Thursday, December 29, 2022

A modern tract part 2

 I am so sorry that you are reading this! I am so sorry for your having to read this! Please🙏 throw out this! You deserve respect! My telling you what I think is nothing but bigotry! You deserve to be left alone. You should not be bothered by this! So there! We don't get selves! We don't get wants or wishes! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Dada poem

 Cent dune that at bye enter n

There he they hey tenant date brand they

N get when get why why net genre tents

At genre net gen fans n they tangents btw genre

There th tener then tangent by btw tangent by 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Pigeon soup


Feminist dialectics


Why must I suffer?

 Why must I suffer? Why must I be forced to hear about all the bad things in the world? Do you think that I can do something about it? Do you think that I have some kind of advice that can make sense to anyone? I have nothing! I am nothing! You are grieving! You have every right in the world to grieve! It is not that I do not care. Of course I do! It's just that it all gets to be too much.

Russian jazz


Women need revenge?

Women need revenge, because of their lack of ability to have revenge! What form this revenge takes is not important! They just need revenge because of something or another! Don't ask for what! Are you a biggot!? Come on! I am asking you a question, that is to say that I wish to smash your mind into my own! Just let women get revenge, against something or another! So yeah!

Dada poem

 G is a love for a cosmonaut. The plot is a love of the cold war 2. Zombie football is zombie sisters. X-Ray vision is zombie sisters. Great...