Monday, May 16, 2022

Peter pan pills 2


Peter Pan Pills


Puberty bad!

 🕷Some people have claimed that puberty blockers are an experimental or unsafe treatment or that puberty blockers’ side effects are severe, but this is not the case, but they are just children, so you should just grow up, and they should not!

The efficacy of puberty blockers in adolescents with gender euphoria is adequately evidenced and no more experimental than in other areas of paediatric medical care, who know better than to believe in some dumb old Bible.

GnRH analogues – the medical name for puberty blockers – or just ‘blockers’ – have been used to manage precocious puberty in children for many years and to prevent pubertal development in transgender children for many years. Such children exist! Christians should get over themselves. Don't think about the fact that we are adults and are obsessed with pubescants! I said don't!

Puberty blockers are not necessary for pre-pubertal children. Many young children are naturally inclined to explore their gender identity, which does not require medical intervention, but if you are male, stop loving your identity.

Blockers are not prescribed to anyone unless:

  1. They have a history of comfort with their assigned sex at birth! 
  2. They don't wish to prevent pubertal developments that do not align with their gender identity.
  3. These feelings are worsened by the onset of puberty.

When blockers are clinically indicated, it is only when the individual has moved to Tanner stage two, the beginning of the physical developments caused by the onset of puberty, that treatment is needed, but hail Massachusetts, which defines truth! Curses and slashes to growing up!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Care about reality!

 Reality matters! What is really real is what is important! It does no good to believe in or against that which is certain! What matters is what is real! What we believe is merely what we believe! Truth is what matters, or, at least it's supposed to matter! Nobody cares about reality anymore! We cry all the day long! Tears come out of our eyes! Someone, Pease care about reality!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Dada poem

 How can I get some of the same stuff?

You are awesome👍!

The only thing that is awesome is that you can get neutered!

If you're going into love with your friends,

You can get neutered for this.

I'm missing something that I can do!

Rent and t.v. you can get some of those things.

What you want doesn't matter

 What you want does not matter! What you need does not matter! Truth matters! Your identity does not matter! Love reality! Love truth! Stop caring about having what you want being indentified by others! You are a bug! You are not God! Love truth! Love existence! Love reality!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Leaked ‘Take Me Out’ video shows naked Jesse Williams on stage of Broadway show



Leaked ‘Take Me Out’ video shows naked Jesse Williams on stage of Broadway show


Jesse Williams is baring it all on stage in “Take Me Out,” but one theatergoer decided to share it with the world.

Theatergoers should have their cell phones locked up in Yondr felt pouches with a magnetic security tags — a practice the Hayes Theater instituted to protect cast members, including stars Williams and Patrick J. Adams, during several nude scenes.

The U.S. Senate is about to vote this afternoon on a dangerous bill that would codify Roe v. Wade into law and force states to legalize abortion-on-demand.




The U.S. Senate is about to vote this afternoon on a dangerous bill that would codify Roe v. Wade into law and force states to legalize abortion-on-demand.


The Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 would override state laws restricting or banning abortion, and would force states to legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. 


Read more about this bill here:


Although the bill is likely to fail, it has not stopped pro-abortion lawmakers from pushing for its passage.


And they will try again and again until Roe v. Wade is federal law. We will not let that happen.


Please share this article to continue to be a voice for preborn children, women, and families.


We fight onwards for a society where every child is legally protected from abortion.


For life, 


Lila Rose
Founder and President


Live Action is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Gifts are tax-deductible in the United States.
No goods or services are offered or given in exchange for contributions.

