in Congress.
–Matthew Hildreth, Rural Organizing
1. "Marjorie Taylor Greene on Facebook in 2018: Parkland school shooting was a false flag planned event," Media Matters for America, January 19, 2021
2. "Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'Jewish Space Lasers' Conspiracy Theory Met With Derision, Jokes," Newsweek, January 29, 2021
3. "Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing prominent Democrats in 2018 and 2019 before running for Congress," CNN, January 26, 2021
4. Tweet by David Hogg, January 27, 2021
5. "Steve King Removed From Committee Assignments Over White Supremacy Remark," The New York Times, January 14, 2019
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