Showing posts with label The Day of Doom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Day of Doom. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Proem unto Christ the Judge of the World.

O dearest dread, most glorious King,
I'le of thy justice Judgment sing:
Do thou my head and heart inspire
To do't aright, as I desire.
Thee, thee alone I'le invocate:
For I do much abominate
To call the Muses to mine aid:
Which is the unchristian use, and trade
Of some that Christians would be thought,
And yet they Worship worse than naught.
Oh, what a deal of Blasphemy,
And Heathenish Impiety,
In Christian Poets may be found,
Where Heathen Gods with Praise are crown'd,
They make JEHOVAH to stand by,
Till Juno, Venus, Mercury,
With frowning Mars, and thund'ring Jove,
Rule Earth below, and Heav'n above.
But I have learn'd to pray to none,
Save unto God in Christ alone.
Nor will I laud, no not in jest,
That which I know God doth detest.

I reckon it a damning evil,
To give Gods Praises to the Devil.
Thou, Christ, art he to whom I pray:
Thy glory fain I would display.
Oh, guide me by the sacred Sprite
So to indite, and so to write,
That I thine holy Name may praise,
And teach the sons of men thy ways.




Still was the night, serene and bright,
when all men sleeping lay;
Calm was the season, & carnal reason
thought so 'twould last for ay.
Soul take thine ease, let sorrow cease,
much good thou hast in store;
This was their song their cups among
the evening before.


Wallowing in all kind of sin,
vile wretches lay secure,
The best of men had scarcely then
their Lamps kept in good ure.
Virgins unwise, who through disguise
amongst the best were number'd,
Had clos'd their eyes; yea, and the Wise
through sloth and frailty slumber'd.



Like as of old, when men grew bold
Gods threatnings to contemn,
(Who stopt their ear, and would not hear
when mercy warned them?
But took their course, without remorse,
till God began to pour
Destruction the world upon,
in a tempestuous showr


They put away the evil day
and drown'd their cares and fears,
Till drown'd were they, and swept away
by vengeance unawares:
So at the last, whilest men sleep fast
in their security,
Surpriz'd they are in such a snare
as cometh suddenly.


For at midnight broke forth a light,
which turn'd the night to day:
And speedily an hideous cry
did all the world dismay.
Sinners awake, their hearts do ake,
trembling their loyns surprizeth;
Amaz'd with fear, by what they hear,
each one of them ariseth.


They rush from beds with giddy heads,
and to their windows run,

Viewing this Light, which shines more bright
than doth the noon-day Sun.
Straightway appears (they see't with tears)
the Son of God most dread,
Who with his train comes on amain
to judge both Quick and Dead.


Before his face the Heavens give place,
and Skies are rent asunder,
With mighty voice and hideous noise,
more terrible then Thunder.
His brightness damps Heav'ns glorious lamps,
and makes them hide their heads:
As if afraid, and quite dismaid,
they quit their wonted steads.


Ye sons of men that durst contemn
the threatnings of Gods word,
How cheer you now? your hearts (I trow)
are thrill'd as with a sword.
Now Atheist blind, whose brutish mind
a God could never see,
Dost thou perceive, dost now believe
that Christ thy Judge shall be?


Stout courages (whose hardiness
could death and hell out-face)
Are you as bold now you behold
your Judge draw near apace?

They cry, No, no: alas and wo?
our courage all is gone:
Our hardiness, (fool-hardiness)
hath us undone, undone.


No heart so bold but now grows cold,
and almost dead with fear:
No eye so dry but now can cry,
and pour out many a tear.
Earths Potentates and pow'rful States,
Captains and men of Might
Are quite abasht, their courage dasht.
At this most dreadful sight.


Mean men lament, great men do rent
their robes and tear their hair:
They do not spare their flesh to tear
through horrible despair.
All kindreds wail, their hearts do fail:
horrour the world doth fill
With weeping eyes, and loud out-cries,
yet knows not how to kill.


Some hide themselves in Caves and Delves,
and places under ground:
Some rashly leap into the deep,
to 'scape by being drown'd:
Some to the Rocks, (O sensless blocks)
and woody Mountains run,
That there they might this fearful fight
and dreaded Presence shun.



In vain do they to Mountains say,
Fall on us, and us hide
From Judges ire, more hot then fire,
For who may it abide?
No hiding place can from his face
sinners at all conceal,
Whose flaming eye hid things doth spy,
and darkest things reveal.


The Judge draws nigh, exalted high
upon a lofty Throne,
Amids the throng of Angels strong,
LIKE Israel's holy One.
The excellence of whose Presence,
and awful Majesty,
Amazeth Nature, and every Creature
doth more then terrifie.


