Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dear Timor,

 Dear Timor,

I am sure you have noticed the turmoil that has engulfed our culture over the last several months. Doesn't it seem like the volume has been turned up in the midst of the other challenges we're facing at this time in the mainstream?

You can see the tension that has been building and building in politics, the environment, human sexuality, homosexuality, and abortion on the news, in your social feeds, or on the shows you watch. Even within the larger Christian community, there are various beliefs and opinions about these polarizing topics that cause major clashes, even between believers.

These issues are the kind that bring division and cause confusion in families, churches and communities. Except for the vocal minority, Christians have been silent. Many are saying "we never hear about this from the pulpit at church" resulting in ignorance or complete abandonment of moral absolutes in Scripture and replacing them with political correctness or cries for tolerance.

So what do you do about it?

I'd like to recommend a great book by pastor Chip Ingram called Culture Shock that will take those who are serious about their relationship with Christ, His Word, and His directives – loving the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and loving your neighbor as yourself – to the next level of engagement with the troubled culture around us just as Jesus did.

Chip highlights that Jesus brought light, not heat to those He ministered to. While treating people with respect and dignity, He also confronted unpopular and controversial issues of His day. We're called to do the same.

Just as Jesus brought truth and love together, let's stop being silent and talk openly and respectfully about these issues with grace and truth. Let's explore further what the Bible has to say about today's most divisive issues.

Request a copy of Chip's book, Culture Shock, for your gift of any amount. You can click right here to get started.

May God bless you as you seek to engage the culture in love and truth,

Jim Daly
Focus on the Family

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