Showing posts with label Tract. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tract. Show all posts

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Children are absolutely innocent

 Children are absolutely innocent, and by no means whatsoever can anything in their little lives be compared to anything that adults are! There is no such thing as a gay child! There is no such thing at all. Such is scientifically impossible! There is no such thing as a straight child! That is also scientifically impossible! Children are conceived as innocent! Why can't we just let them remain innocent? Why do you "have" to choke up their innocence, their integrity for your own selfish greed? Innocence has to be preserved at all costs! This is the whole point of civilization - to preserve the innocence of the innocent! Thus, why should there be any need to curb innocence, to strangle it, to smash it to shreds, just so that your greed can increase itself once a year? Money isn't everything! In God's eyes, money is not anything at all! We don't define truth! Get over yourself! Get over your greed! Save the children! Give innocence a chance! Once in a billion billion forevers, just leave the innocent children alone! Just get over your greed! Got it! We think we are so important! We think that we are the most important thing in the universe! We're not! Children must be protected, and start caring about people other than yourself!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Grieve the side of morality

 Grieve the side of morality! Grieve the side of right and wrong! Right loses all the time! Nobody takes it to heart! Nobody cries over the fact that evil wins! 

Friday, April 28, 2023

🐵The reason is all this nonsense!

 🐵     The reason is all this nonsense! How do you know if what you say is true? How do you know if what you have proven right or wrong is actually right or wrong? How do you know? Why do you say that? Isn't it nice💓 💓🍭 to think so? Isn't that nice? Your philosophy is just a bunch of soft things! How can one know what is true in philosophy or science? How does one know what the truth is?

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Reason is nonsense

 Reason is all nonsense! How do you know that what you say is true? How do you know that what you have proven right or wrong actually is right or wrong actually? How do you know this? Because you say so? Isn't that cute💓 💓🍭 that you think that? Isn't that just so adorable? Your philosophy is just a bunch of fluffy stuff! How can anyone know what in philosophy or science is true? How can anyone know what truth is?

Thursday, December 29, 2022

A modern tract part 2

 I am so sorry that you are reading this! I am so sorry for your having to read this! Please🙏 throw out this! You deserve respect! My telling you what I think is nothing but bigotry! You deserve to be left alone. You should not be bothered by this! So there! We don't get selves! We don't get wants or wishes! 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

A modern tract

   💀I know! This is a treaty! I'm sorry I gave it to you!" I'm such a whiney baby, and I force my faith in others to ease my own inner torment of having to have them!  I should take care of my own pain and realize that the world shouldn't be the way I want it to be! You have your thoughts! I have mine! I should just leave you alone! Can it ever be moral to say what you believe in? Isn't that imperialism? You have your own pains to deal with! Life hurts!!   It won't get any better! I know there are a lot of bad people who use their beliefs to hurt you, and I'm sorry these people are there! Sorry to read this treatise!!   Look! I look like a baby crying again! You're mad at me! Just know! I'm so sorry to give you this flyer! We don't want to hurt you! We are not imperialists. We do not seek to enslave you what we want! We believe that women are human. And we're sorry we used that word women there! You saw him as hateful! !   You have every right on earth to grieve! I'm sorry to tell you my beliefs! This is very imperialistic! Please throw 🙏 this system in the Trash!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Christian Tract for Modern Times

I know! This is a tract! I am sorry that I gave it to you! I am such a whiney baby, and I force my beliefs on others to ease my own inner torment of having to have them! I should tend to my own hurt, and realize the the world should not have to be as I would like it! You have your thoughts! I have mine! I should just leave you alone! You have your own hurts to deal with! I know that there are a lot of bad people who use their beliefs to hurt you, and I am sorry that those people are out there! I am so sorry that you are reading this tract! I am so sorry for having given it to you! We do not want to hurt you! We are not imperialists! We do not seek to enslave you to what we want! We believe that women are human! And we are sorry that we used that word women there! You saw it as hateful! You have every right in the world to grieve! I am sorry to be telling you my beliefs! This is so imperialistic! Please 🙏 throw this tract into the trash!

Friday, August 12, 2022

What tracts seem like to non Christians

 I hate you! I pity you. That's the same thing, because I said so! You're stupid! You're evil! I hate you. You don't worship me or my Sky Daddy, so forget you, and if you are offended, then thank you! My Sky Dad is important! So, stop having a culture! Worship me, and hate yourself, because of course!

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Beware, young people!

 Beware, young people! Reality does not exist any more! There's nothing to wake you up from your thoughts! There's nothing to wake you up from your imagination! People are afraid! People are scared! It's not any use to be brave. You get crushed! It's not any use to be noble! You get sued! They always win! So don't imagine! There's no waking up!

Friday, June 3, 2022

Reality matters!

 Reality matters, not what you want! Reality matters, not what you need! Your thoughts are just that - your thoughts! Stop trying to be God! The universe is not your own! You are a bug! Your thoughts are your thoughts! Stop thinking that you control reality! You are not God! You are a mere human!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Care about reality!

 Reality matters! What is really real is what is important! It does no good to believe in or against that which is certain! What matters is what is real! What we believe is merely what we believe! Truth is what matters, or, at least it's supposed to matter! Nobody cares about reality anymore! We cry all the day long! Tears come out of our eyes! Someone, Pease care about reality!

Monday, April 11, 2022

Preface to a tract

 I know that you are bored of the idea of information, and you know that nobody will ever date you if you're into reading, but dating isn't really everything, And in a lot of countries, people don't date? And besides, dating gets to be seen as stupid as you grow up. Also I know that you are in pain, and I am sorry to be writing this, and I am sorry to have you read this, and I am sorry that I ever wanted you to read this! Please throw this away rather than read it! You are in pain! I cannot do anything about that! Please 🙏 just throw this away, and forget that I exist, but God is not a Karen! He is not triggered! He is beyond emotions! He is not a terrorist! Terrorists control others! They rule by fear! They are ruled by their emotions! God is not a mere human! Wait! I am sorry that I mentioned God or anything about anything, and once again, I am sorry that you're reading this! We are not terrorists! Yes, you can believe in truth and not be a terrorist! That's actually possible! No, I am not God! I do not define truth! I do not define reality! I am as much a sinner as you! I am not a Nazi! Please🙏 don't hate us! We don't seek to control your mind!

Thursday, April 7, 2022

What modern tracts must sound like

 I am sorry that you're reading this! I am sorry that I am telling you what I believe! I am sorry that it is you who are reading it! I don't want to control you! I don't want to control your feelings! You are you! I am me! Why should we have to interact? I am sorry for having beliefs! I am sorry for telling you what I believe! Please 🙏 don't hate me! Please throw this in the trash! Forget me forever! Okay?

Friday, March 6, 2020

Care about others!

Care about others. Don't put people into boxes! Don't say that this group does this or that! Keep in mind that all people are made by God! All are worth something! Stop with abstractions like humanity! Stop with abstractions like black, white, red, brown! Stop with abstractions like America! These are fictions! History is hurrying them!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Ooey gooey! Romantic love is stupid

Celebrate reason, not crushes! Nobody sane that is an adult believes in love! We have come to see attraction and crushes as stupid, random, and pointless! True love is unscientific! Attractions are totally random! They only exist because society says that they should! And the type of person that you are attracted to is also totally random and unscientific! This Valentine's day, celebrate reason!
