Thursday, November 2, 2023

Jewish jazz


Stop agitating!

 Just stop agitating! It is wrong to want peace! It is wrong to want to be with your family! That's just being a warmonger! That's just evil! Life is just wrong! You can't know anything about anything! Life is just wrong! Survival is just wrong! Give up!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Bacon burger


Silly memes


countries that support Israel


Christ is the center


Summer Programming


Dear Timothy,

The relationships our staff build with children are what allow the care we provide and our Christ-centered focus to do their work. It all starts with relationships that build trust. It starts with shared and new experiences.
Christian Kjelland is the Wellness Coordinator on our Fargo Campus. He has been a Rancher for over 20 years and has his own remarkable life story, which you can read in the Summer 2023 edition of our Ranch Voice magazine.* One of Christian’s greatest gifts is his ability to create opportunities for kids to try new things. Through those experiences, trust and relationships are built.
I absolutely love this email I received from Christian, recapping an end-of-summer event.

“Summer Programming ended on a good note. We played BINGO for about an hour, and we roasted marshmallows to make s'mores. One of our current youth said he had never had smores before besides eating it from the box. I told him that this would definitely be fun and that I would teach him how to make proper smores (I think I’m good at it.. 😊) Well the time had come and I tell you, that was an amazing experience for me because it brought me back when I was just a kiddo like him. I didn’t really know how to make one or had never even seen one. This individual had so much fun; I think he made himself 4 or 5 more smores because he was trying to perfect it. I think he got it and it was fun seeing that.”
I am deeply honored to work with people like Christian who can create relationships and memories and healing for these kids. So many have given up on them. Christian won’t.
Please keep all our kids and staff in your prayers.
In His love,
Joy Ryan, President/CEO
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

*If you want to receive Ranch Voice, email your request, along with your name and mailing address, to Erinn Dosch at

Saturday, October 21, 2023

What if?


Palistine music


Philosophy of the world

 Why aren't you praying to me? Why aren't you praying to me? I am your God, just because I am me! You're not praying to me? Why aren't you praying to me? I am me! You need to pray to me!  I am me! That's supposed to mean something to you! You're not praying to me? Why aren't you praying to me? 

Thursday, October 19, 2023




Imperialism = the policy of extending rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.

Per the above definition, Israel is not an imperialist state. The reasons are as follows…

  1. Imperialism, by definition, entails settler colonialism. Countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Argentina are imperialist states because they were founded on settler colonialism. The modern State of Israel was not founded on settler colonialism. It was founded (or rather, re-established) on the blood, sweat, tears, hopes, and dreams of a repatriated indigenous people. It is ludicrous to equate a native people returning to its homeland with European adventurers in the “New World”, and anti-Zionists know this (hence why they are so hellbent on whitewashing Ashkenazi Jews, thereby denying their origins in the Levant).
  2. Imperialism requires a mother country. Israel does not have a “mother country”. Israel IS the mother country. Jewish returnees did not establish cities like “New Warsaw” or “New Prague”. They instead revived their ancestral language and took the ancestral, pre-colonial names of Israeli cities and reapplied them to their corresponding locations.
  3. In the decades leading up to Israel’s re-establishment, its non-Jewish population primarily consisted of Arabs, who are themselves the product of an earlier imperial conquest (and, to a smaller extent, recent immigration). While Palestinians have an undeniable right to self-determination (and have, at times, been treated quite terribly by Israel), it is nonsensical to suggest that their experience is comparable to that of indigenous peoples under imperialism.

Children of God