Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Russian soup


Seasons Of Grief © Belinda Stotler

  Published by Family Friend Poems February 2012 with permission of the author.

Shall I wither and fall like an autumn leaf,
From this deep sorrow - from this painful grief?
How can I go on or find a way to be strong?
Will I ever again enjoy life's sweet song?

Sometimes a warm memory sheds light in the dark
And eases the pain like the song of a Meadow Lark.
Then it flits away on silent wings and I'm alone;
Hungering for more of the light it had shone.

Shall grief's bitter cold sadness consume me,
Like a winter storm on the vast angry sea?
How can I fill the void and deep desperate need
To replant my heart with hope's lovely seed?

Then I look at a photo of your playful smiling face
And for a moment I escape to a serene happy place;
Remembering the laughter and all you would do,
Cherishing the honest, caring, loving spirit of you.

Shall spring's cheerful flowers bring life anew
And allow me to forget the agony of missing you?
Will spring's burst of new life bring fresh hope
And teach my grieving soul how to cope?

Sometimes I'll read a treasured card you had given me
And each word's special meaning makes me see,
The precious gift of love I was fortunate to receive,
And I realize you'd never want to see me grieve.

Shall summer's warm brilliant sun bring new light,
And free my anguished mind of its terrible plight?
Will its gentle breezes chase grief's dark clouds away,
And show me a clear path towards a better day?

When I visit the grave where you lie in eternal peace,
I know that death and heaven brought you release;
I try to envision your joy on that shore across the sea,
And, until I join you, that'll have to be enough for me.

For all the remaining seasons of my life on earth,
There'll be days I'll miss your merriment and mirth,
And sometimes I'll sadly long for all the yesterdays;
Missing our chats and your gentle understanding ways.

Yet, the lessons of kindness and love you taught me,
And the good things in life you've helped me to see;
Linger as lasting gifts that comfort and will sustain,
Until I journey to that peaceful shore and see you again.

Belinda Stotler. "Seasons Of Grief." Family Friend Poems, Feb 2012. https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/seasons-of-grief

Grieve the side of morality

 Grieve the side of morality! Grieve the side of right and wrong! Right loses all the time! Nobody takes it to heart! Nobody cries over the fact that evil wins! 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Holding out for a hero


Character arc


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Children laughing



A tiny request: If you liked this post, please share this? I know most people don’t share because they feel that us bloggers don’t need their “tiny” social share. But here’s the truth… I built this blog piece by piece, one small share at a time, and will continue to do so. So thank you so much for your support, my reader. A share from you would seriously help a lot with the growth of this blog

Jazz russian


M3rrÿ Ĉhrîßtmãş!


Monday, May 22, 2023

Nullo space


Home > Terms > English (EN) > nullo space

nullo space

An often overlooked area in the arena of relativistic physics is the matter of what would happen when one’s frame of reference has a disjointed directionality. In certain geometries, this is the case. We are used to objects always falling downwards. We have sensed such since our birth. This is only part of the universe. In outer space, in free fall, and to some extent underwater, one’s coordinate system is relative to one’s relative up-ness or down-ness. Up and down here are relative. One can just as easily view a person as walking on the floor as on the ceiling. In Nullo space, one can walk on the ceiling or on the ceiling. Also in Nullo space, we can have what I call the Bam-Bam effect. A small object can pick up a larger in Nullo space.

Nullo space also exists when ambiguities occur in ring theory. Ring theory is based upon the idea of transcribing a number from a dial like object. There is no unique zero in ring theory. Thus there is a redundancy.

People have used ring theory for ages. The Aztecs, the Babylonians, and the Hindus are some examples. Ezekiel’s wheel (Ezekiel 1:1, 4-5, 15-16) can be thought of as being a ring theory. binary numbers use ring theory. Y2k was due to the redundancy of 99 going over to 00 with a trailing 19. Then there is sphere theory, which Michael Crichton’s novel Sphere seems to say is a more complete version of ring theory.

Genetic drift appears to be a form of ring theory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_drift

