Sunday, May 7, 2023

Parteners unto God




to the Modern marxists

  If you are really so much proletarian, then you would put yourself in a place where you have to work to live, where hunting, gathering and bartering are necessary for everything! Modern people just throw around Marx's name as if it were some magic talisman! It's not! How much do you actually know about the workers? If you get things from Starbucks, the answer is probably not at all! You are the generation who would inject burgers and fries into your blood stream, because chewing and swallowing is too much effort!

Biology is all garbage!


Biology is all nonsense! Biology is based on religious bigotry! There is no such thing as DNA! Never was! DNA is made up garbage! Don't accept the tyranny of religious groups! They tell you that there is a such thing as genetics! This is nonsense! Ban all so called knowledge! Biology isn't really good! Get rid of it! Icky yuck yuck! Gross! 

A tiny request: If you liked this post, please share this?

I know most people don’t share because they feel that us bloggers don’t need their “tiny” social share. But here’s the truth…

I built this blog piece by piece, one small share at a time, and will continue to do so. So thank you so much for your support, my reader.

A share from you would seriously help a lot with the growth of this blog

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Chocolate cake


Confession #852 from confessionstories

 Order and simplification are the first steps towards mastery of a subject”

― Thomas Mann
Confession #852


I've had a huge fetish for my hot older sister's 1-2" long, sharp, always-polished nails for years. She's indulged the fetish and admits loving the attention and, to a degree, power she and they have over me. I just can't get enough, and never could.

She's permitted my posing her lovely nails against her bare body parts for cell pics, playing with and tasting them in the car when we're running errands, and making them a point of conversation whenever possible. I've done things for her, such as move furniture and fix her computer, in exchange for back digs and scratches, and, depending on her fun mood, suggested colors to polish them (usually a version of hot red) for me. As stated, she feeds the fetish and loves the attention.

Adding to it, I've had girlfriends who notice how well we get along, and try to be like her, long nails included. It's nice, but..None will ever beat hers

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

🎼[POEM] “Do Not Love Half Lovers” by Khalil Gibran


u/kiminokimino avatar
[POEM] “Do Not Love Half Lovers” by Khalil Gibran

Do not love half lovers

Do not entertain half friends

Do not indulge in works of the half talented

Do not live half a life

and do not die a half death

If you choose silence, then be silent

When you speak, do so until you are finished

Do not silence yourself to say something

And do not speak to be silent

If you accept, then express it bluntly

Do not mask it

If you refuse then be clear about it

for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance

Do not accept half a solution

Do not believe half truths

Do not dream half a dream

Do not fantasize about half hopes

Half a drink will not quench your thirst

Half a meal will not satiate your hunger

Half the way will get you no where

Half an idea will bear you no results

Your other half is not the one you love

It is you in another time yet in the same space

It is you when you are not

Half a life is a life you didn't live,

A word you have not said

A smile you postponed

A love you have not had

A friendship you did not know

To reach and not arrive

Work and not work

Attend only to be absent

What makes you a stranger to them closest to you

and they strangers to you

The half is a mere moment of inability

but you are able for you are not half a being

You are a whole that exists to live a life not half a life

Dada poem

 At brb f charger by they egg net bag brandy by eng

I'm drum hedge hem hem and get dnt brush by f be

Judge he he my f gndhd. HD HD and venue HD

Judge run run they run run run run they n nd turn g

Greg she dun he he tnx dh d h eh Sydney eh 

Dv bent fund he bent run fund funny shud he

Burnt fund th fund h  fund g dun th Bush end g

They'd my then but be gen d budget th run

Tend the tend then much then hd hd dh hd 

Bugs but he dg dg he dg. eh eh dgdg dgn

Chocolate soup


Copied from redit


u/hikingsisters avatar
That time my sister took me "camping".

I grew up in a household with a narc dad and a borderline mom who often left us for long periods of time to do god knows what.

When I was 12 I learned that I had a half sister, who was 17 and living in another town a few hours away. She had problems in her house too, although mainly economical problems, not actual neglect caused by ill will.

We wrote letters to each other and in one letter I shared with her my fear of the long summer holiday. Being stuck in the house without even school to escape to was hell. She made a promise to come and save me if it got too bad. "Just let me know and I'll find a way to help" she wrote.

A few days after I had posted my letter where I told her about how my mother had stopped providing meals, and my dad was emotionally and sometimes physically abusive, she showed up on our doorstep.

She told my dad that I was going to spend the summer holiday with her family and since my dad hated kids, myself included, he happily agreed, no questions asked.

We took the night train north, I was so excited. She didn't take me home with her - she took me camping. We spent the entire summer hiking amazingly beautiful trails, usually tenting but sometimes renting a small cabin for the night. It was the happiest summer of my life. I suddenly had a sister – who cared and enjoyed spending time with me. She could fish and trap birds, and cook and showed me how to read maps and the names of the constellations in the night sky.

When the summer ended I was transformed. I wasn’t shy or confidence deprived anymore. I was a strong and resilient kid with an entirely new outlook on things.

I reported my parents for lacking parenting skills and I was placed with a foster family. Neither of them made a fuss to keep me, so it was easily done.

I often think about that summer, that changed my life so profoundly. I don’t know if it was that I gained a sister, or that she showed me that I can survive – and thrive – even on the roughest, unmarked trails.

It wasn’t until years later that I learned the real story behind that summer. At the time when she made me that promise, my sister lived with her family in a tiny apartment, with no place for yet another person or another mouth to feed.

In fact she had been told to get out herself as soon as possible, to make room for her siblings, and she was now awaiting the day when she could move into her student apartment.

I was amazed to hear that not only was our wonderful summer an emergency solution, her way to keep her promise and also give me an unforgettable summer – but she did it so well that I never once realized that we were there because we had nowhere else to go.

Today I turn 30. My sister is still my best friend and this summer we plan to hit the trails again.

Edit: Thank you all for your kind comments - I'm stunned. For those who wonder about the trail. This is it:


Children of God