The Mountains smoak, the Hills are shook,
the Earth is rent and torn,
As if she should be clean dissolv'd,
or from her Centre born.
The Sea doth roar, forsakes the shore,
and shrinks away for fear:
The wild beasts flee into the Sea
so soon as he draws near.


Whose glory bright, whose wondrous might,
whose Power Imperial,

So far surpass what ever was
in Realms Terrestrial;
That tongues of men (nor Angels pen)
cannot the same express:
And therefore I must pass it by,
lest speaking should transgress.


Before his throne a Trump is blown,
proclaiming th'day of Doom:
Forthwith he cries, Ye dead arise,
and unto Judgement come.
No sooner said, but 'tis obey'd;
Sepulchres open'd are;
Dead bodies all rise at his call,
and's mighty power declare.


Both sea and land at his command,
their dead at once surrender:
The fire and air constrained are
also their dead to tender.
The mighty word of this great Lord
links body and soul together,
Both of the just and the unjust,
to part no more for ever.


The same translates from mortal states
to immortality,
All that survive, and be alive,
i'th' twinkling of an eye.

That so they may abide for ay
to endless weal or woe;
Both the Renate and Reprobate
are made to dye no moe.


His winged Hosts fly through all Coasts,
together gathering
Both good and bad, both quick and dead,
and all to Judgement bring.
Out of their holes these creeping Moles,
that hid themselves for fear,
By force they take, and quickly make
before the Judge appear.


Thus every one before the Throne
of Christ the Judge is brought,
Both righteous and impious,
that good or ill had wrought.
A separation, and diff'ring station
by Christ appointed is
To sinners sad ('twixt good and bad,)
'twixt Heirs of woe, and bliss.


At Christ's right hand the sheep do stand,
his Holy Martyrs who
For his dear Name, suffering shame,
calamity, and woe,
Like Champions stood, and with their blood
their Testimony sealed;
Whose innocence, without offence
to Christ their Judge appealed.



Next unto whom there find a room,
all Christs afflicted ones,
Who being chastis'd, neither despis'd,
nor sank amidsts their groans:
Who by the Rod were turn'd to God,
and loved him the more,
Nor murmuring nor quarrelling
when they were chast'ned sore.


Moreover such as loved much,
that had not such a trial,
As might constrain to so great pain,
and such deep self-denial;
Yet ready were the Cross to bear,
when Christ them call'd thereto,
And did rejoyce to hear his voice,
they'r counted Sheep also.


Christ's flock of Lambs there also stands,
whose Faith was weak, yet true;
All sound Believers (Gospel-receivers)
whose grace was small, but grew.
And them among an infant throng
of Babes, for whom Christ dy'd;
Whom for his own, by ways unknown.
to men, he sanctify'd.


All stand before their Saviour
in long white Robes yclad,

Their countenance full of pleasance,
appearing wondrous glad.
O glorious sight I behold how bright
dust heaps are made to shine,
Conformed so their Lord unto,
whose glory is divine.


At Christs left hand the Goats do stand,
all whining Hypocrites,
Who for self-ends did seem Christ's friends,
but fost'red guileful sprites:
Who Sheep resembled, but they dissembled
(their heart was not sincere)
Who once did throng Christ's Lambs among;
but now must not come near.


Apostata's, and Run-away's,
such as have Christ forsaken,
(Of whom the the Devil, with seven more evil,
hath fresh possession taken:
Sinners in grain, reserv'd to pain
and torments most severe)
Because 'gainst light they sinn'd with spight,
are also placed there.


There also stand a num'rous band,
that no profession made
Of Godliness, nor to redress
their wayes at all assay'd:
Who better knew, but (sinful Crew!)
Gospel and Law despised;

Who all Christ's knocks withstood like blocks,
and would not be advised.


Moreover there with them appear
a number numberless
Of great and small, vile wretches all,
that did Gods Law transgress:
Idolaters, false Worshippers,
Prophaners of Gods Name,
Who not at all thereon did call,
or took in vain the same.


Blasphemers lewd, and Swearers shrewd,
Scoffers at Purity,
That hated God, contemn'd his Rod,
and lov'd security.
Sabbath-polluters, Saints Persecuters,
Presumptuous men, and Proud,
Who never lov'd those that reprov'd;
all stand amongst this crowd.


Adulterers and Whore mongers
were there, with all unchast.
There Covetous, and Ravenous,
that Riches got too fast:
Who us'd vile ways themselves to raise
t'Estates and worldly wealth,
Oppression by, or Knavery,
by Force, or Fraud, or Stealth.