Dancing 12




Saturday, May 20, 2023

Spicy jazz


Copied from youtube

 Anyone, as Freud tells us in Reflections on War and Death, forced to react against his own impulses may be described as a hypocrite, whether he is conscious of it or not. One might even venture to assert—it is still Freud's argument—that our contemporary civilization favors this sort of hypocrisy and that there are more civilized hypocrites than truly cultured persons, and it is even a question whether a certain amount of hypocrisy is not indispensable to maintain civilization. When this travesty of civilization, this infallible state that has regimented and dragooned its citizens into obedience, goes to war, Freud is pained but not surprised that it makes free use of every injustice, of every act of violence that would dishonor the individual, that it employs not only permissible cunning but conscious lies and intentional deception against the enemy, that it absolves itself from guarantees and treaties by which it was bound to other states and makes unabashed confession of its greed and aspiration to power. For conscience, the idea of right and wrong, in the Freudian sense, is not the inexorable judge that teachers of ethics say it is: it has its origin in nothing but "social fear," and whereas in times of peace the state forbids the individual to do wrong, not because it wishes to do away with wrongdoing but because it wishes to monopolize it, like salt or tobacco, it suspends its reproach in times of war. The suppression of evil desires also ceases, and men, finding the moral ties loosened between large human units, commit acts of cruelty, treachery, deception and brutality the very possibility of which would have been considered incompatible with their degree of culture.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

🦄Funny Christmas jokes


Funny Christmas jokes

1. What did the naughty soccer announcer get from Santa Claus?


2. What is the best possible holiday present?

A broken drum—you just can’t beat it!

3. Did you hear that Walmart is giving away dead batteries for the holiday?

They’re free of charge!

4. Did you hear about the man who stole an Advent calendar?

He got 25 days.

5. Why did the scarecrow get a big Christmas bonus?

Because he was outstanding in his field.

6. What did the bald man say when he got a comb for Christmas?

“I’ll never part with it!”

7. Why does Santa Claus go down the chimney on Christmas Eve?

Because it soots him.

8. What do you call a bunch of chess masters bragging about their games in a hotel lobbying over the holidays?

Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.

9. What did Santa and his wife do when they wanted to split up but couldn’t find a divorce lawyer in the North Pole?

They got a semicolon instead. They’re great for separating independent Clauses.

10. What did one snowman say to the other?

“Is it just me, or do you smell carrots?”

What’s as much fun as Christmas jokes? These Christmas brain teasers everyone will love unwrapping

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Election 2024

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The estimates are staggering as international NGOS are estimating that as many as 700,000 Sudanese have fled their homes.



The estimates are staggering as international NGOS are estimating that as many as 700,000 Sudanese have fled their homes.

This is why I need your help urgently.

Thanks to a generous matching grant from one supporter, every donation you give to allow the Vulnerable People Project's Hope for Sudan Fund to provide EMERGENCY, LIFE-SUSTAINING REFUGEE KITS to families in crisis will be DOUBLED, dollar for dollar.

This means your $100 tax-deductible gift to provide one family with EMERGENCY REFUGEE KIT containing food, shelter, and other life necessities will automatically be doubled to $200, to provide TWO KITS for TWO FAMILIES.

So, can you pitch in $100 or even $50 right now?

With the borders being flooded by Sudanese refugees fleeing the war zone and potential genocide, we only have days to act to fund KITS for 1,000 families and get the supplies on the ground to our partner organization.

Please click here or below to watch a short news update from the region as well as chip into our campaign.

Timor, I need to be straight with you.

Launching an operation in Sudan was not on my list for this spring and, therefore, not included in the budget I created for 2023. So this means, every dollar we raise is going directly into our newly formed Hope for Sudan Campaign and our allies who are now on the ground.

Can you pitch in with a donation of just $100?

Not only will your $100 save a family from starvation, exposure, and sickness. 

It will also be doubled to $200, to save two families.

With our critical goal to raise $100,000 to provide 1,000 Sudanese Christian and other vulnerable families with EMERGENCY, LIFE-SUSTAINING REFUGEE KITS.

These kits include a tent to protect families from the sun and rainy season that just began as well as food and other life sustaining necessities. And they only cost $100 per family.

See the image at the bottom of my email for what these tents will look like!

Please chip in $100, which will be doubled to $200, to secure TWO Christian or vulnerable refugee families with shelter, food, and other life necessities to survive.

Or, if you aren't able to do that, please donate $50, which will be doubled to $100, to help ONE receive an Emergency, Life-Sustaining Refugee Kit.

We only have days to act and secure tents and food for 1,000 families in one of our border refugee camps. Please keep this desperate situation in your prayers.

For the Sudanese Christians and families, 

Jason Jones
Founder, Movie to Movement & The Vulnerable People Project
Host, The Jason Jones Show

P.S. - After you contribute to our Hope for Sudan Campaign and this generous $24,000 Matching Grant, please forward this urgent message to all of your friends and family. Or simply post the link to our Matching Grant donation page (https://movietomovement.givingfuel.com/vpp-sudan-matching-grant) on your social media profiles asking your friends to chip in. 

