Tuesday, November 26, 2019

We don't hate women!

We don't hate women and girls. We don't hate them at all. Religion is about caring for the poor. We care about when women suffer. Christian faith is very feminine. Mercy is a pro-woman thing. Yes, there may be some horrible cretins out there who are the wrong type of pro-life. These buggars believe that women are to be the slaves of men! They believe that this whole true love 💘 nonsense justifies it. This is false Christian faith. Do not listen to this false doctrine! We do believe that women are human. They don't stop being human, merely because someone is interested in them. The world is against us because we believe in this. We know that we are right. We know that we cannot be wrong. I don't care what the world says. We don't hate women and girls. We don't hate anyone at all!

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