Moreover, there together were
Children flagitious,
And Parents who did them undo
by nature vicious.
False-witness-bearers, and self-forswearers,
Murd'rers and men of blood,
Witches, Inchanters, and Alehouse-haunters,
beyond account there stood.


Their place there find all Heathen blind,
that Natures light abused,
Although they had no tidings glad
of Gospel-grace refused.
There stand all Nations and Generations
of Adam's Progeny,
Whom Christ redeem'd not, who Christ esteem'd not
throught infidelity.


Who no Peace-maker, no Undertaker
to shrowd them from God's ire
Ever obtained; they must be pained
with everlasting fire.
These num'rous bands, wringing their hands,
and weeping, all stand there,
Filled with anguish, whose hearts do languish
through self-tormenting fear.


Fast by them stand at Christ's left hand
the Lion fierce and fell,

The Dragon bold, that Serpent old
that hurried Souls to Hell.
There also stand, under command,
Legions of Sprights unclean.
And hellish Fiends that are no friends
to God, nor unto men.


With dismal chains and strong reins,
like prisoners of Hell,
They'r held in place before Christ's face,
till he their Doom shall tell.
These void of tears, but fill'd with fears,
and dreadful expectation
Of endless pains, and scalding flames,
stand waiting for Damnation.


All silence kept, both Goats and Sheep,
before the Judges Throne:
With mild aspect to his Elect
then spake the Holy One:
My Sheep draw near, your sentence hear,
which is to you no dread,
Who clearly now discern, and know
your sins are pardoned.


'Twas meet that ye should judged be,
that so the world may 'spy
No cause of grudge, when as I judge
and deal impartially.
Know therefore all both great and small,
the ground and reason why

These men do stand at my right hand,
and look so chearfully.


These men be those my Father chose
before the world's foundation,
And to me gave that I should save
from death and condemnation.
For whose dear sake I flesh did take,
was of a woman born,
And did inure my self t'endure
unjust reproach and scorn.


For them it was that I did pass
through sorrows many a one:
That I drank up that bitter Cup,
which made me sigh and groan.
The Cross his pain I did sustain;
yea more, my Fathers ire
I under-went, my bloud I spent
to save them from Hell fire.


Thus I esteem'd, thus I redeem'd
all these from every Nation,
That they might be (as now you see)
a chosen Generation.
What if ere-while they were as vile
and bad as any be,
And yet from all their guilt and thrall
at once I set them free?



My grace to one is wrong to none:
none can Election claim.
Amongst all those their souls that lose,
none can Rejection blame.
He that may chuse, or else refuse,
all men to save or spill,
May this man chuse, and that refuse,
redeeming whom he will.


But as for those whom I have chose
Salvations heirs to be,
I underwent their punishment,
and therefore set them free.
I bore their grief, and their relief
by suffering procur'd,
That they of bliss and happiness
might firmly be assur'd.


And this my grace they did embrace,
believing on my name;
Which Faith was true, the fruits do shew
proceeding from the same.
Their Penitence, their Patience,
their Love, their Self-denial;
In suffering losses and bearing crosses,
when put upon the trial:


Their sin-forsaking, their cheerful taking
my yoke; their charitee

Unto the Saints in all their wants,
and in them unto me.
These things do clear, and make appear
their Faith to be unseigned:
And that a part in my desert
and purchase they have gained.


Their debts are paid, their peace is made,
their sins remitted are;
Therefore at once I do pronounce
and openly declare,
That Heaven is theirs, that they be Heirs
of Life and of Salvation;
Nor ever shall they come at all
to death or to damnation.


Come, blessed ones, and sit on Thrones,
judging the world with me:
Come, and possess your happiness,
and bought felicitee.
Henceforth no fears, no care, no tears,
no sin shal you annoy,
Nor any thing that grief doth bring;
eternal rest enjoy.


You bore the Cross, you suffered loss
of all for my Names sake:
Receive the Crown that's now your own;
come, and a kingdom take.
Thus spake the Judge: the wicked grudge,
and grind their teeth in vain;

They see with groans these plac'd on thrones
which addeth to their pain:


That those whom they did wrong and slay,
must now their judgement see!
Such whom they sleighted and once despighted
must of their Judges be!
Thus 'tis decreed, such is their meed
and guerdon glorious:
With Christ they sit, judging it fit
to plague the impious.


The wicked are brought to the Bar
like guilty malefactors,
That oftentimes of bloody crimes
and treasons have been actors.
Of wicked men none are so mean
as there to be neglected:
Nor none so high in dignity
as there to be respected.


The glorious Judge will priviledge
nor Emperour nor King:
But every one that hath misdone
doth into judgement bring;
And every one that hath misdone,
the Judge impartially
Condemneth to eternal wo,
and endless misery.