Our mailing address is:
Movie to Movement
HERO inc
117A Packerland Drive
Green BayWI 54303

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What you’ll learn


What you’ll learn

It’s a common claim that science alone gives us knowledge. As a result, Christian faith has become marginalized as a myth, without any factual basis. Yet, argues philosopher J.P. Moreland, this view called “scientism” is itself a philosophical assumption and not the conclusion of scientific observation. Science must utilize a great deal of philosophy before it can get underway. This pervasive view of scientism has devastating implications for morality, human dignity, knowledge, and much more. Its proponents naively dismiss orthodox Christianity, which actually gave rise to modern science and has historically been committed to evidence and reason. Moreland seeks to clarify what scientism is, how to identify and respond to scientistic assumptions, and how to show that Christian faith actually makes the best sense when it comes to science and a range of other considerations.

Read on for key insights from Scientism and Secularism.

1. Knowledge, not faith or mere belief, gives people authority to speak and act in public.

It is on the basis of perceived knowledge that we give dentists, lawyers, history teachers and so on the authority to speak about matters within their areas of expertise.  If a dentist said he had a set of deeply held beliefs about molars and was emotionally committed to those beliefs even though he didn’t actually know that his beliefs were true, he would not be allowed to continue as a dentist.

Likewise for Christians, they can be confident that their faith (personal trust in God) is no blind leap but is rather a principled commitment to reality. The Christian faith is a rich knowledge tradition that has been dedicated to robust philosophical reasoning as well as public evidences that include eyewitnesses and publicly-accessible miracles— most significantly, Jesus’ bodily resurrection.

They can have genuine knowledge of what is real, and they can have a cultural authority that gives them courage and boldness to speak because they know why they believe what they do. The most important idea in a society is its understanding of who does and does not have knowledge, who gets to define reality, truth, and rationality and who doesn’t.

2. Scientism is a philosophical stance that comes in two forms.

Scientism is a philosophical position, not a scientific one.  The claims of scientism are assertions about science, not of science.  Scientism takes two forms. The first is strong scientism. This is the view that the only knowledge we can have about reality are those that have been properly tested in the hard sciences—especially physics and chemistry. All other claims—theological, ethical, political, aesthetic, and the like—are mere expressions of emotion and private opinions.

The second type is weak scientism. This position allows that there may be modestly justified beliefs outside science. However, the settled assertions of the hard sciences are vastly superior to claims outside science.

3. Scientism leads to Secularism and marginalizes Christianity and ethics.

Scientism leads to the secularization of culture because it leads people to believe that no one can know anything about God, right and wrong, and so on.  If something like religious, ethical, or related claims cannot be quantified and proven in the laboratory, then the claims are nothing but hot air, mere expressions of feeling that cannot carry any authority.  Thus, the Christian faith and morality may be safely disregarded since no one can know whether those claims are reasonable or foolish.

Scientism in turn has contributed to troubling trends. One of these is relativism in ethics—the view that affirms that morality is just person- or culture-relative; this is the perspective that claims, “That’s just your morality. Your moral standards are right for you, but not for me.” Scientism has also contributed to a pluralism in religion: no one religious perspective is savingly true for all people; rather, all religions are equally capable of bringing salvation or liberation. Scientism undergirds the idea that those who claim their views are true in these areas are intolerant bigots.

4. Scientism is causing people to abandon Christianity and is contributing to the church’s increased ineffectiveness.

According to the Barna Research Group, five of the six reasons Millennials leave the church and abandon Christianity involve the suspicion that there is no good reason to believe it in the first place. These five reasons involved doubts and various intellectual issues; one of these is key:  the church does not keep up with the developments of modern science, nor does it know how to relate to them from a biblical perspective or worldview. Nor does it help parishioners to do so. The church isn’t adjusting to the discoveries of modern science. No wonder scientism seems credible to many—it seems that Christian claims are mere expressions of feeling with no authority to command belief.

Scientism has marginalized the church. Given its numbers, its impact on culture should be orders of magnitude greater than it is. Why? Because Christians lack boldness and courage. Society believes Christian ideas to be irrelevant and not authoritative since they cannot be known without scientific proof.

5. Strong scientism is self-refuting and must, therefore, be rejected.

A statement or sentence is self-refuting if (1) it refers to a group of things; (2) the statement or sentence itself is included in that group; (3) the statement or sentence does not satisfy its own requirements of acceptability.  For example, “All English sentences are shorter than three words” refers to the group of all English sentences; the sentence itself is a part of that group; and the sentence fails to satisfy its own requirements of acceptability. (It contains eight words and, thus, is not shorter than three words.)

Strong scientism makes this self-refuting claim: “The only knowledge we can have about reality is that which has been properly tested in the hard sciences.” But this statement about reality is not itself one that has been properly tested in the hard sciences. So it cannot be a knowledge claim about reality. It is actually a claim of philosophy to the effect that all claims outside the hard sciences, including those of philosophy, cannot be known to be true. Strong scientism doesn’t live up to its own demands.

