Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Simple Herbal Bath Salt Recipe


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Are you looking for a simple, easy to make and use, but effective herbal bath salt recipe? We have you covered! You can make your own, personalized bath salt mix with just a handful of ingredients!
Simple Herbal Bath Salt Recipe
  • Epsom Salt & Himalayan Pink Salt or get an already made mix here
  • Favorite Dried Herbs (Examples: Rose Petals, Lavender, Calendula, Peppermint)
  • Favorite Essential Oils and Crystal Essences or use one of our Diffuser Sets (which come with both)
  • Mixing Bowl
Since Valentine's day is approaching, we'll use love as our example today. If you were  making an herbal bath salt for love, you should use:

  1. Pour your salt mix into your bowl.
  2. It's recommended to either grind your dried herbs to smaller bits to fit down the drain or use a strainer in your tub to catch them.
  3. Add either your ground or regular dried herbs to your salt mix.
  4. Add in your essential oil mixture to your desired scent strength.
  5. Mix together well.
  6. Place in a container until use.

Upon usage, decorate around your tub with your favorite love crystals. We highly recommended Rose Quartz chunks or pyramids.

Fill your tub until desired water height. Now add in your bath salt mixture. It is recommended to start with two tablespoons of mixture and continue adding more until reached desired strength. Here you will add 3 -5 drops of your crystal essences. All that is left is to hop in and enjoy!

If you're looking for something that our crystal alchemists have already made for you, check out our crystal herbal bath teas. Our Rose Quartz Love Herbal Bath Tea Bag, for example, already has all of the herbs mentioned above with the addition of Hibiscus Flowers.
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Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point

  Timotyh, we’ll get straight to the point:  We would love your feedback on where the DNC goes from here. Can you take a few minutes to shar...