Thursday, May 18, 2023

The estimates are staggering as international NGOS are estimating that as many as 700,000 Sudanese have fled their homes.



The estimates are staggering as international NGOS are estimating that as many as 700,000 Sudanese have fled their homes.

This is why I need your help urgently.

Thanks to a generous matching grant from one supporter, every donation you give to allow the Vulnerable People Project's Hope for Sudan Fund to provide EMERGENCY, LIFE-SUSTAINING REFUGEE KITS to families in crisis will be DOUBLED, dollar for dollar.

This means your $100 tax-deductible gift to provide one family with EMERGENCY REFUGEE KIT containing food, shelter, and other life necessities will automatically be doubled to $200, to provide TWO KITS for TWO FAMILIES.

So, can you pitch in $100 or even $50 right now?

With the borders being flooded by Sudanese refugees fleeing the war zone and potential genocide, we only have days to act to fund KITS for 1,000 families and get the supplies on the ground to our partner organization.

Please click here or below to watch a short news update from the region as well as chip into our campaign.

Timor, I need to be straight with you.

Launching an operation in Sudan was not on my list for this spring and, therefore, not included in the budget I created for 2023. So this means, every dollar we raise is going directly into our newly formed Hope for Sudan Campaign and our allies who are now on the ground.

Can you pitch in with a donation of just $100?

Not only will your $100 save a family from starvation, exposure, and sickness. 

It will also be doubled to $200, to save two families.

With our critical goal to raise $100,000 to provide 1,000 Sudanese Christian and other vulnerable families with EMERGENCY, LIFE-SUSTAINING REFUGEE KITS.

These kits include a tent to protect families from the sun and rainy season that just began as well as food and other life sustaining necessities. And they only cost $100 per family.

See the image at the bottom of my email for what these tents will look like!

Please chip in $100, which will be doubled to $200, to secure TWO Christian or vulnerable refugee families with shelter, food, and other life necessities to survive.

Or, if you aren't able to do that, please donate $50, which will be doubled to $100, to help ONE receive an Emergency, Life-Sustaining Refugee Kit.

We only have days to act and secure tents and food for 1,000 families in one of our border refugee camps. Please keep this desperate situation in your prayers.

For the Sudanese Christians and families, 

Jason Jones
Founder, Movie to Movement & The Vulnerable People Project
Host, The Jason Jones Show

P.S. - After you contribute to our Hope for Sudan Campaign and this generous $24,000 Matching Grant, please forward this urgent message to all of your friends and family. Or simply post the link to our Matching Grant donation page ( on your social media profiles asking your friends to chip in. 

Our mailing address is:
Movie to Movement
HERO inc
117A Packerland Drive
Green BayWI 54303

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