Wednesday, January 27, 2021

“How did the German people sit back and let that happen?”



I know when we think about the Holocaust so many of us think, “How did the German people sit back and let that happen?”

I know I certainly have.

And I know we all like to think that if that happened today, each of us would stand up to stop it.

But the grim reality is this, a genocide is happening right now…in Chinese-occupied East Turkistan against a Muslim minority and in Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities across America.

So, what are you doing today to speak up against genocide?

Can I make a recommendation to you?

For today, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, can you take just a few minutes to watch a short movie, Sing a Little Louder? I had the privilege to serve as co-executive producer and write the ending of the film.

This film is short but powerful as it recounts the story of one man and his church during the Jewish Holocaust.

But let me warn you, watching it will have consequences for I know no one who has watched it and remained inactive against the genocide currently occurring in our world.

After you tune in, please consider doing TWO simple things to take action:

1) Share our filmSing a Little Louderwith everyone you know on social media. Use this link:

2) Donate to Movie to Movement today as we strive to speak out and protect the most vulnerable in our world, from the Uygher families being held in concentration camps in China to the preborn child in the womb here in America.

Until every human person has a voice and is treated with dignity, Movie to Movement and our team at the Vulnerable Peoples Project will not cease.

Thank you for standing with us.

For Them,

Jason Jones
Founder, Movie to Movement & The Vulnerable Peoples Project
Producer, Divided Hearts fo America 
Host, The Jason Jones Show
P.S. - Please chip in now with a tax-deductible gift to allow us to continue making films like Sing a Little Louder!
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Movie to Movement
HERO inc
117A Packerland Drive
Green BayWI 54303

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