Saturday, November 23, 2019

don't we know anything about love?

isn't there anybody who knows anything about caring about others? is there nobody who cares about anybody other than themselves? science is not everything. reason is not everything. politics is not everything. forget about who said what, when, where, and why. purge it all out of your soul. reach deep into your own soul. ask your own soul, whether or not, you are as hot as what you like to think that you are. do not stop when you have an answer that you like. realize that in many ways, we all hurt others. realize that people just want to be allowed to cry. let the wounded cry. do not stop them. we hurt others. we make them cry without end. cry for the horror of who you really are. cry for your inner darkness. cry out, and do not ever stop crying. trump is only for its time. whatever those foreign countries do is merely what they do. God is the God of one and all. the God of the USA also made Ukrainians. wake up, and cry for who you really are. you hate to hate. you worship your own greed. cry for that horror. only then can you walk in the joy of the Lord!

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