Thursday, February 23, 2023



Planned Parenthood has amassed a huge war chest to defeat us.

A federal appeals court just ordered the abortion giant to respond to us in court. It's a massive case. Planned Parenthood was awarded a multimillion-dollar jury award from the pro-lifers who exposed its evil sale of aborted babies' body parts.

The abortion empire just set new records for abortions and raking in taxpayer dollars and profits. Now it wants more destruction and loss of life to fill its coffers.

We've appealed, urging the full appeals court to rehear the case and OVERTURN this massive injustice. Planned Parenthood's deadline JUST passed. We MUST fight back.

As we battle the boundless resources of the taxpayer-funded abortion industry in courts nationwide, we urgently need your support. Make a gift that matters.

Give TODAY as We Battle in Federal Appeals Court.

Planned Parenthood is sponsoring bills to legalize infanticide and expand abortion through birth. We know it profits from the sale of aborted babies' body parts, and it needs these live-birth abortions to do it. We MUST take action TODAY to defeat the sale of aborted babies' body parts.

Sign Our Petition: Defeat Planned Parenthood in Court.

There is a war being waged on life. Biden and the radical Left know if they can SHUT YOU UP, then there will be no one to stop them from expanding abortion and killing more defenseless babies.

Together, we are unborn babies' last line of defense in court. We JUST filed TWO massive federal lawsuits, representing more than a dozen pro-life students, kids, moms, and grandmothers who were viciously targeted and kicked out of both the Smithsonian and the National Archives on the day of the March for Life. And we’ve already secured a MAJOR consent order against the National Archives.

You or your kids could be next. This coordinated, targeted effort by Biden's Deep State to threaten, harass, and intimidate pro-lifers into submission before the cult of abortion is just the latest front in the war on unborn babies.

We won't go down without a fight, but we need EVERY ONE of you to fight back with us as we go to federal court.

Sign Our Petition: Defeat Biden's Deep State Attack on Life.

Who's Next? ACLJ Sues Smithsonian for Targeting Pro-Lifers.

ACLJ Wins Big in Consent Decree Against National Archives.

President Biden's lawless plan to expand abortion starts with turning your post office into an abortion pill dealer. It's a direct violation of federal law; but with Biden's fiendish obsession with abortion, that doesn't matter to him.

Well, it matters to us. We JUST sent legal demand letters to the DOJ and HHS outlining why these actions violate federal law. And we just filed a critical brief in federal court to defeat it. Take urgent action with us.

Sign Our Petition: Defeat Biden’s Expansion of Abortion.

God Bless,
The ACLJ Team

a moving grove


a moving grove

take all your belongings
everything that’s yours
split lips cut knees
the cracked jar of a head from which
memory slowly seeps and all you can
leave just leave behind

One year after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, poet Iryna Shuvalova proposes an aesthetics of escape.

Read the poem, translated from the Ukrainian by Uilleam Blacker

Do not sing, beauty, with me ... Alexander Pushkin


Do not sing, beauty, with me ...

Alexander Pushkin

Not about _´th , beautiful _´vice , with me _´

You are _´Sep Gr y´zia oven _´linen:

Reminder _´yut me he e´

Friend _´y life and e´reg da _´linen.

Alas _´a reminder´yut me

Yours and´ gesture about´kie nape _´You

And the steppe , and the night - and in the moonlight´

Damn _´distant, b´bottom e´you .

I'm pr and´mind m and´ly, rock o´th ,

I am you´ SW and´dev , forgetting a´Yu;

But you sing - and before me´th

Er o´I 'm imagining again´y .

Not about´y, beautiful´vice, with me´

You are´Sep Gr u´zia oven´linen:

Reminder _´yut me he e´

Friend _´y life and b e´reg da´linen.

Children of God