Monday, December 11, 2023



Dada poem2

 And creepy as a kid.

I am so big that I am so big that I have a favourite anime villain?

The color red is a love.

You are not bad at that.

You close Dementor teaching reading.

Zombie football is zombie sisters.

X-Ray vision was zero zero zombie game.

Vader in zero zombie games.

Baby zombie sisters are better than zombies.

Very Halloween and air X-Ray just imagination and air pressure.

Your zip code zone is zombie game and Vampire time!

Unless you're zero zombie apocalypse?

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Cuban jazz


Cuban pizza


Horror stories


We failed all the children

 We failed children! We failed childhood! We mentioned things, terrible things! Questions were asked! Knowledge was found out! Questions should never be asked! Knowing things should never happen! Pain! Pain and horror forever! Questions being asked! No! Knowledge being found out! Horrors! Horrors beyond end! Innocence matters! Innocence must be preserved above all things! We so failed children! O God! This is true horror!

Dada poem

 Really good or bad hearing 4!

I am so happy.

The dystopian is a love for a cosmonaut.

You are not bad at that.

Do you zoom in?

X-Ray vision is zombie sisters in love with zero good music.

X-Ray vision was the way zone me destroyed me.

Zombie football isn't a cosmonaut game?

Vader in October means the crucifix.

Christmas songs that X-Ray me I wasting zero effort!

Children of God