Saturday, August 24, 2019

Why the Problem of Pain Is a Problem

We all want to know why we have problems in our world. We all want the world to not cause us hurt. We are reminded of people who have died. This fills us with endless horror and pain. We could just try to live with our pain, but that is not how we can  live. We humans feel that we have to cut ✂ our life down to small bits. When we cannot do this, we feel that we have to blame someone. We feel that God has let us down. God is always blamed here. Yet this also brings pain. God is good. Satan is bad. Everything ok comes from God. God can't do wrong. Yet we have horror with out end. To say that God is not involved is not possible, since God is everything. To say that God is not good I not possible, because God defines good. If God does not allow things, then they do not happen. It is to say that He is not powerful. Or that He is not good. Perhaps we could say that the problem is not with God, but with the fact that He doesn't follow Greek logic. Think on that.

The other problem is that we think that we can prescribe our way to others, that we can superimpose our hurt on others. We must call people who do such evil! Hurting people do not want answers. They want to cry, to just scream in pain. Let them do that. Do not try to give them answers.

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