Monday, January 6, 2020

Why philosophy cannot handle "Leave me alone"

You did know that there are no logical responses to " leave me alone! "? If you have been around any human beings on planet earth for any amount of time, someone has said This to you and if you try to refute it, you only get instant molten lava hatred poured out on you! Have you ever wondered why This is the case? This phrase literally kills any conversation! There cannot be any responses to it, because any responses will only provoke anger. Of course, this kills philosophy, since only what can be brought up in a conversation can be allowed in philosophy. All you need is "leave me alone" , and suddenly there is no possible way to argue with it! Philosophy is merely a 🎮, and games only work when people are willing to play them!

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Владимир Набоков К России

  Владимир Набоков К России Отвяжись, я тебя умоляю! Вечер страшен, гул жизни затих. Я безпомощен. Я умираю От слепых наплываний твоих. Тот,...