6. Weak scientism is a foe and not a friend of science.

Science rests on a number of assumptions. For example, it takes for granted the laws of logic and math. It assumes the objectivity and rationality of the external world and that our faculties are suited for gaining knowledge of the external world; this includes its deep structure that lies underneath the everyday world of commonsense and causes that world to be what it is.  Science assumes the correspondence theory of truth: a mind-independent reality makes a belief or a claim true. When a claim doesn’t correspond to reality—like “Paris is the capital of Spain”—it is false.

Notice that all of these assumptions cannot be formulated or tested within the limitations of science, especially the hard sciences. Yet every one of them has been challenged and rejected by many in the academic community. One of the tasks of philosophy is to formulate and defend the assumptions of science so that science’s claims can be taken as approximately true and rational. A theory, including scientific theories, can only be as strong as the assumptions on which it rests. By disregarding the rationality of philosophy, weak scientism disallows the clarification and defense of science’s assumptions. Thus, weak scientism is a foe and not a friend of science.

7. Contrary to scientism, we have more confident knowledge about certain theological or ethical truths than certain claims in science.

Consider these two claims: (1) Electrons exist. (2) It is wrong to torture babies for the fun of it.  Which do we know with greater certainty? (2) is the correct answer. Why? The history of the electron has gone through various changes in what an electron is supposed to be. J. J. Thomson (1856-1940) at Cambridge University was the discoverer of electrons, but no one today believes that Thomsonian electrons exist because our views have changed so much. It is not unreasonable to believe that in 50 to 100 years, scientific depictions of the electron will change so much that scientists will no longer believe that what we mean by an electron today exists. Regarding (2)—the wrongness of torturing babies for the fun of it—someone may not know how she knows it is true, but nevertheless, we all, in fact, know it is true. If someone denies that, she needs therapy, not an argument.

Now it is not hard to believe that in fifty to one hundred years, most people will no longer believe (2). But it is hard to see what kind of rational considerations could be discovered that would render (2) an irrational belief. Thus, we have more certainty in (2) than in (1). And the same is true for certain theological assertions such as that God exists.

8. There are five fundamental realities that science cannot explain but theism can.

Theism affirms that an all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing God exists and has uniquely created a world distinct from himself. Theism also affirms that human beings bear the image of God, which confers on them dignity and worth. While science can help us to know much, there are some things it cannot explain—and is not properly equipped to explain. Science cannot account for (1) the origin of the universe, (2) the origin of the fundamental laws of nature, (3) the fine-tuning of the universe, (4) the origin of consciousness, and (5) the existence of moral, rational, and aesthetic objective laws and intrinsically valuable properties. These features make sense if a powerful, intelligent, good, and supremely self-aware being exists--more so than if these are the products of mindless, deterministic, valueless, non-conscious processes.

9. Scientism gains strength from methodological naturalism.

Philosophical or metaphysical naturalism affirms three major tenets. First, matter is all the reality there is (materialism). Second, all that occurs can be accounted for by physical processes preceding them going all the way back to the Big Bang (determinism). Third, all knowledge is derived from the scientific method (scientism). By contrast, methodological naturalism is the view that while doing science, explanations of phenomena must be limited to natural objects and natural laws. No appeal to the act of an agent or to personal explanation is allowed to explain a physical event. This means, for example, that Intelligent Design theories and the notion that God created the universe and all it contains is theology and has nothing to do with science. But like philosophical naturalism, methodological naturalism is also false. Consider the number of sciences that explain things by reference to the intentional act of a personal agent and not to a natural object or law. These include areas such as forensic science, archeology, neuroscience, SETI (the search for extraterrestrial intelligence), psychology, and others.

These considerations about scientism reveal both its power to marginalize belief in God as well as its deep flaws. This book is written to equip persons who confront the steady drumbeat of scientism that dismisses any claim that cannot be scientifically proven. This book alerts them to the dangers of scientism, pointing out its deficiencies and inherent contradictions. It also makes clear that theism—and the Christian faith more specifically—has strong explanatory power that can stand up under intellectual scrutiny. It can also challenge the leading ideologies of our day—including the powerful and influential view of scientism.

Parents would be wise to prepare their children to engage the prevailing ideas of our culture. Scientism, which is the very foundation of our secular culture, cannot be sustained. Understanding the nature of scientism and exposing its inherent weaknesses and dangers should be a top priority for all seeking to engage our own culture and to influence the next generation.


These insights are just an introduction. If you're ready to dive deeper, pick up a copy of Scientism and Secularism here. And since we get a commission on every sale, your purchase will help keep this newsletter free.

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For king