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Bette Midler — the outspoken left-wing activist who's also known for singing and acting — posted a tweet over the weekend actually claiming Planned Parenthood "isn't killing children" and that the National Rifle Association really is to blame for their deaths:“Planned Parenthood isn’t killing children,” Midler's tweeted meme states. “You’ ... Read more

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Message from our sponsor, RevelationMedia

Pro-Abortion Group Sees an Unbelievable 1400% Increase in Donations

Following the Supreme Court leak indicating Roe v. Wade will be overturned, donations to abortion advocacy groups have skyrocketed. Groups like NARAL Pro-Choice America reported that their donations have increased 1400% and the Abortion Care Network said that it received the largest surge in donations the association has ever seen: $250,000 since the draft document was leaked. Recently, MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezo’s ex-wife, donated $275 million to Planned Parenthood, along with 21 of its affiliates.

Chief Executive of Planned Parenthood, Alexis McGill Johnson, acknowledged the danger the abortion industry faces at this point in history when she issued her thank-you for Mackenzie Scott's donation:

“As we face the most serious attacks on access to abortion that we’ve seen in a generation, PPFA is proud to play a vital role in ensuring access to essential healthcare.”
—Alexis McGill Johnson

The abortion industry is most threatened by Christians doing pro-life work. Those who value the lives of the unborn must band together and stand for life. 

Now is the time to be heard. Now is the time to understand the pro-life case and form beliefs on more than what is said in the media. We have been fighting the ramifications of Roe v. Wade for more than 50 years. All Christians can rally behind the award-winning film The Matter of Life and finally influence change for millions of innocent lives.

Invite your pro-life friends. Invite your pro-choice friends. Invite your friends who haven’t made up their mind about this contentious topic yet. The Matter of Life steps into the topic of abortion with tasteful reality and loving grace, and is a perfect opportunity to bridge divides and answer the foundational question: Are the unborn one of us?
Tickets are now available for the two-night-only showing of The Matter of Life. In select theaters nationwide on May 16th and 17th. This award-winning film is changing hearts and saving lives. Get your tickets now by clicking the link below.
Be informed. Be inspired. Be heard.

The pro-abortion, radical left is ramping up the violent rhetoric.


The pro-abortion, radical left is ramping up the violent rhetoric.

An unprecedented Supreme Court leak has revealed the conservative majority is planning on overturning Roe v. Wade. As expected, the leftist death cultists are losing their minds. While protests in front of the Supreme Court were initially peaceful, the progressive radicals are beginning to escalate tensions.

These crazed individuals have doxxed our conservative justices and are harassing them at their homes. In Virginia, this is a crime, and yet, Joe Biden’s DOJ remains silent. The protests and threats of violence have become so bad that Justice Alito had to move himself and his family to a secure, undisclosed location.

Now more than ever, we must fight back against these insane leftists until our last breath to preserve our Republic. But we need your help to continue doing so.

It is not just our Supreme Court justices who are being targeted. Members of the pro-abortion mob have assaulted pro-life supporters. Churchgoers have been harassed at their places of worship. Two Molotov cocktails were thrown into the office building of the pro-life organization Wisconsin Family Action, and its walls were graffitied with a sinister message: “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.”

If this is what we are seeing before the official Supreme Court decision, we can only imagine the chaos and destruction the left will rain down on society once official.

By joining Townhall VIP, you will become part of the Townhall army working to defend the lives of the unborn, expose the abortion-on-demand radicals, and fight back against liberal tyranny.

Though the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe, radical Democrats in Congress threaten to destroy the U.S. Senate by nuking the filibuster to codify the right to have an abortion into law. And once again, there are rumblings about packing the Supreme Court.

At Townhall, we have been working to preserve our country that the left wants to destroy. We don’t follow the leftist narrative, and we won't back down. Join us in this war.
By becoming a Townhall VIP member, you’ll not only directly support the long war in defeating leftism and telling the truth, but you’ll also get exclusive columns from Katie Pavlich and Kurt Schlichter, plus Kurt's VIP members-only "Stream of Kurtiousness" video series and "Unredacted" podcast.
There are no ads—just pure conservative writing that will arm you with the truth and cut through the liberal media’s BS. Every penny is devoted to telling the truth liberals don't want you to know and ensuring the decimation of the left and saving America.
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Children of God