Thus one and all, thus great and small,
the rich as well as poor,
And those of place, as the most base,
do stand their Judge before:
They are arraign'd, and there detain'd
before Christ's judgement seat
With trembling fear their Doom to hear,
and feel his angers heat.


There Christ demands at all their hands
a strict and straight account
Of all things done under the Sun;
whose numbers far surmount
Man's wit and thought: yet all are brought
unto this solemn trial;
And each offence with evidence,
so that there's no denial.


There's no excuses for their abuses,
since their own consciences
More proof give in of each man's sin;
then thousand witnesses.
Though formerly this faculty
had grosly been abused,
(Men could it stifle, or with it trifle,
whenas it them accused.)


Now it comes in, and every sin
unto mans charge doth lay:

It judgeth them, and doth condemn,
though all the world say nay.
It so stingeth and tortureth,
it worketh such distress,
That each mans self against himself
is forced to confess.


It's vain, moreover, for men to cover
the least iniquity;
The Judge hath seen and privy been
to all their villany.
He unto light and open sight
the works of darkness brings:
He doth unfold both new and old,
both known and hidden things.


All filthy facts and secret acts,
however closely done
And long conceal'd, are there reveal'd.
before the mid-day Sun.
Deeds of the night shunning the light,
which darkest corners sought,
To fearful blame and endless shame,
are there most justly brought.


And as all facts and grosser acts,
so every word and thought;
Erroneous notion and lustful motion,
are into judgement brought.
No sin so small and trivial,
but hither it must come:

Nor so long past, but now at last
it must receive a doom.


At this sad season Christ asks a reason
(with just austerity)
Of Grace refus'd, of Light abus'd
so oft, so wilfully:
Of Talents lent, by them-mispent,
and on their lusts bestown;
Which if improv'd as it behoov'd,
Heaven might have been their own.


Of time neglected, of meanes rejected,
of God's long-suffering,
And patience, to penitence
that sought hard hearts to bring.
Why cords of love did nothing move
to shame or to remorse?
Why warnings grave, and councels have
nought chang'd their sinful course?


Why chastenings and evil things,
why judgments so severe
Prevailed not with them a jot,
nor wrought an awful fear?
Why promises of holiness,
and new obedience,
They oft did make, but always break
the same to Gods offence?



Why, still Hell-ward, without regard,
they boldly ventured,
And chose Damnation before Salvation
when it was offered?
Why sinful pleasures and earthly treasures,
like fools they prized more
Then heavenly wealth, eternal health,
and all Christs Royal store?


Why, when he stood off'ring his Bloud
to wash them from their sin,
They would embrace no saving Grace,
but liv'd and di'd therein?
Such aggravations, where no evasions
nor false pretences hold,
Exagerate and cumulate
guilt more then can be told:


They multiply and magnifie
mens gross iniquities;
They draw down wrath (as Scripture saith)
out of God's treasuries.
Thus all their ways Christ open lays
to Men and Angels view,
And, as they were, makes them appear
in their own properhue.


Thus he doth find of all mankind
that stand at his left hand

No mothers son but hath misdone,
and broken God's command.
All have transgrest, even the best,
and merited God's wrath
Unto their own perdition,
and everlasting scath.


Earth's dwellers all both great and small,
have wrought iniquity,
And suffer must (for it is just)
eternal misery.
Amongst the many there come not any
before the Judge's face,
That able are themselves to clear,
of all this curled race.


Nevertheless they all express,
Christ granting liberty,
What for their way they have to say,
how they have liv'd, and why.
They all draw near, and seek to clear
themselves by making plea's.
There hypocrites, false-hearted wights,
do make such pleas as these.


Lord, in thy Name, and by the same
we Devils dispossest:
We rais'd the dead, and ministred
succour to the distrest.

Our painful preaching and pow'rful teaching,
by thine own wond'rous might,
Did throughly win from God to sin
many a wretched wight.


All this (quoth he) may granted be,
and your case little better'd,
Who still remain under a chain,
and many irons fetter'd.
You that the dead have quickened,
and rescu'd from the grave,
Your selves were dead, yet never ned
a Christ your Souls to save.


You that could preach, and others teach
what way to life doth lead;
Why were you slack to find that track,
and in that way to tread?
How could you bear to see or hear
of others freed at last
From Satans Paws, whilst in his jaws
your selves were held more fast?


Who though you knew Repentance true
and faith in my great Name,
The only mean to quit you clean
from punishment and blame,
Yet took no pain true faith to gain,
(such as might not deceive)
Nor would repent with true intent
your evil deeds to leave.
